Kneel at football game

>kneel at football game
>start culture war
>the president gets involved and releases like three statements a day about it

Seriously why are burgers so fucking stupid and dramatic?

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Culture war.
Or you can look to Germany and all the EU countries that are bending over backwards for migrants, those the result if you don't fight about every little thing because you have SOMETHING TO FIGHT FOR.

They are so cucked they have to stand still when the special song plays and watch their wife stare at the black man on the field.

People just don't want politics in their entertainment.

Tough shit. Find another entertainment.

They do actually, politics they agree with. And since no bugmen, soyboys or single women watch sports it's clear why NFL fans are upset.

Since when was protesting wanting the cops to stop shooting innocent people or at least go to jail for it political? Sounds like basic human rights to me but I know the US is behind on those sorts of things.

basically gamergate for boomers

Like comics, movies, and games filled with nauseating SJW shit?

My thoughts exactly. Thankfully it didn't involve a skank sleeping around with a black football team or something though.

>Find another entertainment
can you name me anything that DOESN'T have anything to do with politics?

VR for the moment.

because its serious business bruh. like some one did something and now i am rage. pepls haz to pay. this will go on as long as it takes

That is clearly a political topic. One that apparently people don't care to discuss when they're getting drunk and watching people smash into each other.

Kaepernick's islamist girlfriend Nessa Diab radicalized him



If they do the NFL is fucked.

>Find another entertainment.
They are. And the NFL is dying as a result, so either the NFL tells the niggers to stand and shut up, or their whole operation implodes.

This is becoming the gamergate of sports.

All the celebrities and sports star think their opinions so matter because people are always watching them. But they don't. So now they are trying to hold your entertainment hostage. And guess what? They are completely replaceable, but they still think they are the rulers of the world.

Youtubers politicized VR by being anti-gun and shit long ago.

You obviously don't know anyone who serves or has served or know any one who has died in combat cause if you did you would know exactly why the bare minimum requirement is that you at least stand for the Flag , You dont have too have your hand over your heart, You dont have to sing the anthem, you can even give the Flag the finger, but you will do it standing

Well people can suck a dick. Marxist influenced politics will infiltrate every aspect of everyone's life and there's only two things that can be done: 1) find new entertainment and enjoy it while it lasts - because it wont - or, 2) fight back.

I don’t know about you but here in the civilised world, political topics are things like the economy, healthcare, transportation, justice etc. Not is it ok for cops to fucking shoot innocent black people and not go to prison.

Also. America voted for a fucking celebrity to be president, they clearly see politics as entertainment so even if my first point didn’t stand then this would.

It's to create a memory hole for the fact that Russia released intel that proved beyond reasonable doubt that Us backed forces in Syria are co-ordinating with ISIS.

Remember those first days in your redpilling lads? When you were depressed about our peoples downfall and blackpilled as fuck about the leftist zombies?
That was before we turned to joking about our misery through memes, which has dulled our passion. Its good to meme once in a while to keep from offing yourself, but we have to remain serious also if we want to win and achieve.

Your nationalism is what’s killing your country. As it sends you to wars to die for money and greed when you get home it treats you like trash until you can’t afford healthcare or die homeless or by a rope.

But hey, at least you got your anthem and a flag.

Civil war is coming.

We are faggot. That's why the libs and the NFL are freaking out. My new jam is english commentated Korean starcraft. Way more exciting than handegg and 0 liberal BS.
>Yeah that's totally the biggest problem in black communities right now.

Innocence is debatable.

And people voted for Trump because they were so sick of the left's corruption and overbearing morality that it actually made Donald Trump a viable candidate.

The entire standing thing is a result of retards believing the media's heavily distorted view of reality that white cops are killing black people en masse.. when in reality blacks are killing white people and eachother FAR more often.

So the only stupid ones are the ones who decide to disrespect the flag on the grounds of believing blatant anti white propaganda of the media

I don't expect a coward britfag too understand since you cant even have a kitchen knife with out a licence and you let your country be over run by sand niggers. One of which is probably fucking your girl right now cucklord

It's a double edged sword.

If you have a country full of people who love it people are gonna get fanatical and get used. But if everyone hates or is "meh" about their country it crumbles around them.

