You can only post in this thread if you say something nice or something you like about another Country in the thread.
You’re very funny Australia.
OP is a faggot, should eat shit and die
Nice Union Jack in your flag,
England has nice people
I have always been jealous of your moist and saucy BBQ. (we have bbq but its not the same)
Nice one on yours
you have some nice thick women
kaiserschmarren are very tasty.
you have the best men for filling my countrywomens wombs with their heated fluids.
McDonalds is my favorite fast food and without America, it wouldn't exist.
Thanks, Burger.
you have the qtiest qts
would sell out for a latina
>hmu mexico
This is fucking harder than I thought..
You have the hottest girls of any country I've ever seen
You have a nice border that you shouldn't cross illegally.
and poland
accidentally almost got on the bridge to canada from detroit once. it was a cool looking bridge. thanks canada
Cheers love! you guys have... nice tea.. thanks.
Aussie shit posting is top notch
Nice kangaroos, m8
Mexico has white people.
I would brave your wildlife to experience your culture, food, and banter with some mates.
ive honestly yet to see a single hot polish girl in britain
All Swedish people I have met here so far have been very polite and speak better English than some of the locals and the chicks are always super chill its like hanging out with a dude that you can fuck if you play your cards right.
I love your food and would love to wife one of your thick women.
Thanks for keeping Prussian traditions alive, Chilebro.
You're a good neighbor to have. Keep up having good highways for our caravans.
You're the most important country on the continent, and like us, I know you will uncuck in time.
I like that you Swedes take the abuse you get here on Sup Forums very manly.
You guys can't post anywhere without being called an immigrant "poo in loo muhammad" or something thank you for still being chill and to help you I shall post a diagram of how to correctly use a toilet!
people like to joke about Canada and maple syrup but in your defense that shit is really good
You have a nice wall
Thanks for being the first country to stand up to the left-wing fascists, from a fellow pede. MAGA, Free Kekistan, brothers.
I really admire your constitution (particularly the first two amendments) and how it still hasn't been fucked by the left.
I'd like to explore the rectum of one of your plump and curvy females with my superior Aryan penor.
Bulgarian food is tasty.
Choose one buddy
I wanna say thank you to the Japanese. I've never met such nice people before. I even lost my wallet in akihabara and someone returned it to the cops with everything still inside.
I hope the US can be as high trust as Japan is some day.
qt republican-raised small town southern white girls make for the best waifu material anywhere in the world
Australia and the rest of the common wealth (Not India and USA) are pretty cool : )
Thanks for The Mountie, Bret The Hitman Hart and the Monreal Screwjob
Canada has the best autumns, and the television commercials are like I remember them ~10 years ago. Maximum comfy vacation.
You’re very good at shitposting :^)
I think France will be the first western European nation to uncuck itself, by any means necessary.
I really like the Norks, I may don't support or endorse their political ideologies but I find them quite interesting. I wanna go one day.
We´re sorry for WW1 and 2
I love your coast
Truly greatest ally
Japan had a really good weight loss plan for foreigners to take advantage of in the 1940's
I admire the Catholic faith seen in France, even after the "no public practicing of religion" stuff went into place.
Australia has very interesting nature and are top tier with the bantz.
You were right the second time.
I like your greasy food, tiny cute men, totally beautiful women and how you jump those walls, let me tell ya Juan, it's amazing.
It is interesting to see a parallel society grow without the influence of global "omni-culture," but I suggest not going to North Korea until the current crisis passes. They may resort to taking Western hostages as leverage. The last one we got back ... well, I'm earnestly glad he died at home, where his parents are CONVINCED he knew where he was.
Germans have developed a very nice year round tan.
Odd premise.
Germans breed good doggos.
Americans I am jealous of guns.
French are on the other side of the channel. This is very good.
There would not be a USA without the United Kingdom, and your countrymen showed true courage during Brexit. Thank you best ally.
america and australia are the two biggest country's in the world uncuking themselves
Kangaroos are cute
Kangaroos are angry horse-donkeys. Hunting cane toads seems like fun.
I envy Israel's ethno state and admire their subversiveness. They still need to be gassed.
Its nice that they eat their cats, afterall i hate cats
It will spread, when SHTF be ready.
Pic related is the best god damn vodka I've ever had in my life, and it's super cheap. Thanks for that based Sup Forumsand
Gotta be careful they act all cute but look away for a few seconds and they will try to choke out your dog.
I rooted for your football team during the 2010 world cup, you have some talented guys and qt women.
Kiwis are decent people.
Can't they gut you with their legs?
You are good at beating up rapefugees.
>has never seen a mexican woman before
wild sense of humour, exotic nature
shaped last century in all ways
gentleman, kind and rational
warm and natural acting people, good food
non-agressive behaviour
free drugs
best women, interesting nature, rich
america with less rednecks and violent criminals
civilized and good-looking people
safest country after nuclear ww3
engineering, best cars, discipline
best weightlifters, green nature
Shit hits the fan....the happening
Even the low class girls escaping communism are stupidly hot.
Your diet methods is an inspiration for the whole world.
Australians are the biggest shitposters.
your flag looks nice save for one small blemish
The example of Atatürk is an ideal which should guide all muslim nations.
I like your kebabs
sounds pretty good considering im the only white person in the neighborhood
i like the way you uncuked yourselves in 1975
Then jump the boarder into the USA. We are gonna need as many white people we can get our hands on
I give Turks a lot of shit, but gotta admire their nationalism.
I love Germany's Nazi history.
Augusto Pinochet was a great leader.
I dream of the day when we in the West can treat feminists like shitskin Muslims.
The best pussy is in Eastern Europe.
I envy you for having guns.
From Kant to Heidegger, you've produced the greatest philosophers.
My favorite metal has its origins in your country (e.g., Gorgoroth, Taake, Burzum).
Bruges looks like the most beautiful city in the world, at least as depicted in the film 'In Bruges'.
100% right on women
Ethnic Germans are really good workers and i really like formal German as a language
i love you all
You are preventing conflicts and keeping the world peace, which means less refugees and migration.
The american media is going to start beating the drum about Venezuela soon. You might very well get an intervention in 2018. Jump the border friendo.
oh im definetly going to the USA in the future but not now since i dont have any papers