First Female Marine Graduates from Infantry Officers Course

Hoo-Fucking-Rah! Now what, what the next frontier?

> The first female Marine qualified to lead an infantry platoon has graduated from Marine Corps Infantry Officer Course, the service announced on Monday. According to the service, her first follow-on assignment is to 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, Calif.

> The lieutenant is the first woman to pass the demanding 13-week course after the Pentagon formally lifted gender restrictions in in combat positions in late 2015. Since then four women have attempted to pass the course and failed.

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Good for her. I hope she does well.

As long as the standards weren't lowered; fine.

Did she pass or did she *pass?

If it's the former, idgaf; good for er.

Some women can be just as tough even in combat, faggot!

Any good pics? how hot is she?

Good for her. I hope she's an inspiration that standards don't need to be lowered and also to show that it's women's fault why they aren't attempting this.
>only 5 attempts

chick here.
this this this this.

Fuckers better not lower standards because then it wouldn't be equal

Why are you kidding yourselves? They almost certainly were.

because theres no evidence one way or another yet and I don't prefer to feed myself confirmation bias like a starving hobo pol has become.

>1st Marine Division


That image is showing grip strength among the general population, including people with disabilities. Grip strength is a proxy for upper body strength. Men in the military are going to be from the top half of the male population. Literally 1 in 100 women will meet the strength of the weakest recruit.

She'll get fucking plowed and pregnant within 6 months. Fucking jarheads will fuck anything

>How males and females post on the internet

I think XYZ and here's why.

LOLROFL so much. lol

>Im a gurl btw

You think any media is going to investigate whether or not she's legit? She'll probably get a film made about how tough she is.
Disney just made a film about a Ugandan chess 'prodigy'. She's ranked roughly 90,000 overall and 7,000 among women. That is, she's an above average amateur. But the narrative must not be questioned.

She could always shoot herself with her pistol before they close in

oh wait jarheads... that's different from towelheads right?

Awesome vid. Laughing my sides into off.

They both would fuck anything but there is a difference, yes

Fem-user here, do you guys seriously buy into these memes? Most girls on the internet don't do anything like this.

That'll just keep her from feeling it.

So why doesn't she have to shave her head?


Post titties or get the fuck out, you know the rules

>most girls on the internet don't do anything like this

you literally just exclaimed you are female, you had no reason to and no one would have thought it strange if you didn't say it

but you did
because you need attention and recognition
we can help with that, just show your tits whore

I'd desert if she were placed in my unit

>You think any media is going to investigate whether or not she's legit?
you think projection is going to get you anywhere? I already said it pretty clearly, I will be okay with it as long as X, until i get confirmation one way or another, I have no strong opinion

>being this retarded
she said it because she wanted to get an answer where you assumed she was a woman and not a fucking white knight cuck you christfag.

Pol unironically believes we shouldn't vote or be allowed to earn money. Not taking any bets.

really? because you don't.

hardly like it doesn't happen

>even more projecting
a fucking leaf, what would I expect. maybe you should read what I wrote again, its clearly lost on you.

nah that's my bad
didn't realize you were a woman


god damn hunny you must be really pissed

gtfo roastie

The virgin hold
The chad oppresion

>trusting women with logical things

Why cant i find that article where a female officer helps escape a refugee inmate.It was in Sweden or Germanistan?

It's always was Communists do at some point, force or brainwash women into entering the battlefields.
The Soviets sent thousands of women per day attacking Germans sitting in trenches.
They all were mowed down instantly but this didn't stop Soviets from repeating this experiment again and again.
I've seen a documentary where a SA soldier was interviewed who was sitting in these trenches back in the day. His account of what happened was horrible.
According to his description all these young women were terribly frightened and didn't even know what to do in the battlefield and just stumbled along towards the German positions before they were all mowed down like sitting ducks.

Women are so annoying in video games i wonder how annoying they'd be in the military.. Last night I said that some girl had a nasally voice and all the dudes in the server all started shit-talking me. I wonder if the same kind of white knighting exists in the military.

Correction: It's what all Communists do at some point.

