Muh based Burmese Buddhists

>Muh based Burmese Buddhists
You all do know that Sup Forums is a Christian board, right? Buddhist are shitskins that follow a shitskin false religion and are doomed to burn in hell for eternity. No one who isn't Christian can be based. These same Buddhists you praise have made it so Christians need permission to even read a bible.


Fuck off with your cuck religion. Sup Forums is a buddhist board

If this was a Christian board isent accepting other peaceful religion part of christians

I'll take your word for it, Shlomo.

>unironically worshiping a jew

Good goy.

>hate the one group fighting muslims
the absolute fucking state of christians

At least they did something about the fucking muslims m8, that counts in their favour.

Rabi, what are you doing?

>Religion created by a literal Aryan
>Religion created by a sandnigger

Sure is tough.

>Buddhist are shitskins that follow a shitskin false religion and are doomed to burn in hell for eternity. No one who isn't Christian can be based.

Say it to this man's face, kiddo. I'd like to see YOU work up the courage.

Sup Forums

Rabbi, please go and stay go

Sorry Mehmet, but your reasoning fails. Any people can do whatever they want in their own countries. It's a plus that it happens to be against muslims.

Piss of larper. Pray to Buddha for their aim to be true.


well they are not hurting anyone, it's not a christian state.

fuck off and stop being a liberal scumbag.

Myanmar is for Buddhists. Why the fuck would you even live there as a Christian.

Also pol is not a christian board , and never will be , go worship your zombie jew somwhere else


Honestly, I prefer Buddhism to Christianity. It preaches what I believe is a good set of morals without trying to answer questions that people will never find answers to.

I like them even more now.

Christianity is a shit skin religion too ya fucking Heebaboo

>be christian
>welcome muslim invaders into Europe because love thy brother


That's what pagans LARPers do.

Look, I get it. I understand your perspective.

Although, we can still fight for religious liberty and tolerance of our beliefs in these regions without totally disregarding these people from different religions. Right now, on the world stage, Buddhists are more our friends than Muslims are. We NEED friends, and it's not "selling-out" to praise different groups for their "like-minded" values, etc.

I'm a devout Roman Catholic and trust me this stuff bothers me too whenever I hear about it.

I think you have a good attitude towards it. Even Ashin Wirathu, "the face of Buddhist terror," believes all peoples and religions can live together peacefully after kebab has been removed.

Dunno his opinion on bagel, though.

Christians, Buddhists, agnostics and even in some cases pagans can coexist.
Not everyone has to go to heaven. In the end, what matters most is what you do during your life not what happens after.