How do you guys manage nofap? every time i try to stop or break the conditioning i end up giving up after about 2 days. Please help.
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Listen to burzum daily
Holy fuck do i hate women
Source on those tits pls
Print out the Varg Stop Watching Porn picture, multiply as necessary, and put it everywhere around your house that you usually end up succumbing. You'll find his disapproving Thulean gaze shames you into ceasing the act of uncleanliness
get a gf. only way to truly mannage it.
another thing that worked was when i slept 4 hours a night, and worked 12 hours every day. got by on coffe. did not fap in 3 weeks
I "accidently" did nofap for more than a week. Depends on your personal sex drive a lot.
I have gf I still cannot stop fapping. also I dont enjoy sex. did not enjoy sex in my earlier relationship. Maybe I never did. Maybe Im in relationship with the wrong person.
I have a masturbation addiction from (((porn))). I cant just "accidentally" not do it
Accept discomfort.
Varg thread?
>german doesnt have sex drive
what a surprise
That's because it's UNNATURAL and BAD FOR YOU. If you keep doing this, you can get prostate cancer and ruined self-esteem.
Stop falling for the right wing memes, you only have one life and there is absolutely no reason to torture yourself like that.
You're an anarchist and you're saying its "bad for me"
I deleted ALL of my porn. That's how I do it. Now it's too much effort to find all the good stuff.
Yeh u bigots
i dont save my porn
This nigger looks like he's scared of the White Man rising up
I print out Varg pics and post them just in my peripheral vision. I find that opening porn clips with his icy nordic gaze affixed on me is disheartening, and I cannot get it up.
Remember that porn is brought to you by Jews to strip your vim and vigor, porn actresses are completely demolished by Jewish degenerative messenger. It's a truly destructive enterprise. Like 12 steps, the easy way out is to turn to a higher power (hint hint)
Why is this on Sup Forums?
I don't want to be free from one power, (((them))), just to be controlled by another "higher" one.
After that week where it was accidental I continued for 2 weeks in which I on multiple occasions looked at porn out of interest whether I would find anything arousing, scrolled through all of /gif/, but nothing, no urge to fap.
Because its about a larger social issue than just "oh shit i cant masturbate". Its more about "there is a socially doctored conditioning towards the addiction to porn and i need to break it"
My problem is I'm a dicklet (5") and I thought it just didn't work with vagnas, there wasn't enough friction.
Then I dumped my fatass girlfriend. 1/4 of the girls I've been with have been top tier sex, I dump girls now if there's not enough friction.
>comparing divinity to jewinity
You just don't. Simple.
have sex. an incel can't nofap, i thought this was a well known part of the message?
I fap when ever I want to what ever I want.
It is perfectly healthy to masturbate, it keeps your mind clear, your prostate clean, and it keeps your mood up.
Anyone who seriously does no fap is either a closet homo or a beta male wanting to become impotent faster.
Put on this video. Listen to the theme song. Imagine the the guys in the video extending a hand to you saying "don't fap lad, take back your future". Then do some deadlifts instead. Also, set up a standing desk. Sitting is decadent and your more likely to wank if you're sitting.
It not that i don't want to, its that i want to break the porn induced addiction.
well that what I was afraid of. I do not enjoy sex because I have thin dick. I am around 7"in length but my thickness is 5" at best. maybe 4'8" when im not that hard. Maybe the girls I have been with have big vaginas. I dont know. I like to be with my current gf but I cant enjoy sex and makes me depressed as shit. Not like I wasnt depressed before but this shit is killing me.
write down the exact time when you stopped fapping, write down the exact time when you gave up. measure the number of hours (eg. 50h).
then do it again, only this time, add at least 5 hours (about 10%) to that time. do whatever you can to keep yourself occupied.
again, increase the number of hours and do it again. and again. and again. at one point, you'll hold out for a month.
at at least one point you'll get a wet dream. if this happens, restart the timer.
don't stop until you hold on for 2 months, at which point the damage done by porn is pretty much undone. all you have to do is find a gf and from then on, release all your sexual energy into her.
seems like it could work
Stop sharing baseless assumptions, idiot.
If you want to ruin your life, don't make others do that shit.
That's LITERAL SCIENTISTS agreeing that masturbation is necessary. AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE
>wank if you're sitting.
People do this? Absolutely degenerate. The only way to cum in a way that supports masculine posture is to be able to push and rotate your pelvis up & forward while rotating the outer soles of your feet away from each other. You stand and "expand" the body outwards through the pelvis
If you sit, push thigh together or rotate hips inwards, or anything like that, you're creating imbalances of the musculature that will over time change your posture to that of a weak beta male. Fixing lordosis, asymmetries, forward head posture etc is just a matter of ejaculating correctly while standing.
