What animes are you watching next season Sup Forums?
Summer 2016
You are on the wrong board.
I love to watch fujoshi every season
I will watch all the animesses.
Wow, next season looks terrible.
91 days could be interesting.
And Berserk because why not.
Ain't there a Kuroko no Basuke movie coming?
You're doing this on purpose.
Who cares, it's garbage.
Oh well atleast I get to clear my backlog a bit. Will watch illya and give 91 days a chance and check berserk to see how bad the 3d is so I can shitpost in threads.
Oh, I'm sorry, SAO, Mayoiga and SnK are the only good stuff on Sup Forums.
>pic related, it's (You)
>New game
Only good shows next season. The rest look worse than this season
I guess I will check out Mob Psycho, since I enjoyed OPM. Well, maybe Bersek just to see how much they fucked up the adaptation.
Other than that I don't see anything particularly interesting, but we'll see once they will start to come out.
>I can shitpost
Kill yourself you underage redditor.
Jesus look at all those fujoshits.
I thought summer was full of good stuff, not BL bullshits.
DAYS, Amaama to Inazuma and Amanchu.
Can't wait to see Kotori animated.
Some things will be dropped, if only because otherwise theres too much shit to watch
Only thing I'm excited for is Danganronpa 3, and that's only if it's not an adaptation of the Danganronpa 2 VN or something. And because the first anime was shit, I'm only excited because the Danganronpa 3 VN doesn't exist yet. So at least I get more Daganronpa.
Other than that, looks like a mediocre season.
Checking out:
Shokugeki no Souma
D.Gray-man Hallow
Danganronpa 3: Mirai-hen
Danganronpa 3: Zetsubou-hen
Mob Psycho 100
91 Days
Qualidea Code
Fate/kaleid liner PrismaIllya 3rei!!
Hatsukoi Monster
Amaama to Inazuma
Fukigen na Mononokean
Days (TV)
Cheer Danshi!!
Binan Bouei-bu LOVE!
Fudanshi Koukou Seikatsu
Hitori no Shita: The Outcast
Show By Rock!! Short!!
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito
>Going to watch definitively:
Mob Psycho 100
New Game
Shokugeki S2
Masou Gakuen HxH
Show by Rock
>Will give it a try:
Amaama to Inazuma (looks adorable and daddy MCs are always a win-win for me)
Amanchu (hope is not shit like Flying Witch)
Handa-kun (hope is not shit, period)
>Shitposting intensifies:
Berserk (seriously, who is going to watch this with any other purpose other than laughing at it?)
>just 9 shows top to watch
Backlog season it is.
3rei is going to be great if Shirou comes up, so I will be watching it in the hopes that we get at least to the final battle before the flashback.
Will give Qualidea and Planetarian a shot.
I will probably not watch Rewrite because I haven't played the VN yet.
I can assure you Mob Psycho and ReLife is going to be good.
>put about 20 shows on my list every season
>still have to catch up from 2013 when I started doing this
Mob Psycho
ReLIFE, I want to redo my life too.
>implying the new berserk series will be good for anything else but shitposting
I'm glad to hear that.
Hope next season would be fun.
all of it looks either shit or gay
much like my face
Reminder Orange is AOTS.
Really hoping Amanchu becomes AOTY
I hope it will be so mediocre that everyone actually loses interests in the adaption and won't make any threads for it after the third week, and the shitposters who will try to annoy everyone will leave bored because no one is paying attention to it anymore.
>unironically implying that koroko no basuke isn't garbage
knb is the best among those, that's for sure
It's animus you retard.
Shit season, just New Game and Boku no Backlog
what anime will be Sup Forums favorite?
>reLIFE was reading the manga like, last year or smth and it's pretty interesting, but still not that good
>mob psycho
cause why not
>new game
manga was a bore-fest probably won't try the anime
oh boy, threads are gonna be fun
>nanatsu no taizai
been following the manga, and the arc is pretty interesting
>91 days
seems interesting, will give it a few episodes
>Shokugeki no souma
will be catching up on the manga, not looking forward to see the anime
i don't even know myself
is the first saeson of arslan senki worth watching?
>Two sport shows.
Fuck YEAH, They always produce the best bro moments.
Quietly hyped for 91 days.
>sport shows.
always the main reason for fujoshit
Nothing really appealing, maybe Qualidea
>LL Sunshine
Fucking cancer
>muh idol show
Re Life, because Re Zero is Sup Forums favorite right now.
there is literally no correlation between the two except the title
They can't control fans deluded fantasies.
