Antifa eats shit again in Texas 0-3

Oh boy, antifa at it again in Texas. This makes what, 3 more solid losses for these faggots now? Cop goes absolutely ham on one dude and beats the shit out of him!


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Communism in Texas. Look at your future Texans.

You get your asses kicked literally any time you come to our state, there is no future for you. Ever. The Crips kicked your asses. The police kicked your asses. RAM kicked your asses. You're a laughing stock.

texas is no longer texas

This haircut needs to be eradicated

Are they purposely trying to make themselves look more hideous than they already do? It's like the BO-reeking fat girl saying the reason no one wants to fuck her is "obviously because of her haircut" and not because she's a totally disgusting creature.

>"FTP!! The only good cop is a dead cop!"
>get hit by a ebil Natzeeee
>"Help us, officer!!! REEEEEEEEEE"

The moment they started chanting that bullshit I wanted those cops to start cracking Commie skulls out of spite.

Police are there to keep the peace and make sure your protest doesn't become violent, or that you are attacked.
>Attack them

Max par

>Cop goes absolutely ham on one dude

It's in the first video I don't have the timestamp nigger he runs him down and there are some idiots blocking the two but he wears him out then arrests him that's when they start saying "grab the cops guns." I honestly can't wait until one of these faggots gets shot saying the wrong "slogan" they think is protected under free speech.

That's what they get for recruiting from the weakest members of society. When your proudest moment is pretending that niggers are the bestest people of all (but secretly you know they are the lowest, that's why you always fawn praise upon them,) it reveals something to the awakened mind.

How does it feel to have no culture? How do you justify being part of a movement that is explicitly anti-culture?

Aren't these faggots classified as terrorists? They need to be shot.

They are the biggest pussies I've ever seen. Actually linked arms because they can't stay in formation. Can't sustain a chant if another chant starts up. Complaining to the very cops they think should be killed about the people they are trying to incite violence against because they stood a little too close. They must know on some level you now how this is going to end for them like they've really caught their tit in the wringer this time

Does anyone know if the Communist Control Act of 1954 is still in effect? I thought it was illegal to be Communist in America?

fuck off back to commiefornia nigger

>I'm white and I'm saying it
What a fucking cuck

obligatory pic

I thought Antifa were just delusional liberals fighting against everything they perceived to be fascism - I didn't know they actually embraced communism to such an extent. Fuck! Aren't these the same people who compared Trump's victory with "1984"? I don't understand - is it a bad thing then or something they actually WANT? Because that's exactly what they're going to get with communism.

>20 minutes

Why does nobody mention Animal Farm

I know for a fact many of them read it in school

and there in lies the whole lynchpin of collapse for the left.
At least the institutional left has political power and can affect police departments.
But when all the voter base they're trying to court are the same group whose demands and goals pretty much fuck shit up for EVERYONE, then what the fuck do you do? You can't scream and yell at the pilot about how you don't want to die from the plane crashing, but at the same time, you are extremely offended that the pilot is the only person allowed to fly the plane.

>The commies NEVER fight to recover their fallen
Holy shit and they think they can start a civil war? They aren't willing to push a cop in order to pick up their friend who is being captured by "Murderers"? Hahah, some fucking comradery

I guess "Big Brother is watching" has been popularized more and is easier to remember than "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

The least you lazy niggers could do is post a few time-stamps so we can locate the action without having to scan through 40 minutes of antifa standing around doing nothing like a faggot. Why do you do this to yourself, user? Do you think you're going to live forever?

>grab the cops guns.
do they even know how to disengage a level 3+ retention holster, let alone even know what a level 3+ retention holster is?



Why do they keep going to Texas? Don't they know the police and politicians won't protect them and set up their targets for them there as they did in Berkeley and Charlottesville? They might get a fair fight in Texas, and that's not what they're about.

Staged. Paid homeless. Austin is full of leftist loons but alot of drug addict homeless also.