Don't do nofap. I did it and totally lost all appetite and test. Just don't watch porn and fab every fucking day and you are ok. I'd say release the steam at least once a week for a healthy functioning dick.
Find a hobby and keep doing something
>says the ancom
I wouldn't take any advice from someone who clearly isin't mentally sane
(((scientists))). There are studies that prove the direct opposite. At the end of the day it's up to us to use logic and reason. And personal experience.
>Keep a pen and notepad in your pocket.
>The next time you fap, explain the exact feeling you get after you fap. That feeling of regret.
>Everytime you feel the need to fap read it over again.
Worked for me.
fuck off you beta, just cause "science" said so doesn't mean its true, or accurate
Kill the negative habits that lead to you relapsing
Don't entertain the idea of going to porn sites, for instance. once you're "just gonna have a quick look" you've basically already failed.
also try to realise how pathetic it is to look at strangers have sex, how pathetic it is to expend your most private energy on literal whores, looking at the screen fooled by hormones into thinking there's anything going on between u and the object of ur desire.
Hopefully some of this was of use to you.
Get her to workout and specifically do cardio/kegells. A woman can absolutely tighten her vagina with muscle development. I'm banging a fat chick right now who's tighter than most girls I've known.
Day 2 here lads
Shit is fucking hard. But fapping is pure degeneracy, simply for the fact that its instant gratification. you're better off not fapping at all ever. Want to cum? get a wife
>things anonymous people say on an imageboard are more accurate than scientific studies
>There are studies that prove the direct opposite. At the end of the day it's up to us to use logic and reason. And personal experience.
then link these studies. in my personal experience, this study is entirely accurate.
>Kill the negative habits that lead to you relapsing
Working and studying?
I'm 7x4 so you have nothing to complain about
my only gripe is that i've never given a girl a vaginal orgasm. kind of lame that I cant just thrust until she starts coming. can only get her off with clit play.
I never claimed that first point.
On an anonymous imageboard "personal experiance" means fuckall
I stopped my nofap today i was on 22 days.
I didnt even remember how fucking good orgams feels and how much cum will come out of your cock.
My dick is harder touching feels 10x better.+ woman looking much hotter
Im going to fap once every 2 weeks and i will stop fapping when i know i can get pussy when i want.
Still fap. Get laid. Fit life. You suck guys.
Fapping doesnt keep your mind clear at all. Sure it may make you not horny but I have intense brain fog when I fap. can't focus, learn, or remember shit
>implying that you're trying to learn or remember stuff when you masturbate
>going to stop when i can get pussy
So basically never.
>im going to fap once every 2 weeks
>implying that you wont get dragged back by (((them)))
I have been watching porn everyday atleast 10 years.I stopped watching it 22 days ago and hopefully never going to watch that shit again.
Yeah, I can really relate to becoming so horny by reading pensum literature that I inexplicably end up jacking it in the next moment.. such a struggle, dude...
ur meme flag says everything I need to know about ur intelligence
I doubt that
NoPorn is much more important than NoFap, also don't conflate the two
Not saying NoFap doesn't have merits.... but one is an artificial stimulus and one is not. Also, trying to quit both simultaneously may be much more difficult than just starting with porn.
Just my 0.02 being 30 days in to NoPorn and going strong
I dont care ur opinions.
I didnt had any urges when i stopped porn cold turkey when i decided that i will stop now.It only makes harm.
How do you cope?
Eat more. Ejaculation increases metabolic needs. Adequate energy + ejcalation = no brainfog. Brainfog implies impaired metabolism.
Then just masturbate without porn, like NATURE intended it
I broke my arm and can no longer masturbate. So far things are going well.
would wear
Different user, but I go to the gym everyday at my uni and so I get to watch hot 19y olds wearing basically no clothing do squats and stretch (lots wear leggings with portions of it cross hatched in a way that you can see the skin). Gives me good imagery to fap to.
It's about balance, dude. It is in fact also UNNATURAL AND BAD FOR YOU to masturbate daily. One should only need to masturbate occasionally (i.e. bi-weekly or monthly). Problem is, a lot of guys don't have decent hobbies and are unemployed, so it becomes an addiction, a way to stimulate themselves when there is no other stimulation.
tl;dr Get a job and some self-improving hobbies. Masturbating less will also raise your testosterone, so it's self-reinforcing (more T means you will be more energetic and focused).
