I can't stop laughing
I can't stop laughing
shitty overrated anime, don't care.
>Caring about dubs
>look look guys, am I COOL??
No context for this thread, don't really care
assuming he's to play L in some Western adaptation, I don't care. Better blacked than white washed
No but really Ghost In The Shell made me realize that Asians are fucked in this country even when roles literally designed for them come up, its sad but it makes sense from a business perspective.
Why would you even care
>Better blacked than white washed
why exactly?
>Can't make Motoko Japanese
>Can make L black
And it's not even Idris Alba or the black guy from Dexter. The fuck is wrong with you, Jewy Wood?
I put that in there for (you) bait
Either way it kind of sucks for Asian Americans.
>complain when whites play Egyptians
>blacks in medieval Europe is fine
It's not worth trying to understand this shit.
Is this for Hollywood's live action movie?
>he thinks "the smart character" can be cast as a white person in 2016
Lol tbqh. Wave to Hermionigger.
I wonder what Japan thinks of this. Maybe they think of the movie as completely divorced from the rest of the DN franchise and are watching with interest from the other side of the pond.
>implying any of you fags are going to watch this anyways
>>blacks in medieval Europe is fine
Bad example, there were blacks in medieval Europe although they were (obviously) not a majority
whites in Egypt prior to Alexander the Great is retarded af
Either way, Hollywood cares more about profits than accuracy so it comes down to pandering to the largest groups (Whites primarily then blacks) which is why Asians get shafted.
>caring about what japan thinks
>inb4 sjw mods delete this thread again
>Motoko is in a different prosthetic body for this movie
There, hand-waived that out of the realm of being a problem for this movie. It's still going to be a shit movie, that not even an asian actor could save.
>using the term sjw in 2016
Please go back to Sup Forums
I don't see why this thread would be deleted anyway its not blatant Sup Forums bait
By casting black actors for non-black characters they're still pandering to the white liberal crowd because it's progressive or whatever.
White liberals don't have enough money to pander to.
Well, they're the ones that make Death Note still relevant after all these years
You know that's pretty valid, never considered that angle
That's pretty silly, I don't even know if you can create an accurate generalization between wealth and political leaning. I know a lot of rich and poor people on either side of the spectrum
>implying white liberals don't make tons of money from churning out clickbait reactionary opinion pieces for Vox and BuzzFeed
>blacks in medieval Europe
A very sparse few, from roman North Africa, mostly in military roles. Hardly we wuz royals n shit.
And then you have black aristocrats in Victorian London. It's stupid, but it's racist to say so. It's not racist when it's reversed though. God forbid.
>Asians get shafted
Asians cannot act for shit.
>foreign moors = negro aristocracy
You want to try that again mate?
>le epin egypt was black meme
Egyptians were tanned south europeans pre turk and mongol invasions.
They looked a lot less swarthy than the mixed race mongrels that fuck up the middle east today.
>Moors in Italy
But yeah, I guess that's close to Victorian England.
I bet you're not even asian.
We won't cry over puny things like most niggers do.
I think the only black, eccentric character I've seen is that NASA guy from The Martian.
>>le epin egypt was black meme
I didn't say Egypt was primarily black (although there were far more black people than white prior to Alexander's conquest and Hellenism)
I don't even know how you could contest the fact that they were primarily brown.
>We won't cry over puny things
It's too easy. I can't.
>better blacked than white washed
Wasn't L white? I didn't watch all of DN but I remember him having some gay British sounding name
I'm half Jap half Korean, try again.
It's because of this quiet model minority shit that people think its okay to just shit on Asians at every opportunity. I don't really care about us getting roles in movies that will obviously be shit such as this and GITS but its the overall trend that is irksome.
He was like half Jap quarter British quarter something else I can't recall atm
Weren't there Nubian Egyptians?
I know Jewllywood is making this one so I expect the cast would be shit but seriously? A nigger is playing L? Jewllywood didn't even tried to be visually similar to the character I bet they just shoehorned him because "kek we shovin dis nigga cuz we ain't racist it's 2016".
Meanwhile Japs are trying their hardest by dyeing their hairs and shit just to portray the characters right.
also fuck the Jew who will portray Light.
>I think of him as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian, a quarter French or Italian, like that
No,he was a mongrel
Nubian rule didn't last long at all.
Most of the time they were getting BTFO.
Reminds me of this. The fact that he actually cucks king Arthur in the legends makes it even more hilarious. Their not even being subtle anymore.
There were, iirc a lot of Nubian pharoahs as well which is why I said there were far more blacks there. However, I'm pretty sure the natives were predominantly brown.
>I don't even know how you could contest the fact that they were primarily brown
Gee I dunno, maybe that the only surviving DNA of ancient Egyptians is literally white European.
The Nubians were literally invaders from another country that came way later than the period people refer to when they talking about 'Ancient Egypt' and were then kicked out back to their country.
Only because brown people live there today does not mean they always were sandniggers.
Infact they were tanned if anything.
Germany is going to be a muslim nation in 30 years. Does not mean that germans were always sandniggers.
Are you referring to Tut? It's honestly been a while since I read up on him but it's because he had red hair or something? There are literally red hair people born in Africa and Asia all the time, it's far less common than in Europe but it is still a thing.
If you're referring to someone else then sorry
Just finished Death Note anime a few days ago and HOLY FUCK it was great. At the end I was convinced Kira was going to win and start a New World, but the little dude FUCKED him over so good in an unpredictable turn.
I jumped in joy when Kira got caught and got BTFO
Best ending in anime I have ever seen.
