Why Japanese hate and kill christans, why?
Why Japanese hate and kill christans, why?
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undermines the authority of the gubmnt
and nips are smart, they see through the magic sky jew meme
Japan is for the Japanese. The Kingdom of Jerusalem is for Christians
Because Christianity is completely foreign, weak, and subversive to the nippon way of life.
christianity tried to overthrow the established religions and simply wouldn't tolerate other peoples beliefs
nobunaga was planning to intentionally propagate it because it made people easier to control
The jews fear the samurai.
because nips can see that christianity is just another form of globalism. Nips are smart, they know fucked the world is and they're skeptical of everything. That's why theyre always squinting.
because grorious nippon don't need faggots worshipping a dead kike on a stick
Because what the fuck does a Jew have to do with Japan?