Casca becomes unretarded

>Casca becomes unretarded
>"No Guts, we have to save Grffith from himself!!"

How would you feel?

Miura already assassinated her character so I'm used to it

I'd spice up things a bit and it would make sense for women to be insufferable plot devices.


She's been nothing but insufferable for the past two decades. Me feeling bad about what happened to her ran it's expiration date a long time ago. Either Miura cures her or kills her, I just want her out of the way already. She could even get raped again, by one of those belly bursting trolls and I still wouldn't care.

I'm pretty sure casca becoming mentally retarded after being raped is the biggest character assassination of all time, i can't think of any worse example

It'd feel like reading Naruto

However it would have a reverse effect if she came back with a vengeance once her mind was healed. It'd be like Simon's 3 eps of darkness from TTGL, except for 20 years.

It would show how compassionate a person Casca is. Her wish to save Griffith would not necessarily mean her forgiveness of the things he's done.

>yfw you've enjoyed everything that's been happening in the story up to this point

You know, in reality, Miura hasn't even produced two years worth of content with the amount of hiatuses he's gone on. If Miura had actually spent the past fifteen years working on Berserk instead of playing im@s and whatever other bullshit he's been doing we'd probably have gotten off the boat quicker and had Casca unstupid a long time ago.

Sakura marrying sasuke was such an asspull, I know they couldn't have gone the gay route, I wasn't expecting that. But Sasuke has literally zero interest in Sakura. Why did they end up with eachother and why is it so infiruating? Sasuke's daughter looks more like Karin which makes it even worse

i'd ask guts to kill himself.

>Elf King turns out to be an apostle
>eats Casca
>Guts kills Elf King
>edge mode returns

>that gutts rage feel when only a few new chapers came out

Miura quit edge mode decades ago my friend

>Why did they end up with eachother
Because Sasusaku is the most popular het pairing on Japan by a wide margin.

>why is it so infiruating?
Kishi is only invested on Narusasu but he seems to actively hate Sasusaku on a passive-aggressive way.

Sasuke LITERALLY said, about three times in total, to have ZERO interest in Sakura.
Also the most popular pairing was Sasunaru

Not happening.
But she probably will ask guts tó stop seeking revenge.

I said het pairing. Het means heterosexual. Sasusaku is the most popular heterosexual pairing on Japan.
Also, Naruto is normie crap so many non-otaku audience read it and that include teen girls, young girls fawning over Sasuke and using Sakura as their self-insert
Are you a newfag?

What if casca would become super edgy? And guts would have trouble dealing with that because he has matured and isn't an edgelord anymore?

>Sasuke's daughter looks more like Karin which makes it even worse

Were you here for Cuckday user? Shit was the greatest.

Why'd she become edgy? She has been white liberal woman for past 20 years. If anything she's going to fuck apostles next

Seems like such an odd thing to invest time in to revert everything to the norm at the end

Casca can only be redeemed through death or at least 20 chapters dedicated to reintroducing her as an actual character after having slept as a plot device for two decades.

Anything less would be an asspull or resemble shitty fanfiction.

Well, seeing all your friends being murdered by the person you respected the most, and then being raped by that person in front of the one you love, might explain why she lost it.


It's time to get back onto the boat.

>edge mode returns
can't wait for him to kill more lolis

>Guts wants to forget about Griffith and live as peaceful a life as he can with Caska
>Caska gets her mind back
>wants to get revenge on him for killing their friends
>Guts is forced to go with her to confront Griffith forcing him back down that dark path

Anyone else feels like Puck is set up so hard for being the elf king's son, that a bigger twist would be for him to be an average, random elf?

How is Miura gonna surprise us?

>10 more years on the boat!

It would explain him knowing a lot about the guy.

I don't think she would do but honestly I just think Miura has no idea what he should do with Casca once she gets healed.

I mean honestly she been retarded longer then she has been sane and how do you resolve a character like that without killing them off in some lame way because at this point you have no idea what to do with them?

>wanting to kill Griffith and/or his Apostles is being an edgelord

It's interesting to note Guts seems to have a soft spot for non apostle kids. He would make a good dad.

I hope Casca tries to seek revenge too.

Guts will refuse to un-retard Caska because she's happier as she is now, he knows she'll be a depressive, traumatized bitch if she gets her mind unbroken.

It's sad, but it's plainly obvious. He just wants a safe place to store her now.

If I was a betting man, Guts is going to have to give up something to fix Casca and it's either going to be his life, sanity or age.

Why would he pay to fix Casca? As said she's probably happier as she is

I don't know about that, at most I can see them fixing her and then asking her, " Do you want to be like this or go back to crazy town?" and it'll be her choice that Guts'll have to live with.

If they fix her they can't really retard her again, can they?
They'll still want to fix her but I think they didn't think very much about that, if Guts has to give up something important for that I think they'll rethink about it


Fucking this
She's been dead for a long time
The "person" in her body hunting Guts can fuck off

Guts needs to get with Schierke

Well magic seems to be the big Deus ex machina lately in Berserk so it wouldn't surprise me if this Elf king did some magic mumbo jumbo to go into her head and ask what she wants.

Guts would wear her like a condom, though.
I wanna see.

Guts should marry and have a happy life with Luca

Luca is too good for Guts
In fact she is too good for anyone

Also, didn't she get with that one Knight?
I think i remember something about her talking about not liking deceiving his former wife of something

I also hate the fact that she had to sell her body.
GOD FUCK it makes me mad just thinking about.

She's for handholding and cuddles with her true love only

I think part of Guts's intense hatred for Rosine was the fact that she was a child and yet seemed completely blind to all the horrible things she was doing. It was almost like some kind of twisted mercy kill.

it's like Kishimoto doesn't like Sakura

which is alright since I don't like her much either

will caska remember all her retard shenanigans when they fix her? id love to see miura wright the character interactions for that scene

Knowing Miura this can actually happen

Luca is for Skully

Luca is not for sexual.
She is for bonding and telling her she is a wonderful person.

That screencap still makes me grin with joy

this is my OTP, tfw no Guts x Luca fanfics.

What if Guts is the sixth god hand and during the second eclipse, Guts rapes Luca while griffith and casca both watch?

that would be amazing. Going to go write a fanfic about that now.

It's not becoming unretarded if she says that then, is it?

How about we find out Guts calmed the fuck down and became unedgy because he's been secretly feeding his turds to retard Casca in order to unwind?

Would be a 10/10 twist for me.

>- Aristotle

The whole eclipse is a real Greek level of hell. That shit is the height of fucked up human interaction.

Farnese is such a best girl.

I have already given up on that casca nigger. I am all aboard Schierke boat. She is the true heroine in Berserk.

I love the art of the apostles during the eclipse. I kind of miss how fucked up they are, current apostles don't have that look anymore. And no I'm not just talking about Griffith's lieutenants.


Its because all the apostles we've seen, minus Griffiths lieutenants, have been in their half-human forms.