Daily Mail is on a roll today!





> her

"her" murder was much more peaceful than what that "surgery" would have made of "her" life.


So he was Jewish. Bet the family didn't like it when their Jewish scheme snagged on of their own.

>Isis Schauer
It's another Schauer

Probably muslims. Ones even called isis

probs a fake story. Just like that tranny from Georgia with the obvious crisis acting video

No one deserves to die like that but good riddance.

r u actually a Polish Jew?

Yes, although I don't practice Jewish faith.

What denomination are your parents?

Briana Calderas has a facebook profile and it is just what you would expect. snap chat filters, trashy shit. I see at least 1 tranny in the friend list.

screenshots plz?

ill get some.

Also I like to note that I see a LOT of sketchy people always working at The Krusty Krab. Is that some fast food chain?


>Murdered by someone named Isis

andrew's favorite things seem to be heavy metal and zombies.

Kailinn Allena Schauer may be Isis

None of those are even close to Arabic names

This young man would still be alive if his mental illness hadn't been indulged by this sick society.

ISIS did it

Come now Sup Forums a 17 year old was murdered for the pettiest of reasons. Get a fucking grip you Down syndromes

You can tell from the deceased's face they wouldn't have made a good trap. Hence the lack of sympathy I imagine.