>Also. America voted for a fucking celebrity to be president, they clearly see politics as entertainment
More like we're so tired of actual politicians we said fuck it and gave an outside a chance. But hey, you're in the UK so you're one of the last people on the planet that has room to talk about other countries. Go take a short walk on a long bridge, infidel.

oh and I almost forgot about VR sexual assault committed against women.

>destroying your own property because someone triggered you on TV


Because America is fucking great. Are you not entertained?

Watch Dota 2, the White Man's Esport.

Like identity politics wouldn't be used for the same reason, holy fuck your island is just riddled with stupid niggers like you off yourself faggot. The deep state will use anything unifying anyone to send us to attack sand niggers, fucking christ you losers are hopeless, but keep hating your country with the rest of us.

Someone explain this to me

>Robert watches niggerball
>One nog gets on his knees
>Robert burns all his shit

>Seriously why are burgers so fucking stupid and dramatic?
Fuck off, this is sports gamergate. Fags like you want to keep conceding... You are a fucking pussy ass loser. Fuck off!

Fine. I'll watch based white man Randy Orton toss some poos around.

Dey dindu nuffin

The only thing hurting western countries is a LACK of nationalism. Countries with it are trying to fight, while on the other and those without are circling the drain of islam as we speak.

Maybe we should let our kids decide..oh...wait, that's right, your kids wont have a future.

Just like you support all the terror attacks in your country, right? Because I mean they keep happening, so I assume you're completely ok with it....

That's how fucking stupid you sound, bongo

God damnit listen up roo' boy. They're protesting the national anthem because apparently there is a racist verse that doesn't get sung. Not police.

kek thats exactly what theyre doing

and thats why the nfl is quickly going down the shitter

There are massive problems in black communities right now and I don’t think they will ever be solved in our lifetimes with the way things work but what I’m getting at is people caring more about the anthem bs than the actual people dying.

Trump winning has been the worst thing to happen to America since JFK. Yes the left has questions it needs to ask itself like why the fuck Hillary was given the nomination when she’s is an evil child killing cow. But the Right needs to take its fare share of what’s to come.

I can see a civil war happening and as soon as that happens NK will strike. America will be fucked, UK too prop coz we’re your little lapdog.

Not an argument.

>Rob watches niggerball
>One nog gets on his knees
>Rob ignores it for months
>Trump tweets about it
>Now 20 nogs get on their knees
>Now the official niggerball association endorses getting on their knees specifically to spite the country
>Rob, a patriotic american like many other niggerball fans, decides that he doesnt want to be a supporter of an unpatriotic group
>burns all his shit

Thank you

t. sportsfan

Virtue signaling is our country's new national pastime.

>Tough shit. Find another entertainment.
No. that's why those trained apes are getting fucking millions, Entertaining their betters is the only thing niggers can do.

I don't care what your worries about America are. We'll make our decisions how we see fit.

Least I get free healthcare if I get knifed. Where it costs you $2000 to treat your black eye on punch a nazi day.

Well enjoy your county going to shit and being the laughing stock of the entire world.

>Seriously why are burgers so fucking stupid and dramatic?
because we can afford it.

Your post is so stupid I don’t know how to respond so I’ll just say fuck you buddy.

Nice try jerry jones

Meanwhile in Britain Punks and Chaos Magicians get festival funding and knighthoods after calling the royal family fascists and flesh eating alien monsters.

You tell me why countries we invaded ended up more stable and prosperous than before . . .

>no self-awareness

Musical intstrument

To be fair, those jerseys are fucking worthless now anyway.

Didn’t we kick the shit out you a couple of hundred year ago? Go get some tea and crumpets and fuck off.

Oh they are laughing at us too. But least we have a chance to save it when Jeremy Corbyn becomes PM.

I'm just glad that I now have a justified reason to not pretend I care about the superbowl.

Whatever fit black men do in America, fat white gun slobs will call it disrespectful and their wives will feel so insulted they get moist just by looking at them.

You mean like comic books, video games, and television? No, they've been taken over as well

what a great argument. You study at Oxford?

Pretty much

Hey Imam whatcha doin’?

Muslims can’t play stringed instruments you insensitive fuck!

