Hinduism General

"Indian Paganism :The Last Living Expression of Aryan Beauty" - Savitri Devi, A Warning to the Hindus


>What is Hinduism?

Hinduism is the oldest organized religion in the world. It is the Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Law. It has no known origin and no founders - it is a synthesis of various Indian cultures and practices from as early as 4000 BCE.

Hinduism differs from Christianity and other Abrahamic religions in that it does not have:

>A single founder,
>A specific theological system,
>A single concept of deity,
>A single holy text,
>A single system of morality,
>A central religious authority,
>The concept of a prophet.

Hinduism is neither polytheistic, monotheistic, trinitarian or henotheistic, yet it is all at the same time.

The development of Hinduism was influenced by many invasions over thousands of years. The major influences occurred when nomadic "Aryan" Indo-European tribes invaded Northern India from the steppes of Russia and Central Asia. They brought with them their religion of Vedism. These beliefs mingled with the more advanced, indigenous Indian native beliefs, often called the "Indus valley culture."

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/reneguenon/1921 - Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines #page/n1/mode/1up

>Political Significance of Hinduism in this Age

All the decadence of the world today has been predicted by Hinduism.


Prophesied events during a Kali Yuga

>Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly.
>Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world.
>People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source.
>At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher varnas [temperament] and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser.

Kali Yuga with regard to human relationships

>Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance of dharma will occur.
>People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that.
>Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central requirement of life.
>Sin will increase exponentially, while virtue will fade and cease to flourish.
>People will take vows and break them soon after.
>People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs.
>Teachers will no longer be respected and their students will attempt to injure them. Their teachings will be insulted, and followers of Kama(lust) will wrest control of the mind from all human beings.

>introduction to Hinduism for westerners
archive.org/stream/reneguenon/1921 - Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines #page/n1/mode/1up

>Bhagavad Gita



>MAHABHARATA by C Rajagopalachari

>Ramayan Anime




I know some Hindus say Kali Yuga won't end till 4xxxxx more years, but I think Kali Yuga is reaching its end now. If you look all over the world, you would see the signs. Look at the state of developing countries like Africa, Southeast Asia, Middle East, etc. So many killings, prostitution, slavery, corrupt leaders, etc. And western countries are ruled by greed and lust. Only a 3rd World War would plunge us back to the true Dark Ages like the past world wars.

Also what will Kalki be like? Will he be like Balarama(conservative) or Krishna (Liberal)?



Something big will happen in 2025 and then we'll have a transition period that is what the religion suggests anyway and I doubt kalki will bother with Lila (drama) and just kill degenerate
>reading pulp writers as an adult


Jayabaya, Javanese King of the Kediri in East Java from 1135 to 1179 CE claimed to be a prophet and an avatar of Vishnu. He prophesied Indonesia's colonization by the Dutch and Japanese, and also a coming messiah Ratu Adil/Satrio Piningit.

>1. The arrival of white pale skin men who carry a clubs that is able to kill from distance and yellow-skin men from the North.
This prophecy came to be real when Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch and then in 1942, Japanese came to Indonesia.
>2. Carriage run without horse, ship run in the air . Which is defined as car and plane.
>3. The arrival of disasters in Indonesia.
>4. Rain in the wrong season
>5. Java wears necklace of iron
>6. Rivers lost its spring
>7. Market lost its sound
>8. Earth shrinks
>9. Every small piece of land is levied tax
>10. Horses like to eat sambals
>11. Women dress like men

I know Indonesians have Indian/Hinduism influence. They were Hindu before they were Islamic. What do you think of this?

user vedic astrology is quite spooky, you could predict the French revolution with vedic astrology, so this being true won't surprise me

>Literally SHIT-TIER

>literally a cut dick

Does the vedas mention anything about india improving?
not trolling, just curious.

keep up the good work, indiabro

A friend of mine started meditating because she was feeling down/negative, but after doing it she felt even worse. She watched a video of people claiming meditation/yoga gave way for spirits to possess the body, and now she's completely rejected Hinduism/meditation and turned to Christianity. She says Hinduism is a demonic religion. Why did she feel worse after meditating?