>most girls don't do anything like this
>"fem user here"

Yay, more meat for ZOG


Physical differences are not the only differences. No female presence at all in infantry.

I'm actually REALLY fucking impressed; I find it a bit hard to imagine the marines sacrificing meritocracy for gender headlines when it comes to leadership roles.

Do you think she will actually do a serviceable job?

she will go awol within the year

Of course they were, unless she's a 6'5'' genetic aberration

No, she will help getting more US soldiers killed.
Also, the enemy will enjoy raping her if she's captured.
It's as if your army is run by your enemies.

Must be a recent dick cutting.
Has no idea.

>Army webm


>mfw she dies when some random arab teenager kills her with a $50 rifle in some desert shithole

>She'll get fucking plowed and pregnant within 6 months.

OMG suddenly it makes sense! The gov is selectively breeding the next generation of warriors

Oh fug, I didn't consider that if her unit didn't have any chads, she might get captured on purpose.

I mean all women in the military are already slampig whore status. Honestly they only make dumb choices when it comes to issues at home. A female front line commander doesn't bother me because women are end game creatures. A normal womans end game is an easy life. If you refocus that to a military goal they will do what up they can to reach it.

>I find it a bit hard to imagine the marines sacrificing meritocracy for gender headlines

Did you forget about 8 years of fartbongo administration?

I can't deal with females in charge. Simply because of how ridiculous they sound when they yell. It's fucking awful and grating on the years. It's never, ever a voice that commands respect. It's a "Oh god please make it stop" sound. Like a baby crying. And I feel like its evolutionary. I'm not the only one that feels this way.

I. Cannot. Stand. The sound of a woman yelling, screaming, or barking orders. It feels like my skin is getting ripped off and makes me seething with rage/anxiety. It's obnoxious.

Leadership roles are different and you know it.

>>mfw she dies when some random arab teenager kills her with a $50 rifle in some desert shithole
>has to get medivac-ed due to 4 week yeast infection due to no water to bathe during invasion of Iran

Just accept it sissy boy. Women can tell you what to do, it's 2017.


>OMG suddenly it makes sense! The gov is selectively breeding the next generation of warriors
>Sick Ban, Bro (ID: J9O9FxgW) 09/26/17(Tue)19:41:23 No.143032754 ▶
Oh, yeah, Fartbong was commander and chief and as such promoted people according to their SJW status??? What's your point exactly?

>being on her period on Operation Mountain Viper

The average man is stronger than 99.9% of women. The standards we're definitely lowered.

As long as she was able to pass without them lowering the standards.

Now we shall see if she's up for the mental tests of battle.

Norway recenetly became the first NATO country to implement gender neutral conscription (SO PROUD!! :D) and guess what? Women are - with very few exceptions - useless in military roles. I know this because I just finished my military service - in the first tolerant and progressive gender neutral class.

That's only for the regular army. Marines are at least top 20%.

Because the point of the military is not national defense, but promoting Social Justice Warrior values.

Next up, 10% of hour old newborns will be randomly selected to be given to faggot couples because it is their RIGHT to be parents


More likely some Pfc impregnates her on maneuvers.

She's going to get knocked up and live off gubbment gibs while everyone else is deployed

Can we please have the civil war now?

>Men in the military are going to be from the top half of the male population.
Ha, clearly never been involved with any military have you?

I can fucking guarantee you that she probably just barely fucking skated by the minimum standards. That's how most women have been getting by in ITB (where males have a near 99% pass rate and women have something pathetic like 34%, and even then it's just barely meeting the standards most times). Everyone always harps on about "i-it's okay as long as they meet the standards!", but the reality of it is once you're actually in an infantry unit, skirting the minimum standards doesn't fucking fly.

I was really hoping the Trump administration was going to do something about this abysmal social experiment garbage after some of his comments during the campaign, but alas. Hopefully in a few years as we continue to see what an incredible failure this decision has been, the USMC can have another crack at requesting an exemption and reversing this shit before we end up in a serious conflict and men get killed because of this.

that period blood is another reason why women shouldn't into millterry

What they don't tell you is that the physical tests are not as hard for women. She passed the gimped version.

