I will never leave europe :)

I'm an arab living in France.
I will NEVER leave europe, i swear to you guys i will stay here until the last day of my life.
I'm as european as you , my children my grandchildren my grandgrandchildren will also be born in EUROPE and they will be raised MUSLIMS whether you want it or NOT :)
Because these lands were part of my ancestors land and i have all the right staying here, i have to finish their work and spread the truth (islam) :)

just get to used to it brothers, peace on you :)

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You'll be killed. It's unfortunate you don't see it coming. It's a lot closer than you realize.

your children will die of your ignorance.

>im an arab
>im as european as you

what's gonna be, retard?

On verra bien, mon copain.
Si t'aimes tes enfants, faudra peut-être penser à rentrer à la maison.

66% Macron buddy :)
10 millions of muslims electorate in France.
i will fight for the futur on my children in France to the last drop of blood.

Peace on you.

>my children my grandchildren my grandgrandchildren will also be born in EUROPE

they will be slaughtered and the women will be made sex slaves

dont fuck with superior men

Moroccans are a bunch of subhuman sand-gypsies who deserve to be turned into toilet cleaning products.

Same here m8

said the niggers of Europe.

>Implying you'll do anything
Hahahaha va dormir


My ancestors used to live in europe for 7 centuries therefore all arabs are europeans.

Y a rien à voir frère vous avez dèja perdu, dans la vraie vie tu baisses les yeux devant les rebeux deter, paix sur toi .


your men are so weak, 1 average moroccan looking dude BTFO 6 whites.

>t. a literal parasyte

You'll die :)

Old european gods are with us .

What a semen demon.

lol yeah no fuck off

Stay mad.

wesh kho çava bien

3000 moroccan peasants defeat 60 000 armed spaniards.
shut your mouth you're literaly my rape baby.

At least get atheist/agnostic, get class conscious and work in order to obtain true socialism

This breaks a muslim.

>i will fight
you didnt fight in your shithole country, you wont fight in this shithole france


Reply to me when Moroccans win a war, lmao.

meanwhile your people are getting SCHLONGED over here buddy

No election is going to help you. What's facing you is not localized to France. You will be a destination that people travel to to slaughter you. You will be the front. It's almost sad you don't see it coming.

Tes enfant vendront du shit comme tous les bougnoules.
Après ils auront pas de boulot comme vous tous, parce qu'on va quand même pas embaucher des têtes de cons comme vous.
Un jour, on va décider que les allocs, c'est pas pour vous, bande de parasites.
T'auras plus qu'a rentrer dans ton pays de merde.


Look at last elections in France, not even they care about their country, so why should I give a fuck? France deserve this

Did you evner watch The show about The lion?

You never conquered Sardinia nor Corsica, occupating the disabitated coast before getting gently told to leave with swords by sardinians, genoans and pisans is not conquest

Holy shit every time i see that map gets bigger, i'm sad for your life OP
Usually people on Sup Forums are sad by definition, if we had the fact that your a muzzie in a land that if your lucky ignores you and at the worse hates to death makes me feel a little

2 bougnoules et un communiste. Qui a oublié de vider les poubelles aujourd'hui?

????? i just showed you a battle of anoual ( also called the disaster of annual in spain :DD )

i'm not talking about andalus and 7 centuries of raping your women, you have my arab blood flowing in your veins.

no problem coming from a semitic cousin

i don't understand what this is

Godamn these bait threads are so shit. Saged.

You have been smashed out of Europe by glorious european armies -- spanish and the portuguese, or by all other europeans And after that europeans conquered the entire planet earth and you were living in caves.

>until the last day of my life

>flees war like a bitch
>moves to the most cuck country for gibs
>chimps out

And you call yourself a real man
You are fucking coward, thats why your kind and religion is shit.

Good. The more of you remain in western europe the less of you will be in eastern europe.
P.S We have an old saying "Visur gerai kur mūsų nėra (Everywhere is good where we are not present).

Unfortunately he's right. Moroccans are in the top 3 lowest lifeforms roaming Europe.

Not really some eastern euro friends commint way more crime than arabs in italy and in uk too

I thought you musulman's claimed Abd-Ar-Rahman was only raiding/on a razzia. You muslim heathens were beaten back by Charles Martel. Your "ancestors" never held the area you show in the map for even half a year.

Speaking of your ancestors, the berbers I presume, they were apostates to islam tens of times, each time having to be subdued by arab invaders.

Islam is far from perfect and it is not the word the perfect word of god. There existed many different versions of Qu'ran after Muhammed died. There also seems to be many passages missing from the Qu'ran that for example Caliph Umar remembered Muhammed reciting.

There's many ex-muslims and for a good reason. Watch this video. Hopefully you will turn to Christ. Peace.


>I'm as european as you
define what european is.

How long have your ancestors lived in Europe? Europe for Euros

>white sharia image
we don't care about Islam we want ur brown skin out of Europe
Notice their eye, skin and hair color?

the operative number in that equation is that 33% of France voted for you to get the fuck out

The American revolution was fought by 3% of the population

Not looking good for you, nigger

Yes, Albanians (Muslims)


Don't know how much the stats changed in two years.

