RIP right-wing populism

RIP right-wing populism
2016 - late 2016
>b-b-but [insert party] made in roads!
>b-b-but what about [insert election that doesn't matter]
>b-b-but [insert leader] actually became based now!

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Nice slide thread you got there.

>yurope Vs anglos the post

Will Hofer get another chance?

Hofer's election did unironically not matter, since it was the election of the president, who only has a representative function in Austria. Next month is the Austrian parliamentary election. This one is imkportant and polls show FPÖ to gain many votes. They'll most likely get into the government by forming a coalition.

literally all of those parties got record numbers of support

>Only the anglos voted against their interests

>aFD no one thought there support would get this guy it's an accomplishment really


I am so sick of these slide threads. Every single party or leader listed literally won historic amounts of votes for the far-right. Even Geert’s “failure” saw his party - which has no platform outside of making Islam illegal - become the second biggest in the fucking Netherlands of all places.

Cucks are just BTFO

>Only the anglos voted against their interests
>Macron at around 30% approval rate
Oh im laffin. You like your even deeper EU integration and market reforms? Because the majority of frogs seem not to.

>when you inb4 most of things that smash your argument to pieces.

All of these parties did better than they did in the last elections.

>re-elections in Austria soon
>Geert gained seats
>LePen second largest party
>AfD third largest part and first right-wing party since ww2
wow, such failures!!

You use "will of the people" like it's a bad thing

Wait, are people so stupid that they think all of those parties where supposed to become the biggest? Do they know nothing of politics?


Implying we want Geert "Bow to the jews" Wilders as president

To add to those
They cucked Merkel out of her feel good coalition and fucked over the possibility to form a stable coalition. The only possible one is now a clusterfuck of center "right" (atleast in the public eye) and left parties that will bring even more disenfrenchised voters to the AfD, especially CSU voters in the upcoming regional elections.
Macron is hated and people regret voting some le ebin centrist out of spite. Next election the FN will get even more votes.
His party will be in a government coalition within a month.

Burger is just mad ZOGnald Trump is starting to look alot like other neocons.

that's what leftypol seems to believe.

so what? the fact that the vast majority of people still want to suck muslim dick over saving their own countries is proof enough that the west is fucked.

Seriously, you kids need to remember just 2 years it was (((RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY))), Love Is Love, Yes We Can, Refugees Are Welcome.

Now we have people openly going in public shouting "UT UT UT!", "Blood And Soil", and policy makers recoiling and trying to stave off the electorate by building walls, blocking immigration, and cracking down on communists.

Keep at it, lads. Our cause is just and we can win.


why only whites?



new election date on 15th of october though.
this time more important because it's for the chancellor position.

so FP still has good chances to get in. it might at least become a coalition between black and blue. both are conservative parties so not all is lost. but the problem will be Vienna as usual.

>1 post by this id

every. fucking. time.

Away from Deutschland

>right wing nationalists in government in Germany for the first time since WWII
>literally got 14% of the vote with 88 seats
faggots get saged

There should be laws to limit the weight of cities.


Why do you keep reposting this thread?

>RIP right-wing populism

AfD doubled their percentage though, which is acceptable.
Just look at the german media and the amount of tears over their increase.

Sadly they only got 13% but they got 94 seats.

like it matters in any way

They had around 4% last time. They actually tripled. That and the fact that they only exist for 4 years now is incredible. No other small party could pull that off.

so true. it's literally Vienna every fucking time all the time that fucks everything up because everybody and their dog thinks they need to live there.

>RIP right-wing populism
>>b-b-but [insert party] made in roads!

That's kind of the crux of the argument that it's died. If it keeps growing year on year it's hard to make the case it's going away.

SD will likely not win the election. However they will double their previous result. Like they doubled last time. And the time before that. They might be the single biggest party, or the second biggest. They are so large they prevent the formation of a proper coalition.

Last election the two "opposed" blocs had to work together to avoid constitutional crisis.

In Germany it seems likely next election will end that way too, should AfD do as good or better.

A country like the US can't even comprehend the idea of people voting in a new party and seeing it grow to dominance over a few years. You get two levers that go to the same rotten institution. Third parties don't exist in any meaningful way, they have no road to winning.

>it's another "burger attempts to understand politics" episode

>Frauke Petry

not any more lm@o

Almost like other countries saw what a fucking shitheap Farage and Dump are and decided: ye nah we good without fucksticks like these.

why is Wilders on that list
he's a /superkike/
realistically, FvD got it's first seats in parliment
the groundwork has been created to break the party cartel

How would that work though, without modifying the system so much?
I say that it'd be pretty hard to proceed to limit the power of the capital, so we gotta target a lesser goal.
If the Foreign votes goes against 75% or more of the rest of the country's vote during the presidential election and that such votes are a deciding factor in the election, then there shall be a second vote which will exclude non resident citizens of Austria from voting.

Since if I remember well, the Expatriates votes were overwhelmingly Green.

This desu lads. We're already up to around 20% Far-Right popularity in every western. nation.

