What are you looking at, user?

What are you looking at, user?

Other urls found in this thread:

desustorage.org/a/search/text/What are you looking at anon/image/TEcNJEz1pkPrE1UPk-1OTg/

Your huge fucking tits.

Some picture some user posted on some website.

>outb4 delusional Yozorafags


Shoulders too broad 0/10

My dick's burial site

You are now aware her breasts are lopsided, her hair is under her eyebrows and her nose is freakishly tiny.

desustorage.org/a/search/text/What are you looking at anon/image/TEcNJEz1pkPrE1UPk-1OTg/

Is she on top of me?

Sup Forums keeps memeing this bitch to hell and back and I keep putting off this anime because the sinopsis sounds stupid. Is this actually any good or just a meme?

>> her breasts are lopsided

that's just mean her breast are natural

It's actually pretty good. It's a harem but it's got very light harem elements, it's mostly about the comedy, some fanservice and the two main girls chemistry.

My wife

Guess I'm finally watching this. If you lied to me and I don't like it I'll complain on the internet.

Wrong she's mine.



wrong, she's mine

a shit

Useless meat.

But I married her


>some fanservice
It is a fanservice show. It even got loli nipples.

A lesbian.

At the impossible light angle

Too thicc

Delicious meat.


Worst girl.

A repost.

Will we see Sena again in the future? She's too beautiful and perfect to have her career as an anime character die now.

Probably not. Her LN ended with no Season 3 in sight. She will live on in our memories.

This shit was retarded but I keked.

meat a shit

Thanks for reminding me to rewatch this garbage show. I was bored and needed something to watch. Kobato is cute.

I'm looking at you duh!

Something delicious that I'm going to impregnate if you stay like that.