At the start I deleted my porn collection (in excess of 500gb)
>sex at least weekly
>don't stare at images/videos of females posted on /pol, hide any threads/posts that are pornographic
>dont seek out images/videos of females at all
>understand that the only difference between viewing pornography and fantasising about pornography is the presence of the computer mouse - so put it out of your mind completely and catch yourself when you do think about it
>don't compulsively masturbate, but do use it as a release in order to prevent a relapse on the NoPorn
This is has been key for me: I view it as a temporary abstinence and not a permanent one. I've committed to a porn abstinence of 6 months.
In other words, I just have to be really, really patient and wait 180 days before I can voluntarily view porn again. If I was trying to quit permanently I simply would not do it, too big of a commitment.
I'm also taking exogenous testosterone and gym 5+ times a week so my sex drive is elevated, but the aforementioned techniques have been working very well for me. If you stay preoccupied and keep it out of your mind as much as possible it's quite tolerable. But don't chastise yourself for jerking off if its helping you maintain the porn abstinence
I'm living proof that you are wrong.
I'm a kiss-less, hand-hold-less, somewhat fit virgin approaching wizardom and I finally achieved a 1 month streak of noFap (and counting). This is after many years of trying, and failing after less than a week. I'm very familiar with the paralyzing, single-minded urges that feel like a black hole in the lower abdomen is draining all your willpower.
If I ever catch myself watching porn, I'll have to keep watching it for hours on end with very few breaks in between until I fall to sleep at night. I used to be self-destructively horny, all the time. Now that I'm 1 month in noFap, all that sexual energy has been converted into restlessness, assertiveness, and random bouts of internalized rage. For the first time in my life, I feel like I can somewhat intimidate women, not just creep them out (I don't know that I can seduce them still). I no longer feel pity for myself, only frustration at my own short-comings and the accursed state of this world. I no longer feel the oppressing desire to be nice and nonthreatening all the time to everyone, nor do I indulge in acting like an asshole, either. I just give much less of a fuck than I used to about the judgement of my peers, and as a result I actually feel more connected to them than I used to, and more accepted as an individual.
Although I often feel like the universe is set out against me, I'm not going to just lay down and die. I also developed a crush on my manager ~5 years older than me (coincidence?), and don't know what to make of that, but fuck me sideways if I ever let myself get friendzoned again.
noFap won't make you happier, but it will make you more masculine in how you deal with your emotions.
I'm starting my nofap right now. I need help in maintaining my conditioning.
Starting nofap because of this post
it's quite difficult. I decided to stop watching porn when it became too much of an addiction for me. Over the last 6 months or so I have left it behind, only relapsing a few times to soft-core photos (which I regret but I must admit, nice to get turned on by pictures again.) Other than that I will occasionally jerk off to nothing when I wake up with morning wood. I have also been having wet dreams when I sleep in and my morning wood works its way up into the waistband of my underwear, not bad.
The way I was able to break it was meeting a girl. It was hard to transition from computer to real person but I knew it was helping. She was patient and once I stopped stressing about being a champ in bed everything came quite naturally.
We have since broken up but I am staying strong. Trying to avoid falling back into bad habits by exercising, eating well, keeping myself busy, and flirting with real girls as much as I can. Stay strong, I hope I can say in 2 years that I've rid myself of the porn jew.
I just find people who play guitar better than I do and then stab them to death :^)
>noFap won't make you happier, but it will make you more masculine in how you deal with your emotions.
it can lead to greater happiness, but only if you use the extra energy, confidence and focus intelligently
I only masturbate to Venus idols
how the fuck do you have 500GB excess of pornography?
Dude, I'm day 2 too.
I don't even want to go into the degenerate shit I fap to, it's not porn, but it involves male to female makeovers.
Fucking kill me lol
Youtube is the jew
I used to compulsively torrent DVDs just so I had HD stuff on tap, so I didn't have to worry about losing bookmarks, links 404ing or buffering issues. Most of it I never watched, or only viewed once. If I saw something I thought I might like to watch in the future I would download it
Start working out and take these posts to /fit/ faggot.
Nice! good luck, have fun
>it can lead to greater happiness, but only if you use the extra energy, confidence and focus intelligently
Obviously, but I can't ascertain for a fact that noFap in itself will make you happier as a direct consequence, like some kind of natural anti-depressant.
Rather, for instance, it will turn a crushing depression into a state of intermittent burning anger, which is far less crippling, and can actually be used as a vector for change; unlike being depressed all the time and feeling completely helpless, which accomplishes nothing and is very hard to crawl out of.