Well, I hope they realize that if actual real dragged out war hits us. The women serving will become pleasure dolls for the male soldiers and the leadership won't do shit.

>men in the military are going to be from the top half of the male population

>trump comments
Blame top brass for undermining his military decisions with traps not allowed to enlist. He can't get anything done, even in the areas where he should have absolute control, because some cuck judge, general, or McCain is fucking shit up

Anyone have a crayon MRE meme?

The marines must have low standards

>Lol the Army has no female infantry officers

No flash in the pans there. It's all dirty work

Grats to her. I could give less of a shit. The military knows what they are doing with these people and wouldn't invest the time in making a mistake that would cost lives (har har har). This isn't a big deal.

>Dig Your Own Grave

A scrimmage in a Border Station

A canter down some dark defile

Two thousand pounds of education

Drops to a ten-rupee jezail.

I don't know who's that lone 35-ish years old guy hovering around 180 but i hope his dick can handle the abuse.

I know his hands are tied behind his back, I don't really blame him. Still, one of the main reasons I voted for him was to see the military uncucked. The tranny shit was a step in the right direction, so at least his heart is definitely in the right place, and I KNOW the Marine top brass has never been happy about this gender integration shit, so I'm really just hoping it's a matter of time until they push forward a second report on "why this shit is dumb" and they have an administration that'll listen to them this time around.

Don't kid yourself, Armycuck. The Army was the first to bend over and accept the gender integration garbage, and put on a big fucking show about having some women pass Ranger School (where they were given an easier time). The Marines were the only branch to request an exemption, which was completely ignored.

>The military knows what they are doing with these people and wouldn't invest the time in making a mistake that would cost lives
The military (at least, the Marines) didn't want this in the first place. They don't have a unilateral say in policy. They're just dealing with the shit sausage they were dealt.

Or have your eyes pecked out by buzzards

go jarhead!

>The military (at least, the Marines) didn't want this in the first place. They don't have a unilateral say in policy. They're just dealing with the shit sausage they were dealt.
I agree with you however I have faith in these folks that they are training them right. Maybe it'll lead somewhere, maybe it wont.

Damn. That nigger burn was sick nasty

>go jarhead!

Every fucking thread you guys shit everything up with your bullshit. kys. Obnoxious faggot.

Even if they weren't it is magnificently retarded to adjust an entire militaey institution in order to pass through .001% of women that apply. It adds absolutely nothing to the service and costs millions of dollars and introduces drama that doesn't have to be there. There is not a single thing that women add to the military. The BEST case scenario is that they don't make anything actively worse while recquiring enournous changes in order to bring them in and accomadate them. It is a total loss for the sake of virtue signalling.

Ive met a few infantrywomen whilst I was a marine infantryman. Now having and MOS and having a billet are 2 seperate things.

You know what all the female Infantry MOS holders I met were doing? They were part of the base HQ battalion. Milfags will automatically understand, but for those who dont: HQ battalion operates the shooting range, they mow lawns, they man administrative offices, and they do a whole lot of sitting around in thier barracks doing absolutley nothing.

See, at the end of Infantry school they go to the ladies and say "hey, that really sucked right? Sure you wanna do that the rest of your career?"

99.9% of them say "FFFFUUUUCK NO!" And POG out to HQ battalion for the rest of thier enlistment.

there are men twice as strong as this woman who failed to pass this course

forgot pic


Where could it possibly lead, other than meaningless crap like 'diversity' and 'equality'? What are they supposed to add that justifies the trouble of finding the insignificant number of women who can do it?

Can someone describe the amount of sex she is going to get?

You'll never see a broad lead the big red 1
Or the 101st
Or my old regiment
Every unit is it's own separate entity brought together under one banner

The ones that make it due to political correctness will quit, they don't have the endurance for it. In the marines, they can hold out indefinitely. You knuckleheads are all the same, one unit is the same as the next, your deployments are a cakewalk and your training, which I thought was tough at one point apparently isn't. If she can pull her self up a bar - she's in. Lets see that bitch hang on one of our death marches, she'll drop under the weight of her own ruck

.>standards are racist.
White males are better at everything.