Did Trump send aid to puerto rico?

I read a thread on Sup Forums earlier where somebody claimed that Trump had sent aid to Puerto rico before this tweet was made

Is it true or not?

Use a search engine and answer your own question, retard.

Answer is yes

FUck puto rico and puto ricans.

They are not American citizens I don't give a fuck what anyone says.

Hillary Clinton should be hung publicly.

Why is everyone saying that puerto rico is part of the US?

>American Citizens

Fucking barely. We should abandon PR.

Are you fucking dumb

it's a commonwealth so PR's are technically Americans

Fuck those spics. Cut off the island and tell 'em tough luck.

He has sent aide. They're having trouble sending aride since their ports are destroyed and there are no roads to drive trucks too.

>vote against becoming a state
>cry for US help
Really makes me think

The governor of PR has praised Trump and FEMA for their quick response, which Trump pointed out repeatedly because the MSM will never report it.

They're trying to meme them into statehood and entitlements.

Puerto ricans are nigger-tier spics. Hard to imagine a lousier type of beaner, on average.

Yes. The government has been praised for their response.

>Rossello and other officials praised the federal government for planning its response in detail before the storm hit, a contrast with what Puerto Rico has long seen as the neglect of 3.4 million Americans living in a territory without a vote in Congress or the electoral college.

>"This is the first time we get this type of federal coordination," said Resident Commission Jenniffer Gonzalez, Puerto Rico's non-voting representative in Washington.

They're basically subjects. Free movement and pretty easy to get citizenship, unfortunately.

We shouldn't keep subjects, and any people worth their salt should desire independence.

Actually they voted in favor but the people who didn't want to become a state held an election protest and refused to vote so the vote was considered worthless since not everyone voted.

It was 50/50. Since there was no majority they went with status quo. Puerto Ricans weren't Americans until Libs deemed it useful to their smear campaigns.

I completely agree but PR would be fucked on their own kek. It's already a giant shit hole as is. If they became a state Mississippi would no longer be the poorest state in the union kek.

It's worthless anyway, because it's not their say, ultimately. They'd just put their intentions to congress, where it would die in committee.

Your back!

How much money would we lose if PR became a state? I know PR's in America are big gibbs takers.

>Your back!
>is wet

True, but you constantly hear them gripe that their island's wealth is wrung out by international cartels. Nationalization of these supposedly lucrative areas would keep the money at home.

Too bad ricans never produced any decent revolutionaries.

As a state they'd start paying taxes and possibly end up owing the federal government indefinitely, which throws into question the purpose of their statehood.

As a people, they're usually terrible leeches.

Search Engines are jew tools of propaganda and only Sup Forums can be trusted

>As a state they'd start paying taxes and possibly end up owing the federal government indefinitely, which throws into question the purpose of their statehood.

I feel like I should expand on this.

>an island of illiberal welfare leeches
>given statehood
>two senators
>"The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand"
>3.411 million
>enough to constitute a push for reapportion the house, giving PR several seats, along with more for liberal hotbeds
>all for a state that will likely be a net drain on the economy, and will be indebted to the feds forever

Oh yeah, and they're niggers.

>this is Trump's KATRINA!!!!
>muh six gorillion Americans
I fucking hate leftist agitators so much.

thanks for the write up user, didn't even consider the consequences politically of them becoming a state.

why doesn't the US just let them go free then? become their own Caribbean country

It worth remembering that Leftists love to babble about democracy for a reason. It's their greatest weapon.

She needs to get her pedo "husband" some fresh meat.

Haha i love how she has to write "president" in front of trump!


Usually I can't stand twitter memes but that one is actually pretty spot on

There are benefits to be derived militarily and monetarily, for some people, for sure.

The steady migration of portable ricans has already irreparably damaged the demographics of my home town, as well as many other places. That serves another purpose.

Personally I wish we'd cut them loose, and I dont really respect any rican that doesnt desire the same.

If we did I bet we would get called racist.

Idk about Trump but I go to a maritime school and our ship is being sent to help out down there


I want to see her corpse paraded around on national television

given how the US handles aid he'd probably do more help by just sending in an airstrike.
and hillary pushing someone to give aid is just extra hillarious.