For what it's worth, it gave me the push to finally clean my room, eat a high-protein breakfast before going to work (instead of only drinking coffee), and broke my tendency to always stay up way too late on weekdays for no discernible reason, doing absolutely nothing even remotely productive, or even enjoyable in the slightest. Gone are the nights where I slept 2h before going to work because I was just so goddamn engrossed in the latest super mario speedrun or whatever the fuck; even through, ironically, I would now have the energy to actually pull it off if I ever felt the desire, unlike before. I still indulge in this sort of behavior on my weekends, but now it feels like a conscious choice, not something I feel I have no control over.
>tfw I'm on 4 months
Don't fall for the AGP jew friendo. There's people that will tell you you're trans because you fantasize about being a girl (this may not even describe you, just getting the vibe based off of that statement).
The idea that you should waste your life and doom yourself to suiciding when you either can't become a hot trap, or you turn 30 (no longer hot trap) is retarded.
Hence why I'm trying to get rid of the degeneracy.
I go to the gym and run IRL, I go to college, and I work 32 hours a week.
It's gonna be difficult, to say the least.
Everyone is so fucking confused now, and I remember when everything started, however, I didn't actually fap until I was 17.
And honestly, you kinda described it based off that statement, it's all it ever should be; a fantasy.
I'm a pretty masculine guy too, I sometimes feel like there's something wrong with me, but I never actually want to be a girl. I love being a guy, because there are a lot of hot girls, I like going to the gym and seeing myself ripped, I love working my ass off at work. I love being assertive with my coworkers.
Just the tiny thing that I jerk off to that probably kills my confidence sometimes.
I could easily argue "at least it's not porn"
But it's still degenerate.
I don't even hate myself for it, I just need to control it.
justh ave sex. its not hard
I have schizoid personality disorder, so I have naturally low libido. I can go 20 days on nofap easily.
Ruined my no-fap after a 2 week streak. Holy shit was the a great orgasm. Atm on day 2 and trying again.
Its not instant quitting, it takes time to quit. Every time you cum into a tissue you feel more and more like shit and a lonely degenerate and eventually you will be successful with no-fap. Well done at least that you actknowlwdge the fact that you know (((porn))) is bad. (Fuck the people saying porn in moderation is ok too). Btw go fucking gym. Also helps.
Its amazing though, how the brain can switch. A few days of confident no-fap then the urge hits you like a truck and your brain does everything to justify having a wank. Its difficult but keep trying.
For example the reason I ruined no fap is because my justification was that there was so much shit going on in my personal life, I had to get rid of the brain-fog. It was quite distracting.
Shame menshealth turned into (((menshelath))).
Gr8 b8 though.
>that shirt
10/10 would buy
Quit porn first, hardest step for me and then see how long you can go. I will admit having a gf helps a lot. If you are single use the pent up energy as motivation. If you feel the need to fap just do 100 crunches or talk a short walk. It's tough brother, if you absolutely have to fap just do it without porn. It won't happen overnight, I backslid some, but you will notice a positive difference and you should use that as further motivation.
>personality disorder
Goddammit user...
I guess unless it means mind out of order.... but that isn't the common usage today reeeeeeeeeee
You have to tell yourself that you will never fap again. Like from the deepest part of your heart, you tell yourself that you will absolutely never fap ever again.
It will be super hard the first few days but you have to toughen up mentally and say you will NEVER fap again.
Also you have to distract yourself with things that benefit you. The people who are most successful with nofap are those who are able to use all the energy that they're getting from not fapping and transferring that energy to stuff like working out, starting a good business, getting a second job, etc etc.
After awhile you will be disgusted with the loser that you used to be when you see that you are stronger, richer, and more based (tougher mentally) because you diverted that sexual energy to things that benefit you rather than getting a temp. release from fapping.
And that'll make you waaaaay more attractive to women for when you want to get married.
And avoid looking at any female with lust. You probably want to avoid Sup Forums for awhile too until you can build up your mental strength.
And seek help in God and esp. turn to Him when you get horny.
Just jerk off. There is so much awesome degeneracy and dirty porn with bukkake and pissing especially german stuff.
I have a lot of porn sites filtered in my router. True, I can undo the filter but I guess that is a benefit from being lazy.
I just need to find a way to filter /gif/ and I'm set.
Good advice.
okay that is good advice for someone that isn't married but.. Heh, what about someone who is already married? I know I know, "fuck your wife" but that isn't always possible.
Hardcore machine bondage is what I fapped to. Don't tempt me evil user.
Funnily enough I have a friend that has a gf that had sex and the same day afterwards fapped to porn.
One thing about no-fap is not the fapping, its the porn. The overly stimulating imagery on the screen. Despite having sex, it was not enough cus the standards of pron ruined the pleasure.
So yea, having a wife that is your slut is not enough.