The Democrats are now advocating for child rape "centers" Holy SHIT

The Antifa group known as the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights, and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), have led several anti-right riots, including the one against provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, and were behind the plans to disrupt Ann Coulter’s Berkeley appearance before it was canceled.

BAMN’s parent organization, the Revolutionary Workers League in Detroit, has worked directly with NAMBLA. Additionally, BAMN’s co-founder, Eileen Scheff is a member of the Revolutionary Workers League, and an admitted member of NAMBLA. Reportedly, she describes NAMBLA as being the victum of a “witch-hunt.”

“As an activist in the legal and political struggle for lesbian/gay rights and for freedom of sexual expression, I am here to support NAMBLA and to demand that the witch-hunt against it must be stopped,” Scheff said at a 1991 NAMBLA conference. “The media and police are targeting NAMBLA because it stands for the rights of young people to have consensual sex with whomever they want.”

>During her speech, Scheff called for “youth-controlled centers” where adults can have sex with children.

THIS is the true face of the Left in the US. This is what WE are fighting against. How can you, after reading this, knowingly support this amoral, digusting, and outright evil bullshit? Join us in our fight. Save your future.

Smash a commie when you see a commie.

Other urls found in this thread:

big if true

Daily Dose:


homosexuality is a mental disorder
gender confusion is a mental disorder

True leftist here, not some edgy antifa commie or bernie pleb. We fucking hate these people too, this is not the face of leftism anymore than nazis are the face of the right.

nazis are the face of the right though.

Childfuckers are the face of the left though.

I don't believe in Satan, but these freaks apparently do

Really? Is not loosening sexual standards a feature of leftism? Are you not in favor of liquidating fetuses? If you were in favor of children's rights you'd stop paying welfare trash to breed. Why not combine sexual immorality and child abuse and start raping babies? Don't you want progress?

this guy gets it

nice source OP. fuck off with your faggot fake news

google image this bitch's name

Nice try, shill.
What's the pay like over there at CTR these days? I figured they'd call it off, since yall got BTFOd by MAGA.

The CDAAIIRFEBAMN is the child org of the RWD who is the brother org of NAMBLA. This means

Being an edgy faggot will show him!

what the fuck

How could someone really be this dense? This has got to be someone getting paid, no way is someone this fucking clueless.

so post a legit source on a completely made up OP story retard. oh wait you can't.

>THIS is the true face of the Left in the US.

One fringe lunatics opinions are the opinions the entire left holds.

You're autistic, did you parents not tell you?

You can find pedophilia rampant all over leftist/socialism/communism not only in the US but all over the planet. Specifically that subset of people. Stalin was a pedophile. che fucked underage girls. cultural marxists have been trying to normalize pedophilia for years now through NAMBLA, that's ALL FROM THE LEFT. How fucking stupid are you to not see that?

Where is your source?


Fire up the oven, it's gonna get gassy in here.

So the happening ITT is that NAMBLA said something about sex centers in the early 90s. Antifa hasn't said anything about this.

So... keep us posted...

Not sure about OP, but BAMN actually has ties to NAMBLA. The North American Man-Boy Lovers Associatio.



The Left is about progressing further and further, Incrementalism that pushes the boundaries. Leftism cannot tolerate rules because they're "oppressive," but wants to impose its own rules on the parties it dislikes (white, straight, cis, males) and needs the Authortarian State to force these parties to give to its victims.
So these pedo people are among the most "progressive" of leftist ideology, whereas AnCap would probably be the most radical of the Right.