could I pass as a native american cherokee or sioux, so will buy one passport from tribe leader to get neetbux
Could I pass as a native american cherokee or sioux, so will buy one passport from tribe leader to get neetbux
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no you look asian
What's up with your right hand
Are you a horse?
пpивeт ты чe oхyeл
>chief runs with lada
>he who stoops like slav
>chief pepsi vodka
No, you must follow the foosteps of Genghis Khan. Become a conqueror and spread your seed around the world
You need to get fat though.
being a free cuman is alright,
why pass for an enslaved native american?
that's his left hand, idiot
For gibs me dats it's literally in the op.
Thanks minus. You made me chuckle.
nah, youre a gook
Aren't you that Turkish guy that used to post under a bulgarian flag?
you look finnish
Yup just chugging that listerine bottle next to you and nobody will be able to tell the difference
Are you dumb?
Fuck off Kazakhbitch. This board is for whites ONLY.
this is fucking hilarious i swear, some pasty kazakh is now plotting how to persuade some liberal he is a sioux.
>My father, uhh... Chief Running Horse, was always oppressed by... uhh.. Sov... the white man...? Can i get a casino...?
Go to a tanning salon, and also learn that "single tear drop" trick ahahaha
the hoof is his left hand.
No, you're not black.
I thought you Kazakhs were Turks, but it turns out you really are just Mongols.
Seriously WTH is that? Does he have a hoof hand?!
Mongol interbreeding.
no but you are
He is a kazakh Wendigo ahahaha
FUCK YOU CUNT. I'm glad my tribe requires DNA testing to get rid of you whites.
Oh shut up Tonto this mother fucker is not white
Those prairie niggers won't share the gibs and will likely kill you for trying.
You kinda look like Filthy Frank (Joji)
are ye blind or what? anyways our dna is almost same C3 so I can easily hack neetbux system
Can confirm, I fucked a Kazakh girl once and she was Mongol as fuck. You should have seen those cheek bones.
It doesn't matter if you have a little asian admixture. Doesn't matter. You whites aren't getting in. If you're not 90% Native fuck off.
how come in movies you are all "hello white man i am wisdom savage come smoke wisdom weed" and now you are all "fukk whitey!"
he needs that money cant let the poor man starve
If genetics is any indication, they're descended from, surprise surprise, Tungusic people in Siberia. If you were to put a modern label on their origins, they can be considered kin to the Altays, Kazakhs, and Uzbeks, who are Turkic.
Then again, by that measure, everyone from Iceland to Tierra Del Fuego and Tahiti can be considered kin to the Kazakhs and Uzbeks.
Assuming constant eastward migration from Eurasia, it seems they branched off from somewhere in modern day Kazakhstan. don't have the right face to pass as Sioux...
no lmao u look like a fucking goddamn mongolian
if it wasn't for the squinty eyes you could pass as some half white native
do it
You look like a chink.
You look like Steve aoki.
>500 years of Russian influence
>breeding between you and Russians
>21% of his country is Russian
Nice try white man. You will never pass as native
Fuck of Muslim
Natives usually look Chinese/Asian too. Except the part white ones,
I almost choked to death reading this.
You pass as a fucking faggot
Nope, I want to join the most iq69 who live in kentucky or some sort of las vegas native tribes
You could pass as a Khazar
Convert to Judaism and pray TengriYah now
Islam will help native americans to survive and commence jihad against other races and reconquer the native land. we will deport every single alien back to liberia, akhi
You look native even for chilean standars, learn some native culture, get some sunshine and go collect your money, makes us all proud.
I allow it.
Blacks and Mexicans are fine. It's you whites that are the problem.
I guess you could pass for a native. You look like some Japanese types though. I would think Asian before native, but the difference isn't big.
my polish daughter
that's because kazakhs are muslim mongols
my polish daughter from gdansk
I see a chink in your plans
no. they are darker. you are to pale. they cant even get that pale if they dont go out into the sun ever
Would berry the left, horseman.
Do you like Alan Jackson, mate?
1. Gain lots of weight, like obesity level.
2. Get diabetes
3. Be an alcoholic
4. Run over a family while intoxicated
How do you do fellow native American?
Why not?
We are a culture not an ethnic.
You don't have upper eyelid folds. Definitely Asian.
no tys dude.
>what are mirrors
You have to prove lineage, not just claim it.
I could pass as a tribal shaman and warlock ?
You should go back to leftpol.
yes, soul lineage and also same haplogroup as native americans.
I am ready
fuck I laughed harder than I should have.
I'm a memeber of the flathead reservation in Montana. I know what i'm taking about. No reservation will ever accept this fool.
Can I get neetbux if I will prove that I have autism and social anxiety, depression?
guesss as a native minority I can...
It's his right you fucking moron.
They will if we baptism him first, we don't care we aren't preserving blood purity we did that already, now we want full cultural supremacy.
My name a Borat.
la raza
corason salvaje, mi hermano
idk since your are from a central asian post soviet nation they might consider you caucasoid, and being considered a white man, you cant get any gibs.
It is what it is, not much we can do about it, besides winning every war and having full cultural supremacy.
Why do you want to larp as a native when you have yurts and mongol qt 3.14 at home?
>to get neetbux
OR you could get an education/trade/skill and do something with your life. You'll feel better about yourself if you do.
nah. wrong skin tone. wrong everything desu. you look like a supreme gentleman.
Can I pass a Slav and live in KAzakhstan to fuck more Mongol qts?
its his left from our perspective you idiot mongrel
I'm proud of you my dear mongol friend.
because I am epicurean, I want to enjoy. guess nasa tier scientist dont post here if you are going to act as one
How flat is your dads head compared to yours?
why do you ask permission? i dont want stinky pussies and not pussy guard
Though I have been with only one Kazakh, I will have you know her pussy did not smell bad. It was semi-roastie though
Asians are ugly.
but still they have worse hygiene than american wimminz
Dude your thread is epic, i haven't laughed so much in while.
Thanks Mr, Kazakh Native