Someone explain this movie to me ? What was that all about ?
Someone explain this movie to me ? What was that all about ?
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Don't let weird men steal your freaky eggs.
Pretty obvious.
One thing I'm sure of, the eggs of 99% of Sup Forumsnons are safe.
Don't bother. Even Miyazaki couldn't understand it.
Is the goofy live action added western version worth watching?
I heard it imparts an entirely different meaning.
A world where the great flood never ended.
You don't have to explain. But you have to eat the egg
it's kind of about faith, but it's not an allegory, so looking for a meaning behind it would be a waste of time.
Does it need to be about anything?
I heard that its director was a seminarian before
Just one thing i probably understood. That boy, he was Death, right ?
I like this dude's hair.
2deep4u christian imagery
Honestly, that boy have 10/10 design. Also, what´s up with his cross like staff ? Is there a hidden meaning to it ?
i didn't understand a shit i just watched it on hd because it has awesome art besides that i'm too dumb to understand what the flying fuck is going on.
The search for knowledge and the nature of mystery.
Just listen again to what the Man said to the Girl before breakint the egg. Then apply those elements to the story in the film.
It's because he was made by a 10/10 character designer.
About the Ark ?
God never ended the flood, Noah's ark capsized and that's what you see when the camera pans out in the end.
It's pretty fucking bleak.
You have to eat all the eggs
What's worse, that or this?
Yes, but pay attention to the part before he starts reciting the story of the arc and then the moment after the story differs from the original.
All I know is if I were in this guy's position, I don't know if I would've been able to restrain myself. No police, no public scrutiny, she's alone and completely defenseless. Her loneliness would likely make her susceptible to stockholm syndrome as well. Would make living in an apocalyptic mindfuck world like that so worth it.
it's a blatant analogy for faith
You wouldn't if you were post-apocalyptic, sci-fi jesus.
You're right, I wouldn't. I'd make her orgasm with the unrivaled power of Hokuto Ju No Ken alone.
He really doesn't strike me as a Jesus figure.
Breaking the egg was clearly a bad move
I did. Now what ?
i forgot. but it was something heavily religion related iirc
but there are a few theories out there, some very long ones too. google it.
he is jesus and the egg is a symbol for the child's something-something, i forgot. google it.
So is this good or not?
Mamoru Oshii is a Christian fanboy the same way a lot of people from the west are Buddhist fanboys.
Just think how it relates to the visual storytelling.
It was in the end.
Well I say he's Satan and the egg was a symbol for the girls faith.
Shattering it was useless and only led to more faith
Wasn't he a lapsed catholic?
satan doesn't carry a cross though
The cross is the most literal symbol for sin that exists in christianity.
Or more exactly sin that is/gets defeated
How dense are you, watch it yourself. It's not like we can measure how many particles of goodness it has and give you the amoung in goodness/seconds.
Not really, he just exposed he faith for being empty. She follows him and in the end reaches enlightment when we see all the eggs rising and her becomming part of God.
This. Read interviews with the director people.
This thread is basically
>What's the plot of the mona lisa?
>The castle in Starry Night is Satan and the stars are god!
how did that came from the egg?
Obviously yes.
well there is a lot to read into with this movie, unlike the mona lisa.
the only good answer in this garbage thread
>Not really, he just exposed he faith for being empty
I disagree. Nothing visible being inside the egg doesn't have to correlate to it being empty.
In fact that her "ascension" to God brings forth more eggs while the guy bearing his cross is left behind seems to suggest the opposite.
That destroying the egg to know what's in it is wrong
more like by far the most generic and useless answer.
calm your autism. not a religionfag but this is without a doubt related to it.
ok nerd, now go take your pills
Just tell me how.
>Why do people try to analyse the symbols instead of being happy with my vague statement
because that's the human nature user, that why we're always looking for the meaning of our existence.
Classic memetexting a Sup Forumsermin newfag.
Let´s say i understood end a little. I still have no fucking idea what were those shade fishes and fishermen about and why is that big ball eye covered with statues of people.
>the knowledge and natue of mystery
whoa. that's deep, man
this user gets it.
>being a lawfag
Jesus, just connect the dots. Do you also ask for game walkthroughs on Sup Forums? If you really want walkthroughs then go on-line. If you want people to spoonfeed answers to you then type in "Angel's Egg analysis" in google. Otherwise try harder, use your brain and maybe rewatch some scenes or the whole film. Form a theorey no matter how vague and see how it holds up on a rewatch. If you've been looking over this thread for several hours then you clearly have time to watch the movie again.
Go back to wherever you came from, cancer.
no one does, autists like just pretend they know shit they read on MAL or something
I'm probably wrong, but the egg symbolized faith; the act in believing something you cannot see. Noah's ark had capsized ages ago and the world tried to carry on as if nothing had ever happened. Eventually it all ebbed into nothing- a ghost ship with a ghost city pasted on the hull. The figure carrying the weight of his religion, in the end, wanted nothing more than to see for himself if what they had once lived for was real. Breaking the egg, he found only emptiness. The movie might try to be inferring that faith in itself is only important or meaningful in it's shell, not it's hollow contents.
the irony.
don't reply to me again you shitstain.
