Post anythung Dragon Ball related
Dragon Ball Z/GT/Super
Where to download saiyan saga
Future Goten
Hercule was the only one able to fight Boo without getting hit. Therefore: Hercule>every other character before Super
Super saiyan pan Super saiyan pan Super saiyan pan Super saiyan pan Super saiyan pan Super saiyan pan Super saiyan pan Super saiyan pan
beerus and whis Fusion
too bad i don't have a 3ds
In xenoverse I made my character an all ki user type guy so is this okay?
yeah don't try to go for balance just be a ki character or atk maybe they fix that in Xenoverse 2 but we have wait and see in fall
It's like the Crypt Keeper and Doggie Kreuger had a kid
Will this game get a NA release?
Apart from God Vegito, what could even touch this?
>NA release
Guess it's too niche.
The poster boy of Fusions himself of course, Calorie.
for a mainstream dbzfan
Cell and Frieza
Ginyu and Saiyaman
Why are Cell's fusions always so lame?
lol that's so fucking OP
literally a multiverse buster.. why is that even in the game? how will that balance this
black goku looks pretty cool
How many hours until the stream?
good luck beating that
>Ginyu and Saiyaman
Fucking perfect.
And it's called "Ginyuman". I'm kind of annoyed that his face looks identical to Ginyu's though. He looks more like Ginyu wearing Saiyaman's outfit than an actual fusion. Although I guess he might have Gohan's hair too?
>He looks more like Ginyu wearing Saiyaman's outfit than an actual fusion
yeah. that's a bit disappointing
Is that a toriyama design? I didn't know Super was using game characters, or is it the other way around?
It's hard for me to get into Super when the animation is so garbage. It's a shame when a show 20yrs older, made with less resources, looks vastly superior.
How many total episodes will DBS be?
I dont know, but the longer the better, right?
Is this actually confirmed ?
Super... Cyan Pan?
probably other way around.