I want to get into the fate series Sup Forums.
Which is better: the original fate stay night anime or unlimited blade works?
I want to get into the fate series Sup Forums.
Which is better: the original fate stay night anime or unlimited blade works?
Avoid it all together.
Stop the cancer.
The VN routes in order.
Now fuck off.
Neither. Wait for heaven's feel adaptation.
Why does most of Sup Forums not read manga/VN
Nice bait, fuck off.
The VN isn't good either. The only difference is you're wasting ~50 hours instead of however long the anime(s) take you.
Might as well play with your own turd because Fate is literally shit.
Read the VN.
Watch Fate/Zero.
This is the chart I followed, but it's a little outdated.
Just make your you start playing the Fate mobage too when you're done with it.
Objectively speaking, the UBW anime by ufotable is the best animated rendition of the Fate/Stay Night VN thus far, so if you have to watch something, watch that.
Other than that, you still should read the Realta Nua version of the VN.
The saddest thing about that chart is Battle moon wars is probably the best thing on there despite being unofficial by virtue of being a really well made (albeit easy) SRW clone if you can stomach all the Typemoon shit.
>Realta Nua
Naw buddy, if he's commited to diving into the world of Fateshit he best do it the way god intended. Any purveyor of Typemoon's work will tell you that Nasu's mollusk sex analogies are the pièce de résistance of the VN. Truly his magnum opus.
Read the VN, none of the anime are nearly as good.
2006>UBW>HF movies
That's the order, no exceptions.
because they're casual, secondaries and EoPs
it's really sad how much of this board is low powerlevel trash, all the popular threads are generals for like jojoshit or blech, its awful
Nice bait. Fate is literally the Shakespeare of visual novels.
its so weird, TM gets so much hate now but back in the day everyone loved it in here
is it because it became more popular?
>low powerlevel trash
Pot calling the kettle black.
Reading one of the earliest translated and easily most popular VN doesn't raise your powerlevel buddy. But I can't blame you for being on Sup Forums. Don't want to give the EOPs on /jp/ anyone to look down upon after all.
Here is your (You), type shitter.
>type shit
dont fucking reply to me you piece of shit EoP ill fucking rip your eyeballs out
reading any VN gives you a higher powerlevel by default, compared to someone who only watches anime
This, Fate as a series is fine but it's nothing special, and the fandom is not only trash, but it's smug trash that thinks they're better than others.
>claims Fate is bad
curious, who here was around in like 06 when TM shit was the hot stuff?
It's just contrarians being cunts
moonrune readers look down on EOPs
EOPs look down on Fatefags
Fatefags look down on secondaries
secondaries look down on people who like FZero
Fuck off crossboarder.
But Realta Nua is better.
its popularity has caused TM to milk it to a completely sickening degree and turned everything to shit
Back before the VN was translated everybody could cling to the hope that "the source material was better".
It wasn't as bad as the DEEN adaptation, sure. But it still was a pretty huge letdown. Fatefags will just spout their clockwork "you're just being a contrarian who hates popular things" spiel despite the fact that they'll turn on a dime and use the opposite against the "Secondaries" who liked the zero anime the most.
UBW anime.
The VN
Watch Fate/Zero avoid the rest.
FGO happened.
I wasn't here, but I was in Beast Lair. Fate got me into Tsukihime and other TM stuff. Then I dropped the whole thing when TM decided to milk out its games.
The UBW anime is generally considered better, but it's also the second route out of three. The game order goes Fate, then UBW, then Heaven's Feel. I do recommend reading the game. The TL patch comes with a flowchart so you can also check out all the Bad Ends along the way.
Fate/Zero is a prequel that was written later. It's good. The anime is by the same studio that did UBW.
>not reading Realta Nua with H scenes patch
Plebs not getting the best of both worlds.
Why is Sup Forums so cunt about people asking for recommendations? Does it make you feel good about your miserable life?
Nice try fate/zero secondary, read the fucking VN you faggot
You're just new, that's all.
>Why is Sup Forums such a cunt about people asking for recommendations?
I fixed that for you, ESL-kun.
Anyone familiar with Sup Forums wouldn't need rec's, thus asking for one is a confession of being a silly newfriend who can't lurk.