What was your most favorite time on Sup Forums?
What was your most favorite time on Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Another: Pie
>turns it up way past Warm
Sometimes after my first year when the Geass hype was dying down and people were making generals with my favorite anime.
>that sort of abuse
"Lelouch and Suzaku are your two gay dads" threads.
Honestly? Endless Eight. It was a pretty chill time in my life, too, and I seem to recall it being pretty chill in Sup Forums, too. Geass had died down and Accel spammer hadn't popped up yet, Monogatari was this brand new thing that wasn't getting subs, Hox was scanlating the finale of Bokurano and Askeladd's death in Vinland saga. I was getting into Blame! and Bio-Meat, and Biscuit Hammer was this really cool manga that Snoopycool had scanlated three volumes of before he disappeared.
N/a/ruto to be honest.
That day really cemented how humorless and out of touch the "anti-narutard" crowd is
so all of /ɐ/
Fuck quest was fun.
Most recent hilarity was vulvarave for me.
madoka airing
Another threads were the pinnacle of Sup Forums.
R2, nigga.
That would actually make poison fumes if you did it for real.
I miss that group.
The closest group I know of for finding and translating really weird stuff is FwPA, and they're not nearly as weird.
endless 8
whatever happened to that anyway?
I remember it got moved to /tg/, but they didn't want it. Where did it go?
Fingernails girl has a whole group now? I guess I wasn't paying attention.
This thread, and any other Aria thread. I don't see them much, though admittedly I don't go to Sup Forums often
Chicken Panels:
Woah, woah, keep me level.
Hi, I'm a chicken.
Something wrong, you look troubled?
Fucking panic, bitch! He just said 'dead'! I wanna live!
This, and specifically unraveling and theorizing about the runes/references/mythos/etc.
Midnight manga threads with Hox and the other anons from, what? 2008ish?
Yeah, and making the manga charts. Those things lasted forever.
Molester Man finale, the best new year's eve.
Every day with Sup Forums is my favorite time on Sup Forums.
Pie memes or watching mirai nikki turn into a trainwreck with Sup Forums was fun.
>not in katakana
This, I cried, I laughed, but we were all together this night.
Hiragana is prettier
The last few chapters of TWGOK was fun times. Butthurt and bitter tears at that level is rare nowadays.
All the Kannaposting when Ano Natsu was airing was fun too rip bears poster
Christmas Punpun was another great time. Hox is truly the hero of this board.
Stylistic choice. Happens occasionally. See:
2007/2008? Definitely up there
Ah, I didn't know that. Makes sense. Thanks.
A toss-up between the discovery of the waifu school, and that one Lodoss thread that lasted close to a week.
oh god yes
>spic hands
Yep, that's an Sup Forumsnon.
Unlimited Essay Works
Does anyone remember the time Sup Forums made a Death Note, or anime_expert (have watched 300+ anime)
Came here to post this. The hype was too real.
The guy that stuck his bayonet through his computer screen with a picture of kirino on it.
Sup Forums wasn't even better than Sup Forums until gamergate.
M/a/yoiga time
Oh yeah, definitely
There have been many.
I have a particular fondness for the Medaka Box threads, especially towards its climax and finale.
There was something of a perpetual fury around Maria-sama ga Miteru, which I enjoyed a lot (broadly speaking, I think '04/5-'08 was the heyday of /a).
More recently the Hokago no Pleiades threads were great - Sup Forums has changed, but I still like being here.
I joined in the autumn right before the first "summer", and I haven't had such stress free and fun posting since that autumn and winter
autumn and winter are always the best time on Sup Forums though
University holidays were the best - not only were winter holidays comfy, but you didn't have to be up for anything, so you cycled through the different timezones of Sup Forums. Even the namefags changed.
Reading finales of manga with Sup Forums has always been fun. Really just reading really hyped chapters of manga with Sup Forums.
Most recently I recall the finale for Sakamoto last night or the Sengoku Youko one. Or the like 6000 post Akame ga Kill thread. I also really liked the Shield Hero live translation threads.
Are you kidding? By the time it became evident nobody was going to die, the threads had descended into an orrgy of tumblr and crossboarders. I enjoyed the clusterfuck of the show itself, but the fanbase was easily one of the most cancerous to alight upon this board in years.
Finale of SZS. Fuck me that took a month to get over.
Code Geass s2
Sup Forums is mostly newfags now
Gurren Lagann 2007
Code Geass R2 2008
Haruhi Endless Eight 2009
Panty and Stocking ruining Christmas 2010
Madoka episode 10 causing peak hype followed immediately by the Tohoku 2011 earthquake
That was Sup Forums prime. Nothing after that has been good.
Yeah, it is. That said, I don't think the board is in too poor health. We have too many show related generals, and I'll never understand why Naruto is tolerated (I'd rather have the Elfen Lied threads back), but overall Sup Forums is still better than the alternatives.
Still sad /anime/ went though.
TTGL and Lucky Shit were the end of Sup Forums, it only got worse and worse after that.
kill la kill
Was that when the series was finished? I never really cared for Punpun; it's my least favorite book by it's author.
Mysterious Girlfriend X finale, jumping in to poke fun at those poor obligate completionists that sat through it all those years. Of course, those threads were not worthy to unloose the latchet of the shoes of the Nisekoi finale threads that are to come.
