srsly wtf is their problem?
Asian American Hate Thread
What’s the hol up?
> hapa factory
fuck off go back to r/hapas
this is the guy spamming the AMWF pics.
Fucking saved!
AMWF has the men dating up the totem pole. Below average asian men have no chance in hell dating a white girl (these men don't even have the confidence to even approach them)
WMAF is the exact opposite. White men in this category are dating down the totem pole. Below average white men can have a chance with asian women since their race automatically gives them a few ++ SMV points. The reverse is true for asian men which by default of their race reduces -- SMV points.
Easy example. How many young, white girls are pouncing on old, ugly asian men? None... Now go to SE asian. How many young, asian girls are pouncing on old, ugly white men? A shit ton.
Obviously, this doesn't apply to all cases. There are exception WMAF and disgusting AMWF couples, but these are mostly singular rare cases.
All the examples in these threads are always cherrypicked. No need. Just think about it logically and you'll have your answer to whether AMWF > WMAF
>Asian females receive massive amounts of sexual attention after Jews began pushing them as interracial sex symbols through porn (Just like happened with white women)
>Asian females begin to think EVERYONE loves them and start shit-testing the world like crazy (Just like happened with white women)
>Thirsty betas fail the shit test and give Asian women even more power (just like happened with white women)
>Asian women turn into White women
Stop giving Asian women attention.
>wtf is their problem
ching dong hing hong haha