>White-washing is bad
>Black-washing is good
I hate normies.
They did DNA testing on him and he has white middle european DNA.
Not a genetically defective inbred arab or different shitskin that now claim they were always pharao.
They just settled there after too many blacks and shitskins ruined the country.
Seems to be the leading cause for great civilizations to fall, influx of inbred parasites like arabs, turks and niggers.
No, but it would make for some interesting holocaust history.
>mfw i am asian and I feel annoyed that this happened
Literally untrue. Maybe the ruling class but I remember some DNA test indicating that Ramses had some haplogroup from Africa. The general understanding is that today's Egyptians are largly the same as the ancient populations.
Who's going to play light?
No, it's because they literally tested the DNA and it was a match for modern Western Caucasian Europeans, not modern Egyptians of any ethnicity. The university of Egypt tried to cover up their findings even but they got leaked.
>does not mean they always were sandniggers
They were always sandniggers but the whites(minus greece) were the actual niggers at the time.
Please don´t turn this into Sup Forums. remember
>Sup Forums - Anime & Manga
Nat Wolff
I'm totally fine with it, especially in plays adapted to screen, and if most of the important parts are played by the proper ethnic or racial groups.
When a black person plays a predominantly important role, things can get frustrating. Example: black woman plays Margaret of Anjou in Hollow Crown but she was excellent later when she becomes a crazy old hag out for revenge in Richard III
Only the Copts,a dn there's very few of them who are ethnically the same as the originals, and they pretty much look white. Rami Malek for instance is a copt. The Arab looking ones are literally Arabs.
I can't fucking wait for liberal media to circlejerk over this casting choice, completely burying the way they sperged over Motoko.
>After surviving the 1862 Battle of Corinth during the Civil War, Newton Knight, a poor farmer from Mississippi, leads a group of small farmers and local slaves in an armed rebellion against the Confederacy in Jones County. Knight subsequently marries a former enslaved woman, Rachel. He establishes a mixed-race community, unique in the post-war South.
the media's liberal pandering just makes me laugh at this point
They actually did it the absolute madmen.
>I don't really care about us getting roles in movies that will obviously be shit such as this and GITS but its the overall trend that is irksome.
kek your so fucking butthurt because of it.
>waaaah why whiteys get a white actor in an asian minority country
>why wouldn't they get an asian actor to portray a white looking character like Light I'm so oppressed!
>Better blacked than white washed
You're an insecure faggot
Sam Jackson will probably play Watari.
Fucking niggers man.
This little shit is playing light?
Jesus Hollywood.
>The general understanding is that today's Egyptians are largly the same as the ancient populations.
Except it's contradicted by the only surviving evidence of Ancient Egyptians. Where's the evidence that the 'white ruling class' came from somewhere else rather than the Arabs that we know for a fact came from outside Egypt.
>white male MC
Jackson would probably save the movie regardless of the role
when will we gas the kikes again....
>we wuz detectives n sheit
here we fucking go
>They were always sandniggers but the whites(minus greece) were the actual niggers at the time.
Not true.
Arabs are literally disgusting subhumans. They are niggers that mixed with jews and formed that completely disgusting shitskin race.
Egyptians were tanned mediterraneans with white european DNA.
It's just that as soon as arabs and other mongrel shitskins started flooding their country (thanks to the jews as described in their own holy books) that their countries turned to complete and utter shit.
Just like turks. What is now turkey used to be greece.
Turks are just mongols that bred with bulgarians and arabs until that disgusting shitskin race appeared.
>Either way it kind of sucks for Asian Americans.
Who cares?
>Rami Malek
Of Greek heritage so it's clear how he's "white" looking. The only time Egypt has been white was during Alexander's conquest and during the Hellenistic era. Why did the Egyptians protray themselves as brown in art then?
L is literally a white dude though.
You can't act for shit.
>only achieve things when jews do it for you
Noice one m8.
Nah, whites were shit back then. Sup Forums calls them snowniggers for a reason.
>Literally a detective from Japan
Next you're going to say that a blond haired girl in a Japanese high school settibg isn't Asian.
With the rate Germany is currently going, it'll bust right through and loop back to being a Deutscher Stolz nation by that time.
>Better blacked than white washed
Go fuck yourself
L wasn't from Japan.
Liberals actually tend to think that white men with black women are "problematic". They're much more supportive of black men with white women for some reason.
What a bunch of fucking hypocrites. I bet my life that if you had a dark skinned/ethnic character from legends played by a white guy people would lose their shit. You would have petitions, and countless articles from "well respected" publications. But when this shit happens, not a fucking sound. And if anyone dare try to criticize it, they get written of as racist and intolerant.
Where is western society headed to? I don't even think its salvageable and this point.
>for some reason
>superior race
>every country where blacks are the predominant ruling class is 3rd world or worse
>slaves to every other race on the planet at some point
>lowest median IQ of all races through history and today
Which of you cocksucking, faggot-banging, rat-piss mother fuckers did this? Fucking Americans.
>(thanks to the jews as described in their own holy books)
It's always DA JOOS isn't it? The same jews who are completely inferior to whites but somehow haved masterminded every single event in world history?
Take care to not go on Sup Forums too much lest another member of parliament gets shot again.
>asians bitching about "racism"
>when they're even more racist than whites specially chinks
>subtle pushing of anti-Brexit propaganda
>Take care to not go on Sup Forums too much lest another member of parliament gets shot again.
I don´t like Sup Forums coming, but please fuck off with him if you are going to bait with that shit