November 17, 2017, 11:40

You won't stay for too long

You'll make good fertilizer, inshallah :)

Is this the common muslim mindset? To behave like a thug boasting of violence? Such behavior is reminiscent of beasts of the wild. No wonder people don't like you and your "religion of peace".

We spanish already drag you out once, don`t make us repeat ourselves

You will be removed. You enjoy the fruits of a superior economy and that's why you have attachment to that land. That won't last forever and when the machine breaks down, we break down. Mudslimes will be removed.

Back to the desert you go.


>My purpose in life is to infest
this is you btw

Your cockroach children deserve worse than death.

>supported by Great Britain

>peace be on you
>oh yeah? moroccans can beat up gay guys!
Truly the mental product of hundreds of years of inbreeding and brainwashing. This is why the retards must be removed.

>they will be raised MUSLIMS


they will be european tough, you are right about that.

in Germany it's North Africans by far
either Moroccan, Tunisian or Algerian for almost every crime

Religion is a spook, and the religious will either give up their spooks or go in the gulag.

The chofa lower their eyes in the street

Good. Option 2 it is then.

Acting "civilized" and complaining will only increase your chances of getting bullied.

Stfu ahmef, ottomans never set foot above Danube (ro) and you know it, Romanians only had to pay tribute, ottomans couldn't even enforce islam

>You "lived" here, we got you out.
>You "living" here, we will do the same.

And it won't take seven centuries

Wesh, tranquille et toi?

J'étudie dans un institut privé tu crois que je suis un sarrazin de seconde classe ou quoi? Je vais reprendre nos terre comme il faut et dans les règles de l'art, pendant que tes confrères font plus d'enfants et passent leur jeunesse à fumer boire et donc détruire leur fertilité ma femme me donnera un petit caliphe insha'Allah

Every north african man, woman and child deserves a bullet in the head.

For a second there I thought you were going to start praising Europe

Then you started monologuing about izzlem...

>tfw you realize it's a smug sandnigger taunting you


Enjoy your last few years, bud :)

>Hopefully you will turn to Christ
Your country is 20% true Christians (only 20% of Finnish "christians" actually believe in God) what the fuck are you expecting?
Get the fuck out of here with your basic lies about Islam we already know them.

>irl il baisse les yeux et change de trottoirs devant les rebeux

on fait HELLA les fréros
paix sur vous.

There will be factories designed and built specifically to harvest your useful bits and the rest burned to enrich fertilizer. You're in Europe, but you are not European, your mischief is permitted only by permission from the established body politic but this status quo is not sustainable. Welfare will end, mercy will grow thin and die, your people have refused to integrate at your peril. You're a blamable misbehaving out group not a brother or comrade in arms. Each yime this story is told the advancement in technology is the limiter in what will be done to you. As a people you still have uses, plasma, stem cells from your skin, organs, bones much useful materiel for a civilization that sees nothing good in youu but your removal. Europe tells this story every fifty years or so, your people are next. Leave before you're harvested user....

There are Muslims in our armies and intelligence services and health services, it doesn't matter.

It's the retards who can't raise their kids properly and teach them to hate non-muslims that are the problem.

Just raise your kids to not be as retarded as your ancestors.

Islam is being eroded by atheism, so your kids might be atheist muslims, I hope so.

It's cause 500 years of living in our comfortable, affluent european civilized societies has made us soft

Don't worry tho, we have tanks and napalm so it's all good

You're grandkids will not exist Abdul, i can fucking guarantee it.

well west europe is cucked, so good luck euro/pol/s, i wish you luck

ich ich

>says leading ex-Muslims
:^) of course we're going to trust his objective view
Even in the West Islamism is rising, and especially among converts, don't have too much hope

Do you actually believe that or does this thought help you sleep?


this board burnt your brain

peace on you

that is not going to happen, the damn pieces of crap will never raise their kids to become such persons, they will learn to be the good muslims we all know
good = the retards we watch all day

it doesn't matter really
we'll either remove you by force
or send you to kingdom come
i'll advice you to convert to Catholicism
for you'nd want to go to hell either way

Your children will become westernized, hate you, and will shame your family.
Have a good day, peace on you.

You're not muslim you pathetic LARPer

>I will NEVER leave europe,
>i swear to you guys i will stay here until the last day of my life.

so what you're saying is that you're leaving one way or the other.


That's fun i'll fight for the same thing but on the other side

You'll leave in a bag then

If Europe is working is because is not controlled by sandniggers... If sandniggers take the control Europe will be a shithole like your real country...

Is not the place is the people

>until the last day of my life
That can be arranged.

This is how French supermarkets looks like during Ramadan


>atheist muslims
There is no such thing, retarded bong.

why this date?

>he thinks he is on the winning team
>'u-uh g-guise pls don't shoot me I only ironically converted to islam'

Alright, just remember to stay there when you've used them up and they are the same as the home country you ran away from.

Cause you won't find any open borders over here.

Bulgaria is dar-ul-islam

>cette daronne smicarde au premier plan


>these lands were part of my ancestors land
No, they weren't.

It's a fact. They'll either leave peacefully or they'll suffer and be killed off.

Are you going to commit a terror attack?

If not, you’re welcome to stay.

>tfw arabs think they are gonna rule France
>oblivious to the fact that both Europe and North Africa is going to be steamrolled by millions of sub saharan guys in the decades to come