Hey kid, wanna /ss/?
Hey kid, wanna /ss/?
all memes aside, did this really happen?
Ugh! You're doing it with kids?! Gross!
>he didn't do it
my cock will bleed
Haven't you been following the current events? It's the fad nowadays. Young female teachers doing naughty things with their students.
Impersonating school teachers is a crime, punk!
How much you wanna bet that's not being put in the live action one?
Did she offer to have sex with him? Yes.
Did he decline? Yes.
Nothing, because it would be a good thing for it not to happen, and since we can't have nice things, I'd be losing that bet.
Yes please
Still mad.
Wait they're making a live action one?
Starring Scarecrow Johanssen as Major Bootleg.
>my feet hurt
Hey cut her some slack, she had to settle for a cheap chinese knock-off cyber body that looks like shit and probably smells bad; she has every reason to be depressed and glum.
3D shouldn't be allowed to make adaptations of anime/manga/light novels
not until good-looking actresses become a thing again, anyway.
I mean if you look at some shots of Motoko in the 95 movie, she looks EXACTLY like Carrie Anne Moss did in the late 90s (apart from the hair).
But nobody remembers her.
>inb4 she plays the same character she used for Lucy and Blackwidow
which could be appropriate, but since she looks like shit, it'll be a chore to watch.
Which is why I won't go see it.
everyone knows who carrie anne moss is
Not if you're under 20.
And the only guarantee hollywood producers still have that their movies will be successful is how overwhelmingly famous the actors they put in their movies are.
It's all that matters to them. Can we get an A-lister even children will recognize? If yes, then just slap together the movie around him/her. If not, don't even bother funding it.
I'm exaggerating of course, but it's the thought process that goes behind such projects.
>which could be appropriate,
Maybe? But in 95 GiTS the Major wasn't 'blank', she was pretty specific about her posture and movements that make it more than just a doll while still retaining doll like qualities.
I highly doubt SJH could possibly pull it off. I doubt any flesh and blood person could, but certainly not her.
>does her ScarJo hipsway as the major.
She did manage to pull off a washed-up, cynical and bitchy actress who only gets cast as eye-candy, in Hail Caesar. So she can do other things than "blank".
But was she really acting?
That is not purple hair
What the fuck
More importantly, it's not fluffy hair.
Remember that in most versions, Motoko has black or blue hair. At the beginning of the manga she even had dark brown hair.
u didn't even show me your naples
I would but he didn't
They can't even get the costume design right.
At least it will probably be the kind of trainwreck that doesn't get sequels.
Friendly reminder that she shot (and killed) a kid in the manga.
Yeah, five bullets at point-blank range.
It's just my theory but I'm pretty sure that she was under the Puppetmaster's influence during that chapter. Like, during her trial when she starts rambling about muh network, her eyes go blank like she's being controlled.
And manipulating people is what the Puppetmaster does.
She wasn't serious though. She'd have told him to wait a few years had he said yes. At least that's what I say to myself to stop from getting mad.
Is that Kel in the top left?
/ss/ NTR is the best fucking thing men ever created
>implying Sup Forumsnons would backpeddel just like him
Older sexually experienced women are scary. They know what they want and aren't afraid to take it. Kid got lucky that she respected his "nah" and he wasn't raped.
sauce pls
>implying Matoko wouldn't gently coax him into making love to her instead of raping.
Nobody does point for point costumes since the 90s. who is gonna pay to witch the exact same ol thing.
> ol thing
Hey that's not a nice way to refer to Scarlett!
I'm still fucking mad.
Will there ever be canon /ss/ even remotely hinted at in anything or is it too far even for nips?
>being raped by an mommy is bad
Get back inside your best friend Raoul's backpack, he's got business to do with your "mommy".
And don't forget to put your chastity cage back on.
Backpack-cuckolry is the latest fad amongst femdom fetishists and all other sissy cucks like you.