Anything to say, Sup Forums?

Anything to say, Sup Forums?

its true

>Anything to say
weather's been alright today



evil slavic commie infiltrating our military
vs young cringey memester who's going to regret the stupid stuff he did when he was young

gee, that's a tough one

Both are cringy.

>I said nigger on the internet LOL
>based Trump isn't failing it's 15th dimensional backgammon
>I can't reveal my power level or my parents will kick me out
>If you disagree with this stupid conspiracy you're a share blue shill

Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums, except it's incredibly more circle jerky

This guy's army career is going to go the same way most communist's careers go. Into the shitter. Even if he doesn't get discharged for these pics, his platoon sergeant and soldiers will never follow him.

but what if the communists

are the good guys

>f a g g

Both look like huge fags that probably got raped by their dad

>maybe this time it will be different?

Gonna take "no" for $400, alex

The average /leftypol/ user is a Sup Forums user trolling.
I'm not even kidding.

fuck off

Dude is fucked. Hes already been outed publicly. Offense to politicize in uniform. Hes offivially done and career over.

>but what if the communists are the good guys
Then it wasn't real communism.

Don't Brazilians have beef with the rest of those countries for speaking the shit-tier Romance language(Spanish)?
Or is that just my crazy sister in law?

bit Freudian desu

Something you want to tell us, user?

Keep telling yourself that

>average Sup Forums user

nothing international proletarian revolution cant fix

hi shills

>he actually thinks he will be able to change things from the inside.

Im not even a commie but understand everyone is a pawn for the jews

We have a beef with Argentina mostly of sport and all countries that share the Amazonia with us,since they have no border control at all(like us)leading to a lot of people exploiting and fucking up the jungle there even more

>Communism will conserve European people, culture, values, and secure a future for these things.

Do you know what communism is?

is it just me or does his hand look deformed

you're a troll, but young anons need educated

Marx was a literal psychopath who had never worked a day in his life.

Communism is *always* headed by psychopaths. It's their ideal government.

do u

He doenst know,even a literal monkey learns to not put his hand on flames,communists are so retarded they are more stupid than a literal ape

>wrote about Gramsci
>fell for the DSA meme
>moderately attractive and athletic

Not lefty/pol/

marx is cool

>literal monkey
>checks flag

Yes,literal apes are better than you,how does that make you feel my commie pal

All one race.
Workers of the world unite.

Honestly, the fact that it is a Jewish philosophy is enough for me to stay away from it. But yes I have looked deeper into it than Marx ancestry.

>Average Sup Forums user

Pick one and only one, no (You) faggot

each day i come here and i see you, like the little engine that could, posting with that flag. you know how angry you can make people with that flag. have a delicious (you) you determined little troll, and godspeed user, thank you for sharpening our arguments against the commie menace

you are truly doing god's work

Sure. Kill a traitor before an enemy.

whats the problem

I'm handsomer than the fag on the left and not a literal retard who believes in communism.

Marx had to move into his wife's mommy and daddy's house as he had no skills to earn a living whatsoever.

The head of socialism, proving that socialism is a complete and utter failure.

fuck of thots

Quick question which you can't answer, who pays for everything? Kys

post pics

same people who build everything


What if i browse both?

You forgot almost all Sup Forums posters here is multiracial. /leftypol/ posters are made of white racists.

Marx had to live at the kindness of capitalists, as he was completely useless to any society, ever.

All useless people favor a form of government were useless people get free money.

So, fuck off, useless person. We're busy creating wealth.

The left can't meme

>All useless people favor a form of government were useless people get free money.

got a meme for that

In capitalism, you are paid what you are worth.

As a useless person, you get nothing but charity from a capitalist economy.

>average /leftypol/ user

not if you bourgeoisie.

hold up

Post the original one.

yes yes, whatever helps you sleep at night

((Spoon clank))

I've seen communist agitators deflect actual criticism of communism with "but renua de la proletarie said in his epic tome that... you need to read his book!!1!" When what they're actually saying is " I can't defend my position so we can't argue if you cannot meet my arbitrary demand"

but wait
theres more

>fixing totalitarianism
>fixing inequality
>fixing lies
>fixing corruption
Fucking lol

they aren't.

happy tohelp

Tell me again why Middle class white people should give a shit about Latin America?

gtfo globalists

because all those illiterate russian peasants surely were oxford graduates with I.Q.'s of 130

>you must read 1000 pages of commie rants before you can post
Yeah nah.

I dunno why are middle class white people so butthurt about mexico?

Well for one, the kekistan faggot is a god damn jew.

>I wish these fucking "bleeding heart" liberals would stop throwing their starfucks cups on the ground.

can you post something other than fat americans?

>1000 pages is a lot
o I am laffin

his face reminds me of Rambo
there is still some hope for the proletariat

I have no problem with Mexico. What about it? What goes on in Mexico has nothing to do with me. Are you specifically referring to immigration which does directly affect me?

/leftypol/ is a parasite ? Sounds about right

I guess I just get frisrated that the admittedly small amount of actual communists I know has a lot of people who just can't have a discussion about what communism actually means or how the different "forms" or paths of communism are radically different to the point of being hardly related.

It's frustrating. It's why I kinda laugh st the cringe fest Pinochet memes because of how frustrating actual communists are. It seems like a combination of wealth envy and pie in the sky daydreaming.

he's got a tiny hand

jesus christ i actually laughed at this, Sup Forums is on literal suicide watch

It's not even the communism what triggers me, it's the thought of having to share a country with all these fucking indios and niggers.

>middle class

Working class
servicing tax breaks for the elites


Yeah, hes fucked.

You = parasite.

I can't I'm so handsome if I do I'll probably get turned into average Sup Forums user memes to try to make Sup Forums look good.
I don't want to be the poster child for a clandestine globally hated Antarctican ice fishing forumn

>tfw you discover most communist "atrocities" are literally muh shoah tier



got any funny memes useless?

only ones that trigger Sup Forums

>not real communism


Stop trying to make the porky meme happen.


Both are retarded jews.

t. triggered righty-whitey

Because ONE(1) commie doesn't look like multi-disabled otherkin pansexual, we should embrace communism which is going to remove people like him anyway? Really made me think



Remember to ignore and sage these threads, they have no active userbase.
It's just a few trying to spam as much as possible.


no u should embrace communism because its for smart people.


Say that again?