These evil men killed a little girl, anons. In Indianapolis.
2 feral Black men, Jeremy Priel and Michael Bell, go into a house to rob it. A 21 year old White man and his little niece are in the house.
Brutally murder the 21 year old AND the little girl by killing them execution style by making them lay on the floor and shooting them in the back of their heads.
>Jeremy Crane, 21, and his niece Kyleigh Crane were shot as they lay on the ground during a robbery turned violent, according to the formal filing of murder charges, the Indianapolis Star reports.
>Prosecutors say that Michael Bell Jr, 22, offered to give tattoo artist Jeremy Priel, 25, a Playstation 3 in exchange for tattoo work. Bell told police that he and Priel went to the home of Crane, a former co-worker, and asked to use the bathroom. As planned, Priel pulled a gun on Crane and his niece ordering them and Bell to the ground, according to his statement.
>Bell told police that Priel then shot Crane twice, first wounding him and then killing him with a shot to the head. Bell said he then stepped over the bodies to grab a PlayStation 3 and an Xbox. He said he ran out of the house with the consoles before the girl was shot.
>2 teen white kids lynched a mulatto kid last week
Don't recall Sup Forums being outraged when thus hapoened.
Dominic Ross
Not what "mama said," but actual proof.
Andrew Roberts
See pic related, which was at least partly funded with American tax dollars, under Obama.
A Black organization made a list of all of the bad things about working with white people.
We are so nice to them, apparently that we are too nice.
Blacks are actually complaining that whites are too nice to them.
White people try too hard to go out of their way to be nice and non-threatening to Blacks.
Unlike Blacks, who hate the holy hell out of whitey.
One of the pitfalls?
#18. White people practice colorblindness
>You crackers is colorblind
Christopher Morris
>oh look, groids committed yet another vile crime upon innocent civilians
Logan Lewis
>Bell told police that he and Priel went to the home of Crane, a former co-worker, and asked to use the bathroom.
I see his mistake here. He relaxed.
Eli Reed
*Kneels in protest of this thread
Mason Allen
Both sides are in so deep that they think the other deserves mountains of payback before the score is settled. Because of this, it's going to continue to get worse.
Eli Thomas
Chase Rogers
White people deserve everything happening to them.
Landon Cook
Carter Gonzalez
>evil >killed white """""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""
They are not evil. They are heroes.
Blake Hill
Blacks can see it in your eyes when you are not going to relax in their presence.
It is the look on the face of the hyena when his prey shows its horns.
Joshua Bennett
burn the coal
John Morales
>2013 incident >racebaiting
Gavin Ramirez
We all know some good Blacks. But the percentages are not there.
Smarter to never relax.
Joshua Turner
>Prosecutors say that Michael Bell Jr, 22, offered to give tattoo artist Jeremy Priel, 25, a Playstation 3 in exchange for tattoo work
White lives mean nothing to Black Lives.
Aaron Turner
William Ross
It's widespread, niggers brain can't comprehend the value of life, of what it mean to interrupt it, especially when it comes to trivial reasons. No other race kill as much as the black man, for so little. Of course, what would you expect from a species that came from a place where so many are born just to die very young, when civilization almost never took place?
Luis Cook
>when civilization almost never took place?
Supposedly all life comes out of Africa.
Yet Africans NEVER invented the wheel. Not South of the Sahara, where the Blacks are, anyway.
Hudson Morris
Nathan Jackson
Angel Kelly
That was several weeks ago, nigger crimes are a daily occurence.
Kevin Rodriguez
>that pic title
Levi Mitchell
Death is not enough for these animals. I hope they get tortured for DAYS on end and that their bloodline gets killed. Everyone. Parents, children, relatives. I hope that in the end they watch all of their familiars get their heads smashed in with hammers before being obligated to clean the mess.
Connor Ward
Should have shared that xbox, racist whitey instead of playing it in our faces from the inside of your house while we starve outside.
Charles Smith
awww come on honey, Sup Forums did get mad. Sup Forums is a board of peace now sweetie
David Bennett
Indeed. I think the biggest mistake that mankind ever made, even more than thinking that they could take an animal and elevate it to the level of a man, was to give up on that task, and decide, against all evidence and common sense, that it already was his equal. They should be in zoos outside of Africa; I no longer wish to bear this burden.
Nolan Flores
Blacks tell themselves that they are the superiors of Whites.
Aaron Brooks
>Nigger names
Ian King
All niggers should be exterminated.
Andrew Jackson
Likely not named after the concept; likely named after the car.
Mason Kelly
Defend the civilization that makes your flag possible.
