Is Spain the Poland of Europe?
Is Spain the Poland of Europe?
What the fuck did you try to say?
Also poortugal is the greece of europe.
>poland of europe
poland is like western europe mate.
No, Albania is the Poland of Europe
>Poland of Europe
fuck, we need to import more ukies and belarusians
include me in the facebook meme lord screen shots pl0x
The fact that it actually is pretty easy to fix this problem but the government does nothing about it boils my blood.
Spain is the thinking man's Italy.
>Have three competing commie parties.
>Wonder why nothing gets done.
We have it bad enough with just the one.
>slovakia 14%
calling bs unless they're 14% gypsy
>One cuckservative party
>One centristcuck party
>Socialist party
>Commie party
Then there's the +gorillion leftist parties and the only two right wing parties.
nice 10 year old map
that number is nor was ever real.
we are champions of the world in black economy,there is much more people working that what it looks.
what a bunch of lazy faggots
>4 years above 25%
damn, the gibs had to be yuuuge to keep them afloat
is not Poland the Poland of Europe?
Deat Mehmet. Unempleyment rate in Poland is about 5,1%.
Now you can go back and pray to Allah.
Europe is Poland of Poland
kek y am i laffin so hard
>Is Spain the Poland of Europe?
Yes, we got fucked over by Germany
What did he mean by this?
Spain is the Mexico of Europe
Soon you'll be Mexico too buddy
US is the Thailand of North America.
>Socialist party
>Communist party
What do you mean mate? PSOE Is now just neoliberal in the same level as ciudadanos and I would't call Podemos commie at all
Spain is the England of Mexico.
PSOE is a meme meltingpot, 2bh.
>I wouldn't call Podemos commie at all
Yeah, I would just call them cancer, oh wait it's the same shit.
>we are champions of the world in black economy
I think the Pajeets take that prize. Something like 75% of their economy is off the books.
>PSOE Is now just neoliberal in the same level as ciudadanos
thats what people call here SJW as in having niggers in your party when you are in a western country.
>and I would't call Podemos commie at all
because you are a voter of podemos and dont want to feel guilty but they are.
wtf they are allied with bildu izquierda unida and the most poisonous trash parties of spain.
Unemployment rate in Greece is 28%
Wtf boys. I'm dedeadededaedied lol.
Is Europe the Australia of continents?
kek my screenshot made from my tablet during holidays
But Poland is Poland of Europe. What did he mean by this?
>tfw no spanish wife
>Is Europe the Australia of continents?
Australia is the Europe of incontinents.
Germany is contemporary age Sodom
Spain is objectively one of the countries in Europe
south spaniards aren't white
At least Greeks are based and not cucks like the moor rapebabies
8% right now but was above 14% from 2009 till like 2013
Poland has almost the same unemployment rate as Norway or UK, ye stupid kraut
How can spain be so cucked? Was the Reconquista for nothing?
Feels good living in Murcia desu
Tons of american gold worth of weapons and army maintenance around the globe for modern days spaniards cucking themselves hard
Free Catalonia
No, Poland is part of the Visegrad Group. Spain is where Arabs drop off their DNA samples
Spain is the Sharia man's Greece.
spain's unemployment rate is easily 5-10% higher and around 50% in youth
I don't even know why I find this so funny
I don't think so, polaco
>Is Spain the Poland of Europe
>Poland of Europe
>of Europe
spain is the spain of europe Kevin
That graphic is about 5 years old . Irish unemployment rate currently stands at 6.4 and Spain at 17.6
Hans pls
They are your only source of income. Free them you lazy nigger, now
Irrelevant. Europe is the Mecca of Islam.
Barrio del infate master race reporting in.
Where u from?
Give Pomerania back to Germany
Is Austria the Dark Souls of Europe?
>only source of income
>letting them free
Not repeating the same mistakes of Burguerland
Juan Carlos I reporting in. Good to see fellow huertanicos around here
Wait what
We are at 7.7% right now.
We have a very pontent and strong "off-the-books" economy.
Imba libertarianism works, kinda.
>Is Spain the Poland of Europe?
>the Poland of Europe?
im ded
how is he not banned yet? It's like his fifth shitposting thread already
also sage
If I didn't see the flag I would think the OP is a burger putting his education on display again
what does OP mean by this?
Spain is Chile of Europe.
How old is this? Ireland is about half that at the moment.
Da gusto, pero ns o ch?
I hear there are lot of taxes not being payed in Spain and Greece.
Moors are cucks beyond repair
Right now is at 17%, we are getting there, slowly but we are doing it.
Poland is Poland of Poland
for some reason (((spaniards))) call us polacos (polish) as an insult
Why is this funny? Kek.
Cause being born in the poland of europe is a big insult
Poland is the poland of europe, go home hans you're drunk
concha tu madre
i just came back from spanish class, does that mean Whatsupp m8?
Too much lazy people in cucked Europe. Youth left dont want work.Thanks God we have lowest unemployment in the marxist EU.
Spaniards for real,why the hell are you guys so lazy?Every spaniad ive met or accounts from my friends,they all tell me you guys are the laziest people in the world,only want to drink and party and avoid working when you have to
Based Greeks
Is there any latin american country that is better than spain?
That's a south american mannerism, so it means you are a filthy tiraflechas (arrow thrower) or an amerilard.
lel no, not even your country is better than Spain, i'd rather be poor in spain that in your multikulti dystopian hellhole
The fuck are you on Hans?
nahh, both shitkin nations, both regions people are lazy af
there are so many posible reasons