It predicts an age of truth and plenty after this one, but it's for the world not specifically for India

This isn't Deepak Chopra, how am I supposed to know/justify what she experienced during mediation

so i live in an area with a lot of indians, and i've driven past their hindu temples a few times. would it be weird to walk in and check it out? how would i be received as an obvious non-indian

You'll be treated the same way all visitors are treated

Bring some food as a guest. Burgers are American as you can get.

Not this, most people don't mind it but quite a few Hindus take the beef thing seriously

She felt more detached from herself, more depressed. She watched a lot of sadhguru too, who I think is a fraud. What does meditation accomplish? Commune with god/self? Is feeling worse after meditating the ego struggling?

Pajeet how do you explain this anyway?
Why is India so shit?

Muslim were 2 percent of the population the British were even less, all these achievements were made by hindus not Muslims /Britishers and any way this isn't a representation of india

Apparently when you're "enlightened" and "god" you are completely happy with living surrounded by literal shit.

Well sadhguru is mostly a white wymin thing so I am not surprised and as I said mediation isn't medicine it's you trying to be one with yourself in a way it's a psychedelic experience, everyone has a different experience

also good on you for staying pagan

Inaction/lethargy is a sin in Hinduism. We're in Kali Yuga the Age of Sin/Vices, so people are gonna be degenerate whether we like it or not. They're just following their dharma.

But the architectural style is clearly foriegn.
Does this say something about hindu's being unable to organise themselves? Similar to Africans?

Very useful for manual labour under the command of someone else's design?

>Inaction/lethargy is a sin in Hinduism.
Who is the judge and what is the punishment for such behaviour according to Hinduism?

Yes and we should ignore the reaming 4,500 years of written history we have because a few structures were built with foreign architecture and what exactly is foreign about Mughal architecture the Muslims learned it from us and transmitted it to the west as their own that doesn't make it Muslim

The universe and it isn't your dharma so probably ads up towards reincarnation but nobody focus on punishment and such in Hinduism

Where will sinners reincarnate when this planet will no longer be able to sustain life?

You guys are right on track, continue to follow your ethnic beliefs and leave the desert cults to jews and mudslimes. Anyone EUROPEAN in ancestry should be following a ethnic EUROPEAN religion. It is as simple as that. Everyone should embrace the religion of their ancestors!

Jesus Christ is an incarnation of Vishnu

The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth, and is resisted by the worldly powers of organized religion and the state. Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ. Though of course they can never succeed - to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.

Christ shows us that self-giving sacrificial love is the true power in the universe, not the top-down tyrannical brute strength of Caesar. Christ's earliest followers proclaimed "Jesus is Lord!", rather than "Caesar is Lord!" which regions conquered by the empire were required to say. The implied subversive question - who is making a better Kingdom? Caesar who puts people on crosses, or Christ who bears the cross in love for all? Caesar who dominates and kills all who oppose with brute strength, or God who raised Christ from the dead?

Why is self-giving sacrifice the ultimate power? Picture water. In some senses, the most submissive substance imaginable. It will flow through your fingers, fit any container you put it in. Yet nothing can compete with it for domination of the planet - it covers 70% of Earth's surface. It uses its power not to dominate like a tyrant, but to quietly nourish each and every thing that lives. This is built into Creation as a prefiguration of Christ. The blood of Christ is spiritual water, and those who drink of it will never thirst again.

Karma. If I remember, your Karma determines what you will be like in the next life.

In this Age of Sin, the World's soul is Black. Some people literally can't help being degenerates. So to be degenerate is their dharma (their purpose)?

Who says the planet won't be able to sustain life?

Entropy says it?

Well in the kalki yug you master degeneracy it doesn't change your dharma

But this ain't real, you are aware right we are all but a dream and we don't know how the dream ends

But your architecture is generally pretty crap save for a few pyramid-looking things of rather basic design and small size compared to other pyramids.

Furthermore the GDP per capita of the entire world increased, take China for example:

no wonder you guys are literally surrounded by shit


No its just that your usual edgy question to theist were answered well by Eastern religion so now you need to act cool and different somewhere else

>Why does the scorpion sting?
>Because it's purpose is to sting.
If people act degenerate, it's to show others what not to be like. I still don't have a good grip on Hinduism and Dharma. And isn't everything in this world, good or evil, a manifestation of god? Be it devas or rakshas demons.

