She's right you know

You can't be for the second amendment and against antifa. It makes you a hypocrite.

Other urls found in this thread:

You're an idiot.

>having to strawman to make a point

If you're going to shitpost, make it a but more subtle. Even an African is capable of seeing the hypocrisy. Better luck next time.

>Defending yourself against violent people is the same thing as starting the violence

Antifa is bad because they hate me for my skin color and want to destroy my way of life

>self defense is the same as burning parked cars
hmmm.... made me think

>Hurr durr self defence is only okay when right wing people do it

The second amendment was created for all citizens to defend themselves from tyrants (aka Hitler, fascists, etc.)

Antifa is bad because they are commie fucks.
Violence against antifa is good.
Violence FROM antifa is bad.

>actually looking to riley dennis for reason

get the fuck out of here

They don't hate white people, they hate fascists. I remember seeing a video where an antifa guy knocked out a black Trump supporter. Fascism has no race, anyone can be fascist.

no antifa is bad because communism is bad you anti-American faggots

>Not being able to distinguish between self defense, and aggressive actually of violence and vandalism.

No, you're an idiot because you're a leaf.

>Twitter ppl: my opinion matters

you are retard shill you know

Yes they can, and they will, to put a bullet in deranged fucks like you.

>At times like these our capacity to retaliate must be and has to be massive, to deter all forms of aggression.

Moral of the story is there is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon and using it are 2 separate things.

Self defense implies you're not constantly instigating the violence.

Sub right with left and antifa with kkk.

AntiFa mutilates cats, punches and doxxes private citizens for expressing their political opinions, and actually advocates a Communist dictatorship.

There is such a thing as pre-emptive self defence. If we don't act then fascists will gain power, like if someone pre-emtively killed Hitler millions wouldn't have died in a war and in concentration camps.

Then why do they think Trump is fascist if he literally, by definition, is not?

>You can't be for the second amendment and against shooting antifa members. It makes you a hypocrite.

>pre-emotive self defense

Wrong. Not in the eyes of the law there isn't. If I pull a gun and shoot you prior to an instigation of violence towards me, I didn't not utilize self defense, I just committed assault with a deadly weapon.

fucking idiotic slide thread

UNJUSTIFIED violence (eg antifa attacking people) is bad

JUSTIFIED violence (eg shooting an attacker) is good


If someone pre-"""emtively"""" killed Hitler you would call him a victim of anglo aggression.

Stupid comment even by twitter's standards. Something being necessary doesn't mean that it's not bad.

Being a hypocrite works. Get with the times, grandpa.

Antifa = Communist radicals who want to destroy the constitution and over throw the government.

People like me = I'll kill every fucking red before I give my rights to communists.

To them fascist = white people who fight for self determination

ANTIFA is why we need guns.

the chopper is that way

wtf I hate my guns now?

Oh look, it's the
> let's guilt trip lesbians to have sex with me and call them phobic
piece of shit
Also, a fucking leaf.

To answer the dishonest question, you basically have guns so you can murder the government

Our country is run by socialists and there's nothing you can do about it you rural retard Albertan hick

We need the second amendment to rid ourselves of communists and antifa

Gun violence is justified by law as a means of self defense against direct violence against yourself.
Antifa violence is naming freedom of speech and freedom of expression as violence towards themselves in order to justify physical violence against other peoples speech and expression.

Ah, a fellow educated city person.

I can't believe you want the fascists to win.

>antifa is bad because all violence is bad

No, antifa is bad because they're actual commies. Beating the shit out of or killing commies is a time honored tradition across the globe.


>defending against a mortal threat to your existence
>preemptively attacking people who might hurt your feelings
OP should be euthanized...

>Riley j Dennis



Most gun related murders in this country is caused by democrats. All forms of murder, actually. So it's not hypocrisy, it's self defense from left leaning, violent activists.

>Transgender freak making up a strawman to suit its view of the world

Owning a gun and using it in self defence is completely different to going out and using violence for a political statement you gigantic faggot.

I will bite, the answer is we want guns because Antifa likes violence. But why would I try and explain this to a mentally ill individual.

>instigating needless violence is the same as self defence

>strawman this obvious
>women "arguments"

By this logic, communism is a direct threat of violence and fighting words
Let's go Sup Forums, the leaf has spoken

so if someone pre- """emtively""" unloads a magazione on a mob of antifa members, would you call them a victim of nazi agression

Fighting words only hold in court where there's a reasonable belief that they'll be backed up with physical means. If I say "I'm gonna throw you off a bridge" and we're in the middle of a building on the first floor, you wouldn't have justification to pull a weapon on me by claiming "fighting words".

user I....