Ayden Morris
Chase Hernandez
That one's a classic.
Nicholas Stewart
Do Black parents realize that no boss or teacher or DMV clerk can be expected to spell their spawn's name right every time?
Jordan Turner
Sebastian Howard
Jawan and Dante enter a South Carolina waffle house with bad intentions.
A lone white man decides that he is not going to be robbed or killed that day.
Pulls his legal weapon and removes one of the threats.
Family upset at the white man who was forced to take action against the robbers, who happened to be black.
>Nineteen-year-old Dante Williams' family said there is no doubt he entered the Waffle House in Chesnee back in January of 2012 intent on robbing it, but they say he didn't have to die.
>FOX Carolina obtained surveillance video from inside the Waffle House that investigators said shows Williams and his accomplice Jawan Craig come into the restaurant. Deputies said Williams is the one seen pointing a gun and demanding money.
>Sitting at the bar area of the restaurant was Justin Harrison, a concealed weapon permit holder, who was armed the night of the robbery.
>"This was the only time," Harrison said. "If I am going to fight it was that one time. He was approaching me and I saw that as him engaging me."
>The above video shows Williams, gun by his side, walk back toward Harrison, who stands up and fires several shots killing Williams almost instantly.
Blacks blame old white ladies who shoot Black robbers.
Carson Nelson
bullshit where are the pics of the victims
Connor Nguyen
That's fucking enraging.
Camden Howard
This. Nothing is ever their fault, ever. They just do whatever the fuck they want, and never think about consequences. You go to a Wal-Mart and hear loud rap music blaring from cars while gaggles of 300 houndred pound black women stand around blocking your path as they talk in their gobbleygook english.
Yes, it's not the old ladys fault they don't want to get raped by some nog. Maybe, I don't know stop fucking breaking into houses then, jesus fucking christ is it so hard not to be a criminal?!?! Cause you know day dindu nuffin! Niggas just tryin be real and shit! Be real and shit!
Kevin Fisher
>fucken Norway
Levi Roberts
hol up hol up hol up
y arent u mention that the police have genocide 87000 PoC this year?
Luis Hall
We used to be a couple years ago. We are losing that rapidly.
Adam Russell
I'm so upset that I need to see video footage of that right now
Jacob Jenkins
Nigger beats little niglet to death with a hammer after the little niglet tried to protect his sister from sexual assault.
why do american niggers have Anglo surnames ? at least our shitskins have shitksin indigenous surnames
Levi Lopez
>posts picture of said nigger >AYO HOL UP WHITE PEEPLE N SHIET DISRESPECTING US FUCKIN RACIST ASS CRACKAS SHOW HIM WITH CLOTHES FOO >post the only other pic where the nigger wore clothes >has a gun
Dylan Jenkins
>AYO >*smack lips* >HOL UP
Ryan Sullivan
Do niggers have some sort of extra gene responsible of their violent behavior ?
Wyatt Wood
They must. Or be missing an important gene that relates to good behavior.
Carter Bell
I think they said that certain people do have a "warrior gene" or whatever. You should google that.
Leo Bailey
Isaac Lee
Sebastian Ross
lol I remember when this happened. We literally had 80+ threads about him hitting the bump literally a day.
Julian Myers
this the perfect example for the state of America
Brayden James
lol I remember when this happened. We literally had 80+ threads about him hitting the bump literally a day.
Nathan Morgan
Read. MAOA is is one of several being explored. Directly linked to aggression+low impulse control. Now add low IQ fucking it all up in the context of western civ. Correlates to high likelihood of violent crime. Reporters and SJW infected researches were forced to dub it the "warrior gene" to make it sound cool. Not common in women but I'd imagine the rates in black women are higher too. Focused on men. Men who have the -2R or other pattern doesn't mean they will be criminals. They might have tempers but not be criminals. But it does mean they'll far more likely and predisposed to become violent, highly escalated by childhood trauma compared to people who don't have the 2R but also faced childhood trauma.
Ryan Green
why wouldn't they be :)P
Christopher Robinson
I used to analyze the case files of juveniles in Indianapolis. I guarantee these guys had multiple prior felonies in juvenile court. They let juvenile felons get 5 or 6 separate arrests before they gave them a single day in detention, and then it was only after committing a new crime while on probation. Indianapolis is fucking pathetic.
Ethan James
Adrian Perry
Dindu nuffin
Angel Miller
>ps3 What games did he steal?
Leo Butler
I have a question, are niggers self aware like for real? Do they know how toxic American nigger culture is or do they genuinely think they're oppressed. How stupid are these niggers