Also Kali Yuga's influence on people's behavior is so strong. Will God be lenient when he punishes us?

All religions including Hinduism are bastardizations of the teachings of Hermes Trismegiatus. If you want to take the real universal red pill, start your journey with The Kybalion

OK I'll Play along your delusions. Can you answer me who's dreaming the said dream?

>mud bricks stacked on top of each other
There are way too many examples of proper architecture for a single image, but you won't find one built by pajeets

Vishnu look he's literally sleeping.

In fact pajeet it seems the chinese do everything better.

Poopy dream

Chinese should be thankful to Indian that Hinduism gave birth to Buddhism or else they'd be a bunch of barbarians.

Their is no punishment in Hinduism and yes everything is a manifestation of the Brahman being a deva or a rakshas depend on your Visage

These religious shitheads and beliebers are why this place is a shit bowl

A cosmic consciousness known as Brahman
Look up the file names it's constructed out of a single piece of granite

Any idea how Hinduism compared to the indus valley civilization? The Vedas were the texts (though passed down orally) of the Indus valley civilization. It seems likely that the indus valley area was one of few cultures who maintained the beliefs from the pre flood culture that flourished from India to Indonesia. There is evidence that Yoga was also a pre flood tradition.

monkeys built this.

The Kali Yuga will end when Krishna (an avatar of Vishnu) returns to Earth to educate us on dharma and spirituality. He will not punish us, we only punish ourselves. By doing good deeds (good karma) we can be reborn into better lives. But through Bhakti (devotional practice) we can attain Nirvana. Bhakti can include mediation, and chanting the lords name (Hare Krishna Hare Rama etc)

It should be noted that the Krishna's return is not like Jesus, the four yuga's are an endless cycle and Krishna always comes back to correct our path

When will India do an Ashvamedha on its neighboring countries?


>probably ads up towards reincarnation
is that really how it works in hinduism? i know in buddhism its just a meme that karma is like a bank that determines your reincarnation

no, monkeys built this

Bankti is but one of the ways, their are various kinds of other yoga you can perform to gain moksha
Their language is still not know to us to it's quite hard to tell but as the most likely 'writers' of the Vedas were harrapans we maintain quite a lot of those beliefs

The indus civilization disappeared after the flood, they could have been invaded, or died in the flood, or migrated. Modern Indian sewage is worse

It's generally the westerners who focus on the meme karma banks

>so i live in an area with a lot of indians, and i've driven past their hindu temples a few times. would it be weird to walk in and check it out? how would i be received as an obvious non-indian
"Hello madam would you like to have a taxi"

We r working on it but in the meantime go to your nearest iTunes store lel

>madarsa education

The flood occurred around 10,000BC, indus valley civilization started around 4,000BC, I believe it was likely founded by survivors of whatever culture built mohenjo daro and Dwarka.



The mythical city predates Indus valley civilization but with Krishna

I truly hope India steps up to challenge the rise of China over the next century. If China usurps the US as the worlds super power, its gonna be some bad times. At least you both hate muslims.

Shill me your ratnas I am the customer

>round earthers BTFO by based hinduism
>also super cool flying turtle who carries the slice is super cooool

Right, Dwarka is a pre flood ruin, probably built 10,000BC or earlier and lived in until flooded by rising ocean levels.

What flood destroyed Indus valley civilization?

Nah we are the original round earthers

The indus valley civilization was not destroyed by a flood. It may have been founded by remnants of a culture that survived a much earlier flood

Based Pajeet ancient loo flood


It was destroyed by the shift in the river Saraswati

user dont lie to me. According to your belief the earth is a slice resting on pillars carried by flying turtle.... I


I thought the river flooded regularly? If anything I thought there was a drought that caused the aridification of their farmland and the civilization dispersed into the surrounding civilizations.

So true that it hurts!

The river pretty much disappeared, and yes they shifted inland to other civilization

Nobody knows for sure kek. They got wiped out so they couldn't record it for us hominid sapien square to know for sure



Hinduism allows me to stay Hindu while being a disrespectful asshat who secretly believes that white guy dangling from the cross might actually have been right

Kek as I said we were the original round earthers, this is some quality anglo propaganda

What do hindus think of Kek? Is there room for additional gods in hinduism?


Praise Kek, and no one else.