So what do you guys think of Tila Tequila? She claims to be woke, but not sure if she's shill

So what do you guys think of Tila Tequila? She claims to be woke, but not sure if she's shill

She also claimed to be an ayy


Braindead washed-up whore who just wants attention

shes a fucking actor. Remember when she seig heiled at the alt-right conference?

she's also a flat earther so it's DBA "discredit by association"

She got really retarded after that one juggalo smashed a bottle on her head at a party. She spouts shit only for the edginess and contrarianism, and her babbling about aliens is lolcow-tier.

>Hey Sup Forums, what do you think of this porn star non-white??? ISDNT SDHE FUCKING BASDESFSD??!?!?!?!

Was'nt she part of a reality show ?

She's looking pretty rough.

Anyway, a little off-topic but here goes:

Should I pee and then masturbate, or masturbate and then pee?

She's controlled opposition of some sort. Maybe an MK Ultra victim

I knew a guy who was in rehab with her a couple years back.
Confirmed fuckin nuts.

She looks gross.

First pee. Always.

fucking hell she looks ragged.

Why not both?

please go on

She is the rightful queen of Sup Forums. It's a shame Sup Forums has fallen so far from it's roots with every summer that passes.

She's insane

about what every reasonable person thought she looked like sans makeup

Schizophrenic, it's cruel that people encourage her

>Tila Tequila
Kys faggot. Go back to watching Access Hollywood

poor dog :(

There are two types of asians:
1) The self hating, delusional asian that wishes they were white and desperately tries to fit in. Refuses to learn their mother tongue and goes out of their way to not celebrate asian holidays. These men/women exclusively date white men/women and usually talk shit about asians. Naturally they have a huge inferiority complex and worship white people/behavior.

2) The sensible asian. Pragmatic and realizes that white people (and all other races) will always assume they're more superior than everyone else. Prove those faggots wrong by doing what asians do best (studying hard and buy everything they own) Join up with other asians and milk the system. If you're this type of asian, you don't NEED a party to represent you. If you're this type of asian, you give ZERO fucks about whether you have representation. You just continue KICKING ASS.

Tila is a great example of #1 and an absolute shame to asians. Dumb cunt needs to die. I'm glad inferior, psycho women like her are busy fucking white and black guys, now we won't have to worry about her staining the asian gene pool

Yeah. It was pretty fucking cool. Check out this fight from one of the episodes. I watched this retarded shit with my aunt when I was a kid lmfao I'm so fucked. Just excuse the music. This is YouTube 2008 after all.