Qualidea seems one of those "give it a try" anime. I´ll give it a shot too.
>Shokugeki no Souma
>Fucking Mob Psycho
I'm feeling it
No, that's secondary animeonly /u/ crossboarder's favorite.
I will only watch the new One Piece movie.
>Fucking cancer
Literally cancerous post
Alderamin, Days, 91 Days, Berserk, Rewrite.
>go over to the moon net
>everyone saying 91 days looks like something the gaijin will like
>come over here
>everyone is excited about 91 days
This is going to be one of those shows where western anime fans extol their superior taste because it won't be very popular over there isn't it?
Anyways ReLIFE and maybe Handa-kun or Mob Psycho for me.
hype especially for Amanchu and Orange
Fukigen something
Bananya AOTS
Mob Psycho
Thank god I'm fine with fujoshit, otherwise I'd be watching only like 5 shows.
>no Saiki
Shit chart
Bananya sounds cool
Though, tons of stuff I read is getting adapted this Summer, I will probably only watch Mob.
>tfw want to watch quite a few shows
>get much more enjoyment from marathoning a show than watching it when it airs
>wait till season ends
>end up missing on really fun threads
>next season decide to watch them as they air
>none of the shows make for exceptionally fun threads
>end up putting everything I watch on hold around episode 7-8
>may or may not return to it later
>marathon my backlog instead
Why is this shit has to be so hard
Who is ready for the butthurt ONE apologists when mob shitco flops? Will sell less than 1/10 the amount one meme man managed.
91 days could be cool if it doesn't end up like gangsta and put in dumb super humans.
You know it's going to be AOTY on MAL and Sankaku.
Servamp is Brain's Base; might not be too horrible.
ReLIFE I guess. But it will probably just make me angry.
none,all of them sound like shit
Sseems like another one of those shows with a lot of pretentious talking and not enough actual doing.
Hope I'm wrong.
A few high-potential shows, but more backlog time than in spring.
Probably Amanchu, between its pedigree and a narrower field of cute SoL anime than spring had. Even if it isn't quite as good as Aria, I think it'll get high praise anyway.
>Actually looking forward to
Second half of Delta and Kuromukuro
>Will also watch
Active Raid
91 Days
New Game
Looks like shit.
Japan finally realized women watch things and buy stuff.
>Show by rock!
>New game!
Looks like the worst season ever.
Not enough moeshit for you?
sound like the next joker game to me.
MOBU PSYCHOO definitely. Berserk could have been the main dish but cgi and shitposting really pour cold water on me. Soma look great its my favourite arc of the series afterall. NNT just only 4 episode doesnt give me much hope.
So the Kekkai Sensen OVA has been out for a few weeks, and the only subs I can find are in spanish. Is any group planning to sub this?
Not much im looking forward to besides Sunshine and the dangans
The movies saved this season
>What animes are you watching next season Sup Forums?
Kono Bijutsubu
New Game
Maybe Love Live and Rewrite.
Mob Psycho, Orange, Relife, rewrite, souma S2, amanchu, and maybe Tales/Battery.
>no SAO clone this season
Damn dude, at least we get two high school sports anime.
Berserk and Puzzle & Dragons Cross
Kono Bujutsubu
91 Days
D gray man
Mob Psycho
D gray man
Tales of Zestiria
Feels good to have my own list that is clean of undesirables.
Your reddit is too noticeable.
Fuck off where you belong to.
>unironically watching harem/ecchi/slice of boring/isekai
I would type something mean to you, but you already hate yourself enough to watch things like that. I feel sorry for you. Hope things improve for you in your life.
>not liking fun and cute things
Soon you'll understand that that's the only reason to watch anime. For now work on your power level.
Amaama to Inazuma
Daganronpa 3
Mob Psycho
Shokugeki on Soma S2
This is one of the least patrician things i have ever seen on this board.
Reevaluate yourself.
>I watch only mature anime for mature people like myself
Basically this.
Those are exactly the solfags though.
I don't like any of those shows user, Just because you start pulling shit out of your ass accusing people of liking garbage, doesn't mean they actually like shit.
Do these words actually substantiate anime where there is no plot and no character development?
Don't put your words into my post, nigger. Fun shows are fun. Comedies and gag shows are fun. Also there is no show without plot, fag.
>comedic jokes and timings TL to your language
>gags TL'd to your language
>fun when the original meaning is completely lost
Sounds like fun is just a vapid justification for eating literal shit.
Trying to cut back a little this season
lurk for 2 years before posting
Puns are not the only type of jokes, newfag.