Antifa arent defending themselves, they are attacking people for their opinions

>guns are for defense
meaning violence is already happening
>antifa is bad because they do violence
they start the violence that needs to be defended against

weak bait, try again.
maybe use arguements this time.
Please do make an arguement about someones freedom of speech directly imposing violence on yourself to justify a physically violent resolve on your part.
If you respond to people's ideas and opinions with punches you have already proven my point.

Well I can, and I will But instead of being a Pussy, when a group of people use inflammatory words towards people like me, I will take them seriously, and understand the real meaning of those words unlike them. I own guns to protect me and mine against all enemies foreign and domestic.

The leaf is at it again

Not if they have a strong history of violence.

This is a great way for people to justify completely unjustified violence. If I was allowed to say I killed people because I felt threatened around them, I could get away with an endless string of murders.

Is it a tranny? I didn't bother to open the thumbnail

It's called self defense you fucking leaf. Antifa is attacking people for ideology. If Antifa attacks first we have a right to defend ourselves. Its the non-"aggression principle" you unbelievable leaf-moron.

>"violence is sometimes necessary."
Yeah, they don't say that.

>rightwing people: I need gun to defend from violence

>antifa subhumans: I want to cause violence for political reasons


Actually it's
>we need guns for self defense when someone attacks us
>antifa is bad because they use violence against people who have no been violent towards them


It's not bait you idiot, it's the law. If you say "I'm going to kill all minorities and homosexuals" that is called fighting words under U.S law and is seen as a threat to life of minorities and homosexuals.

So then why are they attacking common people? Why does the government and media cover for them?

Right wing people: we need funds to defend ourselves from violent authoritarians

Antifa: violent authoritarians

Except fighting words still require reasonable belief of action before you can say that it's a "threat". If I casually walk down the street and say this is a calm, non aggressive tone with my hands in my pockets, you would have no legal standing to retaliate.

From their point of view you are the fascists authoritarians, which is technically true since the greatest murderer in history was Hitler.

Anyone that says antifa isn't "anti white" is a fucking liar.


A majority of antifa is white people you idiot.

I for the 2nd Amendment being used against antifa

Antifa are aggressors we want guns for defense of self and country.

>defense is violence

Rightwing people: we need guns for self defence

Also rightwing people: anitfa are bad because they don't respect the nap

You're a shill.

Awesome webm, stealing that
Taking a trans faggot seriously whom has said that prefering to not date trans people makes you a bigot t. Trueaeaedue

Oh really? So what part of that law justifies antifa apes beating them to death? I don't see what part of the U.S. law justify this kind of vigilante justice.
My point is that when it comes to the people having the right to defend themselves using physical violence, it only applies to direct threats of physical violence, do read US laws on self-defense since you love to talk about them idiot.
Antifa has 0 justification to use physical violence in the form of vigilante justice against people voicing their feelings and opinions on things.
Gun owners have 100% justification to use their guns to defend their lives and the lives of their families when someone threatens them directly with a threat of physical violence or death.
Learn. The. Difference.

So they're self-hating traitors and (((whites))).


Antifa is not self defense. There is a huge difference between using violence in self-defense and using violence in aggression for power.

The left can't meme or understand the meaning of words.

>Attacking someone to defend yourself from their attack
>Attacking someone because you don't like them or what they believe
>same thing

Also doesnt understand I own guns. If you harm me ill use em.
I pose no harm to people I dislike. It's for those whom bring me harm.

Use your words, not your fists.

Have you considered the media is biased and the people you call facists arn't actually facists or racists at all, and in fact you are the facist for meeting dissenting opinions with violence instead of discussion?

no it was mao you fucking idiot


sage, slide thread, antifa are communists.

Seems perfectly logical. Antifa is running around sucker punching the geriatric so of course self-defense becomes a primary justification for firearm ownership.

Antifa is just a bunch of ghetto dindu's that were running around playing the knock-out game and realized they were all wearing the same black outfit.

Can we stop with these fucking cancerous "X is right you know" threads? I hope you fucking die you disgusting AIDS-ridden leaf. Fuck you and your family.

Accidental famine is not the same as race based systematic genocide.

assault vs self defence how are they this stupid

I've never claimed all violence is bad. For example, killing communists is fine.

Actually the idea is that having a gun prevents violence, or protects you from unwarranted violence. Antifa assaulting people, if anything, is a gun ad.

Parents still get arrested for criminal negligence of dead kids
unless its the bernie baby tho, rofl

>accidental famine

Whoops accidentally did something stupid and caused the largest loss of life in the history of the world, my bad.