Sup Forums isn't better then the alternatives its the same. All the people who ruined other sites with constant namefagging and wanting to create community for just them selves came here. Ruining Sup Forums culture in favor of normalfag culture.
The final mushishi movie thread. 3 days long, thread hit cap and went down remembering the good old days.
>normalfag culture
Can't disagree there - although I think it's also to do with an ageing userbase. I hate to say it, but I'm fairly sure I've become something of a normalfag over the years, not least as elements of internet culture became mainstream.
It's astonishing how negatively the tripfags have affected the board - especially given that names were commonplace in old Sup Forums, at the very least within the context of a discussion/thread. Yet somehow this has spiralled into the ego monsters that are (most of) today's tripfags.
Gurren Laggan on Sup Forums was terrible. I went to /m/ to talk about it. They used to be cool.
>Hokago no Pleiades
Awww yeah. Under rated show is under rated.
KLK threads were a similar but toned down TTGL response, which made them more fun IMO since the TTGL threads got way too fucking out of hand. Also the KLK OST saving christmas was a pretty great moment.
Every fanbase turning into this eventually.
The same was with Osomatsu, with Psycho Pass, with Rebuild 3.33 generals, with NagiAsu and KlK. I'm not even mentioning how cancerous was Code Geass fandom by nowadays standards. Cancer, shitposting and memes would turn into nice fun memories as the time passes.
Sup Forums's explosion in popularity and it eclipsing other sites like Gaia, Animesuki, etc really ruined this place, it became the first stop for new weebs and now we are flooded with low quality posters and literal children
The Free! backlash.
I remember when Sup Forums was for experts.
Anime_expert was the original tripfaggot who ruined trip codes forever.
Where my retarded dragons nigs?
No that was IIRC the point that everything truly went to shit as we hit the stride of the final story arc. You should give Punpun another chance if you like Asano's style, probably my favorite manga. Of course you need to go in with it being a feel bad story in mind, but if you are familiar with Asano's other work they are mostly feel bad stories.
sound threads 2012
New years on r/a/dio, definitely.
Easily Star Driver Sundays
You also now have OP2 stuck in your heads.
What series is this? I want to read and/or watch it.
>Cancer, shitposting and memes would turn into nice fun memories as the time passes.
...am i happy and i don't know it?
If you have to ask, you'll never know.
So where do we go now? Even the text board is gone, and IRCs are largely dead/bad.
Zettai Bouei Leviathan
There are too many "favorite times" on Sup Forums, but my highlight of the month used to be moot coming on here to drunkpost and fuck around.
I guess maybe the last time I had fun on Sup Forums was when Kill la Kill was airing and people were going crazy with speculah. The threads got really cancerous towards the end though.
>So where do we go now?
Honestly? no where.
at least on Sup Forums we can call people out on being retarded. And we can voice our love for anything and get met with like minded individuals without having to resort to hugbox environments.
I wish i knew the alternative. but there really isn't any.
KLK's airing and the OST at Christmas was the last time I had fun and hope that Sup Forums would lose the tumblr/reddit/gaia crowd. Ironically enough KLK did the exact opposite.
Now with naruto not being banned anymore the floodgates are broken and Sup Forums's culture is dying
Hope that Hiro makes a retro anime board so all the FoTM newfags can have this board to themselves
Board splits are never good, have you forgotten /jp/?
This is a horrible idea.
A retro anime board would probably not be a bad idea, but you'd run into the same problems /vr/ does - arguing over what is and isn't retro, and having the same threads over and over due to lack of content.
Wish more people realize how damaging N/a/ruto was. Literally single handily killed Sup Forums. Naruto/DBZ/Bleach/OP shitposting kept almost all of the newfags away.
Have you seen how terrible One Piece threads are now? It almost makes me miss Set Sail for Fail.
Not enough interest by far. There's not even enough interest in manga/light novels to move them away from Sup Forums.
I love One Piece, and even I agree.
A time with no generals.
As a last act of spite moot killed Sup Forums before handing it over to the oriental jews.
We always had generals, they just didn't survive months and months like they do now and they had no name.
>Bleach shitposting
I thought Bleach threads were okay back then. Naruto threads were banned and OP threads not so active as they are now, but I distinctly remember a relaxed atmosphere in Bleach threads before moot left. There wasn't nearly as much shipping cancer in 2012, for instance.
Those were different times on this site back then and due to a necessity from people needing a place to discuss Touhou, VNs, and the like
Explain why then
It was terrible, and it was obvious how terrible it would be.
Not least as we had just finished fighting off a year of shitposting from trending anime.
As I said earlier, I would rather have the Elfen Lied/Ergo Proxy/My first anime XD/etc. shitposting back - at the very least one could handle it effectively through recommendation charts, and telling people not to spoonfeed. Furthermore it was a type of post that, whilst rejected, could lead to people integrating into the board culture, rather than existing concurrently (and divisively) to it as is the case with naruto etc.
>necessity from people needing a place to discuss Touhou, VNs, and the like
People were generally fine with those things, it was only moot who threw a pissy fit because "muh pure anime and manga imageboard".
We used to shit on anyone who even brought up the anime in One Piece threads. Now people go on and on about it and post those awful colored pages. They have really filled up with faggots to the point that they are the majority.