Rush goes full Jared Taylor Race REALIST on Normie Audience

Anyone listening? Is it finally happening???>Blacks in the 12th grade solve maths problem at the equivalent of 6th grade white
>Companies hiring black college freshman are essentially getting an 8th grader

How is that race realism you retard
They don't solve at a 8th grade level because they're black, they do so because the quality of education is dogshit; the whites in the same classes as the blacks (in those shit schools) solve the same problems too and will have the same problem solving skill upon graduation
Jesus christ is this how trash the edgy alt-right logic is?
Well Rush has been devolving into autism entire time, so it's no surprise.

You must be new here.

I'd lurk a bit longer so you have an idea of what youre talking about. Niggers are not as smart as literally every other ethnicity, and in most ways are mildly retarded.

>Not believing in science
Look up the bell curve retard
Blacks are inherently less intelligent AND more violent
WTF do you want me to do about it other than warn my own people?

>being this naive

Wrong. I grew up in about a half black school and none of them were as smart as I was. I took Algebra in 8th grade and only 1 black was in it and he didn't pass. We were all given an equal opportunity and the whites did better

Also want to note that Rush was reading from a piece written BY a based blackman named walter williams

This dumbass probably hasn't seen anything that wasn't 90% white
Yeah that one black friend who doesn't like rap and doesn't use slang doesn't count
Try living in LA, Houston, Tallahassee and Chicago you ignorant nigger, I've seen the app in their natural habitats and they aren't human

You're probably replying to a nearly retarded nigger in 8th grade. That's literally who posts here now

Lincoln rockwell put it a good way he said, Yes I do think I'm better than the average negro. Dont trot out some superior brain surgeon negro. Compare the average black to the average white and theres about a 15 iq point gap period. They cannot be treated as professional and academic equals for much longer