>a have no idea what I am talking about so I will just keep avoiding giving an answer like a insecure faggot
That which can mean anything has no meaning at all. Just enjoy the film as a pretext to present some nice visuals and music in conjunction.
Ok, so I guess once you have kids you'll be just doing their homework for them instead of helping them go through the right steps and follow a certain thought process. I really do hope you're impotent.
nobody knows it perfectly. but any answer is better than
That's kind of bullshit, films are made with intent from real people not by randomized computer generators. I've yet to see a film feature film with consistent content that could have any kind of meaning attached to it.
I think that this actually doesn't have a meaning, they just wanted to make a beautiful animation.
Like when you're watching a landscape, the rain or a cool looking abstract art, it doesn't need meaning it just looks cool and you like it.
I think you don't really think that.
I kinda agree with this. I feel like the closest comparison to Angel's Egg would be something like a Tarkovsky film, where the emphasis is placed on whatever emotion the imagery evokes instead of whatever meaning is behind it.
Guys, he really is unable to explain it.
I just pulled it straight out my ass and neglected the content of your text to make that statement. Just like you must have neglected the content of Angel's Egg and pulled that statement stright out of your ass.
i never thought about it on that way, well then you're right i think.
If there's a meaning on the movie i didn't find it, maybe is 2deep4 my inferior mind.
Even if that were actually the case then who are you to talk when you're actually asking to be spoonfed which is you literally admitting you're not able to explain it?
nah, most of the events in this movie are too deliberate to be random. not saying it needs an overarching big meaning that connects every part, but there is probably a theme or two, and the events are referencing stuff related to those themes.
like someone mentioned before, we're not computer that generate random shit. the fishermen, her looking for water, it's gotta mean something.
it might not be well done, but there being no meaning at all just seems unlikely
If you are a squirrel or even a placenta, yeah.
what if he took inspiration from dreams, dreams always have nonsensical shit that in some cases looks cool.
I don't think anyone just watches this film and automatically gets them. I think people are just too used to binge watching anime and won't allow themselves time to think about those works or rewatch them. They just have to jump to the next because "much powerlevel" and "muh backlog" so they don't have time to consider the meaning of anime that use as blatant thematic exposition and need some digging in to.
Dreams are almost never non-sensical
They just have no continuity at all.
nobody uses their dream just like that in all its nonsensical ways
even stories based on dreams usually make sense.
The fishermen only hunt for shadows and not their real/supposed target only destroying their own city in the process.
I'm sure it means something
I'm a simple person i can't measure the hidden reasons behind people actions, this applies to media too, i just perceive what is in front of my eyes, then i'm not able to see something behind the film director's mind, it's probably something like trying to explain the colors to someone that has a vision in grayscale.
I understand you point, in dreams the events are connected for sure, but the "story" itselft is nonsensical.
I like to write down my crazy dreams user,
and they don't have any sense, but of course you can take ideas from the dreams and apply them to the art or things like that, this movie could be a example.
I didn't mean to say that the film's events were random. I was pointing out that the main focus of Angel's Egg's imagery is to convey an emotion instead of a concrete meaning. When Oshii shows the fishermen destroying the city, or the girl looking for water, it's not supposed to symbolize a specific concept, but is instead trying to evoke a specific feeling for the viewer. This video talks about Tarkovsky's work, and much of what's said about his usage of imagery can apply to Angel's Egg.
What is the problem with a different interpretation? You don't have to interpret the movie while reading the bible just because some religious symbols are in it. Try to think outside the box a little.
>I'm a simple person i can't measure the hidden reasons behind people actions, this applies to media too, i just perceive what is in front of my eyes, then i'm not able to see something behind the film director's mind, it's probably something like trying to explain the colors to someone that has a vision in grayscale.
If you're that self-conciouss about it, then why say something like this:
There's nothing wrong with what you're saying but it's wrong to make assumptions in a feald you yourself know you're incompetent in. I mean it's as if you brought a pc to someone who doesn't know anything about them and that person said that it's totally broken and beyond repair. They don't know if they are right or not so they are basically consciously misleading the person.
Wha different interpretation? You didn't provide any of your own, you just said you want people to spoonfeed one for you.
maybe because i'm a curious faggot with a big mouth that enjoys talking about shit that he doesn't know..
> I mean it's as if you brought a pc to someone who doesn't know anything about them and that person said that it's totally broken and beyond repair. They don't know if they are right or not so they are basically consciously misleading the person.
this describes my fucking self.
The girl is the only human left on earth from Noah's Ark, instead of God saving human race he left them to die instead
The egg means faith or something
Jesus Soldier got out of the giant dome and went to take the girl back to be united with God
it sounds cool.
It's a very Lynchian film if you plebs know what it means, it's not supposed to be plot driven, it's supposed to make you feel. Surrealism at it's finest.
What was the significance of the fish and the fishermen?
This covers like 5-10 minutes. What about the rest 60 ?