Fresh Zyklon Ben's! I need the original! Come on Sup Forums

I'm so used to this, I can't look at these edited versions. Get me the original

Ben is the man

I can't tell what any of those things are supposed to represent. He needs to bring back labels.

No he's not!

>t. double digit IQ
he's highlighting the ridiculousness of the whole 'taking a knee' situation given the corporate shenanigans of past

>darkie "stink lines"
>the suspicious shape of the nose of the football shark
Based Zyklon Ben strikes again

post the original


the leaf didnt tell a joke, garrison used to put labels on every caricature. if you're implying my explanation of the comic itself is wrong, elaborate why. or are you just a shit posting nigger and newfag to zyklon b?

Someone post the original so tired of fakes

Make the original

I love how in 3 years we went from goofing on Ben with no comic left unedited and Ben absolutely fucking hating us
Ben making on point comics that semi-pander to us and that we almost never edit his comics and love them unironically and that he's now Sup Forums's official illustrator.

Why wouldn't this be the original?

I can't even fathom what the original might have been

Because deep down inside he's a memester.

who's knee ?

Hi newfag

he's doubling down, the absolute madman!


>people always hate on ben for including faggy labels on EVERYTHING in his cartoons
>his cartoons make no sense without them

Ben should just stick with what he's (mildly) good at.

It's not summer anymore, why are you fucking idiots still doing this, are people still falling for your bullshit?


newfag spotted, lurk for at least 3 years before ever posting you fucking retard piece of shit

>What is a joke?

Wherever you are am still waiting Ben


> Jumping the Shark
> Kneeling during anthem
> Football dying because its loosing sponsors
> No fans in stadium
You are a fucking moron.


>darkie "stink lines"

Wrong arm.


Because it doesn't show JOOOS, that's why :)



I usually defend the labeling of items for future readers who don't know the context but even the jumping the shark on on here is annoying me

sorry this is the best I could do




That doesn't look like a shark to me. Why is its mouth on the side of its body?


jumping the kike

Thanks Ben!

You need to grow a brain, leaf.

haha fixed

>are people still falling for your bullshit?

you are newb