Name one (1) girl hotter than her. You literally can not.
Name one (1) girl hotter than her. You literally can not
Seska Fuzen.
What do I win?
Blue Chaika
Okay. Prove to me that Homura isn't the sexiest.
It's close, but I want Kukaku to shout orders at me while fuckin
Oh yeah?
that's TWO girls hotter than her
Fuck off to
if you don't want to discuss anything
Female being subjective but she still so good.
That's no girl, that's a woman!
Chill my man
She's a little girl
I'll be honest, I never read Bleach but Yoruichi, Rangiku and Kukaku are like 60% of my anime faps. I wish there was more material with Kukaku since I find her the hottest actually.
Pure sex
fuck off
Did I win?
>Ichigo's boss
How does Kubo do it
You lost, sorry.
Only a negro would find another one of their species attractive.
Kubo is literally all about style over substance.
fucking spoiler that shit i almost puked
If I had to be a nigga to make Yoruichi real and nail her everyday. I'd become a group of niggas.
>a nigger
>implying niggers aren't pretty cool guys and don't make pretty chill music
You already are one, considering you use the slang term "nigga" instead of proper words like nigger or negro when addressing them.
There is a need to be upset if you are making stale attentionwhoring shit threads every day.
It really makes you wonder how many black people browse Sup Forums. It's no secret that niggers love anime, and arguably the percentage of nigs that love anime might be higher than it is for whites considering there are about 5 whites for every black person in the west despite so many nigs being anime fans. It wouldn't be a surprise if a good 20-30% of the people who browse Sup Forums? are actually black, really makes you think.
pick one faget
>not hot
Not sure about Sup Forums, hard to tell. But Sup Forums for sure is full of niggers. Some threads have nothing but "rapper" and "hip-hop" reaction images, as well as nigger slang throughout. You get shit on if you say the word nigger; although it's more of a normie board, so SJWs are expected be more densely populated there.
There's no SJWs on Sup Forums.
there certainly are some libtards all over, but nothing that could rightfully be called a SJW.
I don't know of any blonde niggers. She's either an anime-only race or a tanned surfer dude chick.
>Some threads have nothing but "rapper" and "hip-hop" reaction images
Okay? At this point whites love hip-hop more than blacks because they think it makes them seem "socially aware" or some nonsense.
Summer's here
edgy children go back to Sup Forums
Every other Bleach girl.
Shouldn't you be impregnating some random niggress for the 16th time and claiming welfare instead of being on here, nig?
Literally any other girl from Bleach.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...
Her saliva alone could heal my dick, after beating the meat.
Sailor Mars.
>Female being subjective
You're one those retards that thinks she was born male?
fuck yes bro
>Tier Harribel will never come back
my dick demands it, i need her back Kubo
Niggers bleach and dye their hair too user
kubo never forgets faget, u retarded bro ?
its been fucking forever since we've last seen her you cunt
kubo seeded an unohana reveal as kenpachi a decade ago. that tells you everything.
I hope you're right senpai
pick one faget
i am. trust me. and trust Kubo.
brown goddess. not an ounce of nig in her.
While he's at it, lets get Kubo to bring back Kukaku and that hot mom from the Fullbring Arc
Have I won the thread?
>thighgappin' it
>like niggers
>doesn't admit hes attracted to shitskin niggers
get the fuck out faget
>dyke trotters
fuking gay
Why do you like a girl who is worthless without her tights and nice ass.
She's a teen with zero self worth and of any postive aspect of character. Not to mention shes and underdeveloped Loli with no skills. Wow its says alot about your standards in women mate.
She's not even the hottest girl of her own serie.
Just some dark-skinned neko ninja bullshit.
My nigga.
Thanks mr skeltal.
>Brown with blond hair
Shit taste confirmed.
>dark-skinned neko ninja
>not being hot and awesome
Shit taste, bro.
This kills the crab.