Why hasn't /ag/ been made yet? It would fix Sup Forums overnight.
Why hasn't /ag/ been made yet? It would fix Sup Forums overnight
1) It's a non-solution
2) Sup Forums is not getting split up any further.
3) Lurk more.
Half the threads at any given time are fucking generals. Explain to me how giving them their own board to fuck off to with their psuedo-chatrooms is a non-solution.
butthurt fag that can't fit in any generals detected
maybe get some good taste?
No it wouldn't. Splitting the cancer wouldn't fix a thing. Not to mention generals are worse cancer than normal threads, just take a look at /vg/.
/vg/ was a mistake.
Because it would turn Sup Forums into /ab/.
>Half the threads at any given time are fucking generals
But that's the thing. It's never acknowledged, but generals are everywhere on Sup Forums. They're just hidden in plain sight. Sup Forums might have had the shitposting levels required to sustain the board after /vg/ was created, but I honestly can't say the same about Sup Forums.
If /ag/ were to be created, one of two things would happen. The board would either become incredibly shit or just become as dead as /e/.
Jesus you anti-general people are the worst. You know what happened to Sup Forums after they made a videogames general board? The place managed to become even more shitty, which is amazing because it was already shit to begin with. You don't need a containment board for people who are actually discussing shit, just ignore the threads you giant faggot.
Or just add a rule and ban everyone who makes an "x thread" "y edition" "New thread >>" post until it stops?
This belongs more on /qa/ then it does on Sup Forums anyway.
Just like it fixed Sup Forums?
I already do ignore them, I hide any thread using the subject field because they're all cancer psuedo-generals. That doesn't mean the problem is solved. Sup Forums isn't more shitty because the biggest spergs were shipped off to /vg/, it's shitty because of crossboarder normalfags who only care about social media nonsense.
>It would fix Sup Forums overnight
Start by banning shipping and you're already fixing most of Sup Forums
What's wrong with generals?
>That doesn't mean the problem is solved. Sup Forums isn't more shitty because the biggest spergs were shipped off to /vg/
If that was the case, surely /vg/ would be worse than Sup Forums? And that clearly isn't the case because nothing could be worse than Sup Forums.
They're shitposting magnets. But more importantly, they trigger some of the autists among us.
Then here's a question for you, assume that a /ag/ board would be made, what would ACTUALLY be on Sup Forums then? Because I am just picturing people making threads still on specific shows just not titling them generals, and then you have two redundant boards.
Worthless circlejerking.
/vg/ is much worse than Sup Forums, I don't think you've seen either board in the last 5 years.
They are mini communities that develop their own rules and habits. They also commonly give rise to not just blogging, but actual identities.
They're chatrooms, and only very loosely connected to the nominal topic or Sup Forums.
>surely /vg/ would be worse than Sup Forums?
/vg/ is 150 different boards. If you don't think that's a problem you haven't seen Sup Forums back when a board was actually a community.
That wouldn't solve anything. What we need is mods that actually browse the board to get rid of shit chatroom generals and leave the ones that actually happen to be discussing something at the moment which is pretty fucking small.
>what would ACTUALLY be on Sup Forums then?
Are you serious?....
Meta threads are the cancer killing Sup Forums