I seriously doubt it.
They'd likely just try to grab for the gun, and that means they either get shot or tackled depending on how close the next nearest cop is.
Reaching for an officer's firearm is also I believe 5 years minimum in prison.

Is dreadlocked ebonics Ginger with red/white/blue shirt in first video Macaulay Culkin? I'm seriously not kidding. I think that''s him.


Serious. This is him as an adult.

K was he lecturing the black cop on not understanding the black struggle? What was going on there?

And here he is in the video

And then one of them says "this is what white supremacy looks like!" the face of the biggest black cop out there. The keks never stop with these losers.

A lot of antifa are drug addict homeless.

I want to watch Antifa get beat up, but I don't want to watch 20 minutes of these fags to get to it. Where is it?

I knew so many liberals that thought Animal Farm was a critique of fascism.

Advice to fags and cali libs: dont fuck with DPS and/or the Texas Rangers.
Sharp creases in uniforms indicate they are squared away and will fuck your shit up quick

they would miss the point entirely

>welcome to Texas, we will fuck your mouth.

>May 3rd

The Farm leaders are literally modeled after the Soviet leadership (Lenin, Trotsky, Molotov, Stalin) and claim that "all animals are equal." They've even got a reference to winning WWII.
How dense to people have to be to dodge that? Orwell was a socialist but he saw Stalinist retards for that they were.

These people are troubled.

lol i work across the street and went out to watch them on my lunch break. there were more cops than protestors and even if austin is pretty libtarded most people don't have time to give a shit about antifa because we're all working 4 jobs to afford to live here. once all those students graduate their numbers will shrink.

Keep it up, and you'll probably end up in a ditch.
You do understand you are sorely outnumbered, right?
Maybe you should just move to N. Korea or Venezuela?


That was amazing. Now picture her in an actual war zone

Dont let these faggots wear masks

Oh shit Texas police are crazy. HYPED! Im calling it before watching it.... good shit.

they don't realize that they've been discarded longer useful

One of the biggest libfags I know lives in Austin. Not even in the traditional way tho he's just the most bluepilled normie I've ever met.

>Men in uniforms and cowboy hats wrecking the shit of a bunch of scrawny commie faggots
This is a taste of what's to come, commies. Better run and hide.

The officer went straight for the throat. Can confirm I seen that in Harris County Jail in Houston the 3rd worst jail in the US. They came in woke everyone up and told them to go to the other side of the room and stare at the wall; so we don't see what they do. I watched a little so knew whats going on.

this, they're too much trouble for the establishment and even the media is starting to call them out. They have no allies left, BLM is getting sick of their shit, at this point they are just lashing out blindly and getting their asses kicked every which way.

Antifa is DONE.

>That high pitched squealing as the cops rush the commies

God I fucking hate commies so goddamn much, I need more videos of commie cucks getting btfo

Austin and APD are as pozzed as it gets, but these idiots made the mistake of protesting at the Capitol, meaning it was Texas State Troopers kicking their asses instead of the hands off treatment they are used to from the city cops. Troopers typically come from all over the state including the far more conservative small towns and rural areas. Personally, I would like to see a state law passed mandating the Troopers presence at any communist protest so those reds can get the skull fucking they deserve as domestic terrorists threatening our nation.

What's his name Sup Forums?

I'd like to go observe this retardation in real life. How do I know where and when people are protesting?

t. eurofag in Texas


Ironic how Antifa call cops pigs but when cops actually take measures against them they're the ones squealing like little fucking piglets

I'd love to see how these antifa cucks would feel if the cops did shit like this instead

Faggot commies are always going on about police brutality and shit as if they have any fucking clue what that even means. A cop ruffing you up a bit because you commit a crime and then resist arrest isn't police brutality


Lmao, the guy in the MAGA hat and blazer was boss as fuck. He put those Commie pussies in their place.
He carried the whole 20 minute video. Great stuff.