It's been almost a decade since the '08 market crash. Historically speaking, there should be a market crash hitting us within a few years since they average out a little lower than one per decade.
The far-right will only continue to grow because of immigration and backlash against the media, but we will be able to become mainstream if the market crashes like in 1929.

Pretty sure ukip never won anything.

They won Brexit but it doesn't mean anything because the establishment parties can delay it indefinitely, UK was supposed to be gone already but instead it wont be until 4 years from now.

Explain me how Brexit and Trump fixed the west ?

Trump is like Bush, and the Brexit won't change anything about immigration, and in fact it will make the economy of the great britain less stronger

UK had paki, polak and indian immigration way before the creation of the EU

Oh ya that's right. But brexit only makes it harder for EU migrants to immigrate, though.

All it does is ruin the UK economy actually. They are royally fucked and everyone with half a brain already knows it but has to pretend it's gonna work out.

How is this in our interests?

>EU Vice President: Diversity is humanity's destiny

>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
-Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, founder of the EU, President of the Paneuropean Union 1926–1972
>Juncker receives Kalergi prize 2014
>Van Rompuy receives Kalergi prize 2012
>Merkel receives Kalergi prize 2010

Lol this post is obviously a joke, but all that matters is that right wing populism is on the rise. 2016 was the first year of elections in recent history where right wing populism was on the center stage. All of these movements/parties have only grown over the past few years. Why do you think theyll suddenly start declining just bc they lost their first elections?

The nazis only got 2.6% of votes in their first election, and only 18% in their second. I wonder how many people then thought they had reached their peak and were dead?

>If Swedecucks come from behind and salvage everything.

Im glad Sup Forums is finally discarding trumplets and brexit morons

Who cares about the economy? We were LITERALLY threatened with

>economic collapse
>The Brexit crash will make all of you poorer – be warned: George Soros


>'Brexit' could trigger World War Three, warns David Cameron

We'd literally rather see London reduced to smouldering, radioactive ruins than be in the EU. It's a fate worse than death for nationalists.

oh look another lifeless American who praises Nazi ideology

kill yourself cuck

>Italian navy pleads for help saving migrant boats, saying it 'does not want a sea of death'

>The billionaire Soros secretly met the Italian PM Gentiloni, speaking of NGO

>Soros-Linked "Undesirable NGOs" Fund ISIS-linked Refugee Boats To EU

>Libya claims NGO boats in the Mediterranean are 'migrant taxis'

>More than 8,000 migrants rescued in Mediterranean and brought to Italy over Easter long weekend

>EU takes action against eastern states for refusing to take refugees

>E.U. Countries Must Accept Their Share of Migrants, Court Rules

Vichy France was best France.

And you know it.


There's a second try for FPÖ next month. And it's the general election, that will decide the government.




Both Macron and the Italians are getting fed up with this shit, Macron's sec of interior does not like refugees and the Libyans and Italians have both taen sanctions against NGOs ferrying migrants

why the fuck didnt Hitler gas every last french """""person""""" ?

This is what normies think of brexit from an article today in the UK's by far biggest newspaper. Read the "Best rated" comments.

Now imagine what Sup Forums thinks about brexit. Try going to brit/pol/ and telling them brexit was a mistake, see what happens.

Sadly the corpses are yours, from the Bataclan.

Am of French descent hurts me to see France die like this. There was a better way.

Good, but this is only the beginning of the migrant crisis. They will need to take more extreme action in future.

stop bumping retarded threads

>1 post by this id
really makes you think

Ahh, you're right, who are we kidding? If we don't out-right win every single election we may as well give up and return to our peaceful existences that will totally not be interrupted by the rising threat of non-White violence, political and cultural influence..

Oh wait...

We have no choice. We are going to keep fighting back with our legal options, and in failing that we will draw the sword.
We will NOT die on principle.

>Implying we want Thierry "Fight the elite from the comfort of my Chesterfield sofa, paid for by the tax payer" Baudet anywhere near politics.

Wait, that's a rather impopular opinion on reddit and Sup Forums, right?

only non-welfare receiving people should be able to vote, for starters
then you can slowly add additional hurdles: Only land owners can vote. (this alone would remove entire cities from the voting pool)
Then you can add even more until we get to the ideal starship troopers model: Only those who served in the military should be allowed to vote.

>pic related
It will happen and we need to be ready but it wont be as harsh as you predict it
Keep in mind thirty years ago people thought we'd be 20 million humans by now

It would have been nice if it wasn't a penniless pupet state.

Germany decided to start their war for Lebensraum as soon as possible why they could have waited to have more allies in Europe. Fascism was on the rise in France and Britain before 1939, sympathy for nazi Germany was getting stronger. 5 years later they Germany lost and all those nationalists were branded traitors. You don't export a lasting political system with cannons.

Is a public health insurance welfare?
Cause if so you've just cut everyone except top 20% and State employees (including elementary school teachers

I laugh at the idiots who believe that voting matters

Implying that Nigel is interested in the integrity of the west versus maintaining his Britannia fantasy full of pakis, Jamaicans, and Nigerians