Did you know that the Leekspin meme originated from the anime called Bleach?
Did you know that the Leekspin meme originated from the anime called Bleach?
You don't fucking say
I'm pretty sure anyone with a couple brain cells already knew that because they'd seen or read bleach already
What the actual fuck is a "meme"?
Yeah but the music didn't.
The mom of that one autistic blue haired girl
Wanna know more about memes? You have two options:
>read EVERYTHING at knowyourmeme.com
>play Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and view ALL the cutscenes
>shows self back to Sup Forums
Metal Gear Rising also has an interesting take on memes and what they are
Did you know that I already won?
Hoh? Didn't get to that one; I didn't think Kojima was gonna expand on that, after the treatise you get in MGS2.
Did you know that the Caramelldansen meme originated from the visual novel called Popotan?
Did you now Bleach is awful?
>hating fun
Not really Sup Forums related
You dumbass, it's called loli tuna, not leekspin.
Everyone knew that already, thank you OP.
What could be more Sup Forums related?
Did you know that the Kikkoman meme originated from Kinnikuman?
>I'm pretty sure anyone with a couple brain cells already knew that because they'd seen or read bleach already
>>shows self back to Sup Forums
>reads an action on Sup Forums
>unsheathes katana
Heh, pretty big slip up there, kid. I'd better not catch you doing it again.
Did you know that 404 girl is actually named Yotsuba and originates from the manga of the same name?
Did you know that C.C. was watching Lelouch from the very beginning?
No? The theme is called Yotsuba or Yotsuba B based on Yotsuba channel, which is what they call Sup Forums over in japan. There's also an underground trainstation called the yotsuba line and a group of organized crime called the yotsuba.
Could moot still be alive?
Did you know that Keit-ai isn't really an anime?
>a group of organized crime called the yotsuba
Just who is this moot guy?
>He. Doesn't. Know. Moot.
Just kill yourself now, user. You don't know Sup Forums.
A famous bodybuilder
Yes, and my quints don't lie.
He's a legend, some say he still lurks Sup Forums keeping a watchful eye, waiting for the right time to return home when we need him the most
autism and kobeni fags.
>Not starting with "The Selfish Gene"
An annoying tripfag who used to shitpost here a while ago.
If you could travel back in time when moot was still a baby and have a chance to kill him preventing creation of all memes would you?
If you could travel back in time to when moot was still a baby and have a chance to kill him preventing the creation of Sup Forums would you?
Did you know that Keit-ai posting will have you banned on Sup Forums faster than posting CP?
>kill moot
>go back to the future
>find out that you're not a redditor
I meant "now" instead of "not". Fuck.
Guess i was unconsciously rejecting that reality.
>mfw hotwheels takes moots place in history
Hey is hotwheels not censored anymore?
i'm surprised the hotpockets aren't triggered by cripplekike anymore
Moot's in his heaven, all's right with Sup Forums
An Asukafag who founded a shitty imageboard.
They're now triggered by this
>a group of organized crime called the yotsuba.
If Sup Forums didn't exist, then reddit wouldn't exist either. People would still be using Usenet and anime would never become mainstream.
Nice bait, my friend.
Where are proofs?
Think of all the years we've spent in this dark cesspool of smug 2d girls. We could've been somebody. We could've had lives.
The only way Sup Forums could never exist is if 2chan never exist.
People forget Moot actually just copy and pasted the 2chan source code and used google translator.
This not a joke.
I know this is bait but an hero anyway.
He was also like what 15 back then?
>a group of organized crime called the yotsuba.
Yep, he was 15.
>Sup Forums, a +18 website populated by underages, was made by an underaged weeb
>It started as a huge copy pasted shitpost
It's poetry
The real question you should be asking is, "when did meme become a meme?"
I wouldn't even hesitate.
A traitor.
Everyone that browsed Sup Forums back then was underaged.
I feel like the point memes became a meme was either when reddit made that f7u12 subreddit with the rage comic generator or when that Hawaiian guy bought icanhascheezburger and commercialized the caturday meme.
It was when foul bachelor frog spun out into five hundred variants of random shit on colored pinwheels. That is the exact moment of no return.
Meme word for "fad" people use this days.
An inside joke with no punchline.
It's funny because people still use fad for Japanese memes they don't understand. Using the word meme is a fad in itself.
Meme stop being that nearly a decade ago.
Ah yes, the moment memegenerator was born.
I wonder if he ever advanced past the bar
Keit-ai confirmed for too dangerous for Sup Forums.
I love her.
an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non-genetic means, especially imitation.
What a shitty pokemon, i completely forgot about this bird and cant believe its part of the og150 like in my mind its as if it never existed