Show up to a protest with sticks and cammo pants, fatigue. Cry when you get pushed on the grass. Lol...

I don't know if you anons know this or not, but there are not only patriotic veteran-based pro-America biker gangs, but there are actual anti-pedophile biker gangs.

I'm not even shitting you, I saw some in a small town on the PCH and had to bend a knee and chat for a second with them. They're here.

As dense as a communist.

So tear off his mask and record him.

Thanks to commies we have people like this guy getting elected.

Texans, pls respond.

Kys faggot. Paid protesters count for shit


>Communism in Texas.
so you're looking to get actually killed by military vets in your own cities then


i mean you know it'll escalate to this once you ramp up your bullshit, you've already been killing people and cops and such, the local police when called "HEY THERE ARE PEOPLE COMING TO GET US AT THE PEOPLES COOP HOUSING TATTOO AND STRIP CLUB" do you think they'll come?

are you dense?

go starve yourself like a good commie

Cucklin. That one wasn't even tough.

> I like to larp on the internet as someone who larps irl

Kek that's what is funny about all this, even if a lot of people don't show up to oppose these commie rallies, they will speak with their votes

The first video is a goldmine.

so this is the true power of reddit

why bring weaponry if youre not going to use it
ooo look at me with my yugoslavian clone of a russian rifle which was a stolen german design gommies,why cant we eradicate
i mean,theyre shouting 'dead cops' for fucks sake,literal domestic terrorists

They are so fucking rude to the cops...
The very people who are protecting them from the rest of society lynching them for being commie faggots.

"Why are you helping white supremacy?"

"Because I'm white, bitch."

Antifa's absurdly loose definition of "Nazi," which includes random senior citizens and young girls wearing Trump hats, has succeeded in making me sympathetic to actual fascism. What happened to people like Eric Garner was an injustice, no matter what the barely literate dumbasses on this board say, but I'm not going to shed a tear when Antifa become victims of excessive force or end up with bullets in their heads.

isnt he that guy in the berkley attacks?

They'll learn how to catch slugs with their center of mass if they start grabbing cop's guns.

>conspiracy to commit terrorism
see what the fuck im talking about
i dont want lunch i want breakfast

2nd video @3:40: I shouldn't assume your gender

>That "Liberal Arts Council" wearing communist woman

It's like memes become reality

even the fucking cover is a parody of the soviet propaganda. How retarded do you have to be?


Bikers as a whole are a strange breed - fiercely patriotic, but also deal drugs, arms, and kill each other like niggers. They're loyal to each other, and call cops pigs, but will defend cops against shitheads like Antifraud. They'll go to war with another club, but do Toys For Tots runs at christmas and raise millions for charity.

>I suck great dick, but not yours! You would never have a chance with me!
Antifa insults.

on the other hand,trump always talks about the swamp,msm says no such thing,mconnell looks like a fucking turle

I want this as a t-shirt, I havent stopped laughing about it for 5 minutes.


Antifraud and niggerball players are making me more patriotic and determined to wipe out any person or group that tries to take my right to be proud of myself, my community and my nation.

Fuck Niggers.
Fuck Liberals
Fuck AntFraud
Fuck SWJs
Fuck the Media.

I'm white. I was born here. My ancestors built it. Fuck you if you say I should feel guilt for that.

texas here, eurobro. they are always at the capitol on weekends. Austin is a diseased vagina. spics are always protesting something or other at the Alamo also, if your into Spanish.

Everyone but me gotta learn

This is what fatherless sons look like!

>that first video

These fucks think it's a good idea to threaten cops? They think it's a good idea to scream at them saying they're murderers, saying "Fuck the police", "the only good cop is a dead cop" and that they're pigs? Jesus Christ, the helicopter rides can't start up soon enough. I applaud the restraint of the cops there for not drawing on them and shooting that group. Not one single thing of value would have been lost if they had done that.