Is this some giant fucking psyop, people sure are easy to jump on the bandwagon

Like far right politics?

Way ahead of you champ

Trump won because we got tired of losing the culture war. He won the moment he told that bitch Megan Kelly, "I don't have time for total political correctness." That too was a counterstrike in the culture war. You idiot Jews/Paki/Nigger/Pederasts living in England have no idea what is in store for you once this thing gets started. The Jews have once again overreached themselves. It may seem small, some coddled millionaire niggers being told to keep their politics out of a game, but it really isn't. Honkey Whites have no where to hide from the Multiculti onslaught anymore, and now have been radicalized and forced to choose a side. The niggers don't even know what law they want changed, all it sounds like to me is that they are pissed that their criminal scumbag cousins can't freely commit crimes. They don't even have a single law they want changed, but have only a burning rage (fanned by the kikes) that they were born niggers. We white people can't fix their born-a-nigger problem, so quit demanding that we do.

It's Gamergate for normies. This might actually get Trump re-elected.

The Americans are so dumb they burn something they have already paid for.
If you really want to make a statement, steal that shit then burn it.

I respect DOTA, but it's just not as fun to watch for me. Plus I'm getting stationed in Osan so I'm definitely going to watch some live tournaments.

These are the lowest ranking jews, so that way the super jews can say look we are poor too goyim

>Jeremy Corbyn
I liked when he tried to give America shit for wanting to build a wall and he said to build bridges instead, but then you faggots (deservingly) got so many terror attacks you had to build little walls on your bridges.

If you aren't able to articulate an argument against something it is a pretty reliable sign that you could be wrong. Maybe cognitive dissonance won't let you accept that. Just pause and reconsider. If a belief is so loosely held or factually tenuous that you are incapable of defending it then it is time to stop and question. Of course laziness is the next excuse because it is that much easier to accept that you are lazy than the possibility that you could be wrong.

I don’t believe you’re a real person. Nice try Rothchilds.

>Teams kneeled for US anthem
>But stood for the British anthem

This REALLY makes me think.

>UN telling people to act like niggers

It's about winning back the mind and soul of the American people from (((corporate media))) sports being one of their main pacifiers

Because people have been angry about the NFL for a long time. Whether you think it's stupid or not that a professional sports league has such influence in our culture is a different issue. It's a similar issue to what happened in the general election. A large, influential organization telling the people that made it what it was to go fuck themselves, and siding with the niggers. It's a lot like the Democratic Party. People have been looking for someone or something big enough to light the whole thing on fire. They found it with Trump, and now it's all coming out at once.

third world mentality

>Don't be so dramatic goyim, grab an oxy, open up another beer, ditch your family on Sunday and watch a sportsball game. We're definitely not destroying you, inch by inch, every single day.

START a culture ware? Seriously? This has been going on for decades and not just limited to North America. Western civilization is under attack by Marxism. Still.

All President Trump has done is give everyday Americans a way to back the side they wanted to take in Charlottesville but just weren't quite ready to yet. Now by drawing the flag, our anthem and our White Judeo-Christian nation he has given average everyday Americans a no holds barred way to support what we all support deep inside but were restricted from supporting via leftist and their pet minority subversion tactics. If you think this is dramatic, it is really only the beginning

Asian pussy is sweet and tasty.

Hi there retard, looks like you are saying something has to be stolen first and then burned before it may be used as a valid protest. I have one small favor to ask of you. Go tell some millionaire niggers that get paid to play with their balls on a field to honor the flag of the country that made them richer than any job they could ever have if they were returned to Africa.

>ooga booga where da white women at.

watching some SSL right now. Stats is best protoss OP

I'm ahead of the curve. I've changed the channel or muted the dumb ass good goy anthem for at least 8 years

There's literally nothing you can do about it. Boot licking kikes. Muh troops are fighting for Israel, not me

This is like Gamer Gate for boomers

There are no cops shooting innocent people. This is a mass media "Big Lie." Its purpose is to drive suggestible people to go assassinate cops. This has happened several times.

I'm just saying it defeats the purpose of boycotting the NFL.
YOu're still giving them money whether it's valid or not.

Because we burgers are addicted to entertainment and now people are realizing just how stupid sports entertainment really is.

That was pretty gay user
