Do you download anime music?
Do you download anime music?
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Of course, what else am I supposed to do? Listen to it on youtube like some fucking pleb?
Yes, i use to just bookmark the songs on youtube but they would eventually get deleted by the copyright holder or conveniently blocked in my country. Sometimes the copyright holder of the music itself that uploaded it would just make the video private.
Funny when i find a song of good upload quality on youtube with less than 100 views that has just been uploaded recently (like this year or even the past 2 months) it gets deleted after i bookmark it and come back to it a few times a day after a week or so.
Shame cause id really rather not be filling my hard-drive with more crap i could easily pull off the net but if i really love the songs and frequent them then i don't really have a choice and its the most reliable way as i know it will always be there at least.
heh... there are some youtube uploads that sound different than anything i can download from the track itself on top of songs that are for whatever reason not included in the official soundtrack at all that others have to record and stitch.
cannot for the life of me find this in the official soundtrack so i just downloaded the video.
No but I download Japanese music that might have been used in anime.
Most of it isn't.
Do you?
Is the Space Pope reptilian?
Music played in pubs or what?
of course
I only listen to music from anime or videogames.
My hard drive died so I lost most of my weeb music. I've only downloaded a bunch of singles so far.
Public trackers. I used to categorize my torrents based on tracker type to avoid accidental hit'n'runs etc.
Now that I have a 24x7 server I just seed everything forever, only a bit of unsorted stuff is left locally on my machine or external drive.
Sadly, yes. Music from 2010-2014. Also circles of Touhou arranges.
I don't listen to it so no.
I need to buy another external then I will.
This is too elaborate for a prank.
Show me the insides.
boris are gods
Yes but I don't follow artists or anything. I just download whatever OP/EDs I like every season.
My non-anime music collection is the same size as this too, and to be honest I hardly even listen to any of this anymore.
I only listen to Death Grips.
I buy more anime music than I download.
You're at least supporting the industry, user.
Yes. I have like three folders for them: one for the MP3s, and two for ZIPs.
It's really worth it if you get to play a good soundtrack on a high quality sound system straight from the CD.
>Music folder
>1.09 TB
>8280 files
>Average 130MB per file
I have 125GB but some of it is in FLAC so that might be why it is so big. I don't understand how you can have several hundred GBs of animu music though. In the end I will have around that but like fuck I am going to listen to all of it.
Are people really this dumb?
>downloading anime music when you can just stream it on youtube
>make an infinite playlist
>stream it on your phone when you're out if you don't live in a 3rd world country
>Listen for a week and then it gets taken down by pony canyon or sony.
Yeah how about no. Storage is really fucking cheap now.
Dumped the E: one into F: because both were unsorted mess where I only navigated using search anyway.
Yes and lossless only if possible.
Not a literal fucking autist, so no.
It is more autistic to listen to dubstep actually.
Dubstep is normalfag at this point
Yes, but only sountracks. Don't really care for OP/EDs.
>Inserts exclamation point into folder name so good stuff always on top.