Feminist Dystopia

With the "The Handmaid's Tale" on amazon showcasing what the world would look like If feminists lost their culture war.

But, I'd like to hear what Sup Forums thinks of a feminist dystopia where they win.

TL;DR What would the world look like if SJW's, Feminists, and Antifa got their way

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I think that the world would be a totalitarian version of what we already see them say.

Less men in the work place, and a reduction of rights for both men and women

Still freedom of speech, but right-wing speech is banned. Gender equality, but men don't have due process or any other rights at all and women have 0 social responsibility. The feminists try for total workforce parity but since most women don't want to work and there's a massive welfare state disincentivizing them from working, the job market has turned into a race-to-the-bottom in which most people are unemployed.

Surprised no one's written this and turned the idea into a best-seller. Of course, on the off-chance that such a book even got published, no one would hear about it.

I thought it was just a parable on Islam

They did win. It's hell.

No, it was supposed to be about the American Religious Right, which was ascendant around the time the book came out.

What is 1984

1984 doesn't count. It was written before The Feminine Mystique.

There wouldn't be a society. Things like social justice and feminism only exist because we live in peaceful times where they're permitted to exist. What policies they've implemented so far has already caused significant corrosion of the west's social fabric, so imagine that on steroids. Everything would fall apart so quickly that they wouldn't know what the fuck hit them, and they would get to experience what an actual patriarchy is like when men decide that they don't want to submit to the mandatory circumcision laws.

What is brave new world? What is Yourop?

If they win outright, all you get is some third world nation. 'Imagine' a hybrid of mexico, afghanistan and china. Lower life expectancy, weird superstition, graft as the norm and random pogroms against neighboring villages/ethnicities.

Once you really get into multiculturalism proper, feminism and all that rot will disappear pretty quickly and just get replaced by the usual throes that govern life in third world countries.

didnt the ancient greeks have a play where women took over everything and basically turned the society into a communist hell hole


Kek. Long ago, I used to unironically think that Ancient Greek civilization was totally backwards with nothing but Hinduism-tier paganism. How wrong I was.

>feminist dystopia where they win.

It already exists.

The Handmaid's Tale is not about "what the world would look like if feminist lost". It's a fictional postnuclear world where the government gets violently overthrown. Stop comparing actual politics with fictional stories.

>The Handmaid's Tale
>I'd like to hear what /pol
BTFO >>>>>>leddit

I seen an anime made this year called "Armed Girls Machiavellianism" that addresses similar concerns: a school where any male who does not dress like a trannie to fit in with the girl's culture is attacked with swords.
The protagonist doesn't take their feminazi shit, and is not scared of hitting girls, so he fights back against them.

Fahrenheit 451 is actually very close to what you are describing.

>What is 'Brave New World'

You're looking at it right now. The most feminized, pozzed nation in the world launching decade after decade of imperialist war to spread drugs and nigger DNA.

fuck off cuck, i think we all know to american right is too far left and busy with wars for isreal to do that even if they wanted to. the author of the book herself said it was about the islamic revolution in iran




Notice how it is always dehumanizing uniforms and simplistic fiction with them?

Take a look at Herland. It's a famous story by an early feminist author about a country with no men (women reproduce through parthenogenesis). The book is told from the perspective of men who discover the country, live there (mostly as captives) for a while, and marry some of its inhabitants. The society it presents is generally benign in its intentions, but very controlling and conformist. The men don't fit in well. It's generally regarded as a utopian fiction depicting a society with only women in authority as superior, but I remember wondering if the real point was to try and say to men, "how would you like it if we were in charge and treated you like infants or miscereants in the name of your own good and the good of society?"

Buzzwordtopia in other words. All the right words, but no conceptual integrity giving those words their reason to exist.

My impression from the preview of the show is that it's Atwood's fantasy scenario where an alpha removes the cobwebs from her underutilized coont.

Pretty much how it looks now

I read a short story once that was really quite strange. I cannot remember the title of it but I believe it went something like this: a person (I believe it was a man but it could just as easily have been a woman) is transported to a world in which 'mothers' run everything. For some reason I remember the 'mothers' being described as very fat and chicken-like, basically sitting on eggs all day or some shit. Being a man you always assume that a world in which you need to be milked by a society of women would be great but this was some torturous shit. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

>What would the world look like if SJW's, Feminists, and Antifa got their way

We already know. See: every commie totalitarian state ever. Secret police, thought policing, total control of media with endless propaganda, forced work camps for thought criminals, economy flat-lines w/ chronic shortages (if not mass starvation) and no more innovation, nuclear family - gone, fertility rate drops to 1.something, abortion becomes a common form of birth control, war on masculinity, serial cohabitation replaces marriage

...sounds familiar...

>Surprised no one's written this and turned the idea into a best-seller. Of course, on the off-chance that such a book even got published, no one would hear about it.

Some of the better self-published books on Amazon do better than SJW-approved books put out by mainstream publishers nowadays

Can't you just write about Sweden and South Korea?