Kraut/pol/ - AfD General & Austrian Election General - Jagd Edition

- News
>AfD enters the Bundestag with 94 seats
>Gauland: "We will hunt them."
>Frauke Petry resigns and will not join the party in the parliament
>Petry and her husband will leave the AfD
>Gauland and Weidel elected leaders of the AfD Bundestag group

- Other
>15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
>15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english
>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

Other urls found in this thread:

Since the other thread went down and nobody made a new one i decided to make the Thread it's my first ever Thread that i opened and Copied Pasted it from the Earlier one



Is it gonna die Doctor?

So I just moved here.
Any Münster user care to explain what happened?
The people don't seem allthat leftist at all, even the Greens I met are better than in my home town.

((Briefwahl)) happened

>Schulz will drink himself to death in your lifetime
Yeah, Briefwahl fucked AfD good.
But that's like 5% of the total vote.
I want to know why CDU got so many votes while AfD got jack shit.
They siphoned votes of the CDU everywhere else.

>people actually memed for this dude

Bump for answers.
Even the old people fell for it.
Something is up.

One of my Uncles in Bremen called AFD neo-nazis. Pretty badly brainwashed

okay so was it good that Petry resigned? Are Gauland and Weidel more against refugees than Perty?
>>Gauland: "We will hunt them."
what did he mean with this? Hunt who and why?

No it's very bad.
The party is low on legitimacy as it is, any infighting will only fuel the media fire and encourage further division.
>Hunt who and why?
he was speaking about the new goverment but the sentiment was directed at all the other parties.
Also a grossly taken out of context quote.

Petry was a career Politician and wanted to turn the AFD into a CDU or SPD party/Maintstream others don't

AfD needs to make inroads into the mainstream.
Like Die Linke has done in the West with Lafontaine.
It's disgusting but necesarry.

what will she do now? create her own party, join another, quit?

Collect cheques for four years and then disappear into nothing.
She abdicated any political ambition with her move.

redpill me on CSU

Been following on normie book, thanks for the general op

Special snowflake arm of the CDU.
Now with more Oktoberfest and Lederhosen.

Do they want to be separated from Germany or what?
How the hell could they get ~3 mil votes?

The vast majority of Bavarians used to be represented by the CSU through all classes - farmers, small town burghers, the middle class, big business. So this state used to be pretty much a one-party system, the SPD never wins anything more than 10-20%.
This has long changed ever since Seehofer cucked out to Merkel and abandoned any kind of regionalism, populism and conservatism.

>How the hell could they get ~3 mil votes?
Bavaria has over 10 million citizens. That's why 3 million is such a disastrous result for what should be THE Bavarian party.

Pic related, back when CSU patriotism wasn't just desperate propaganda.

No they don't. They are like a state division of the CDU.
Techinically they are seperate but for federal elections they run on the same ballot (and program) as the CDU.
Which means they don't have to reach the 5% minimum of the total vote to get into the Bundestag.
>How the hell could they get ~3 mil votes?
Bavaria has 12 million people.

>Which means they don't have to reach the 5% minimum of the total vote to get into the Bundestag.

Technically not true, the reason for that is the Grundmandatsklausel.
TL;DR: You only need over 5% OR 3 direct mandates to get your list candidates represented.

Neato. This should happen more often.

Damn NPD took a huge L.
I guess AfD stole most of their votes.

can someone post the stegner reclam booklet?


thank you, user!

reminder that spd readily identified their core problem:
not enough pissfltschens
also want to be more didital. how binary

Is the csu splitting from cdu? Could there be a csu-afd coalition

Hey Germanons, I'm working on some ideas for a new meme campaign. The idea is to discredit the media narrative that all AfD members are Nazis and to take on the 87%-13% memes from the Left. By pushing 80/20 rather than 83/13, /ourside/ inflates its numbers to a nice, round 20% which equates to or 1 in 5 Germans.

>Concerned looking CDU/CSU or SPD voter - probably a hipster millennial in black and white

top text
>OK, lemme get this straight...

middle text
>Unless the media is lying

bottom text
>20% of my friends
>and co-workers
>are literal Nazis...


Some of us discussed this issue earlier today. Please provide feedback. I've kept things simple for this early version of a meme.


Unless the media
is lying

20% of my friends
20% of the people I know
20% of the people I work with
20% of my colleagues
20% of my neighbors
20% of the people in my building
20% of the people in my village
20% of my family
20% of my extended family

are Nazis
are literal Nazis
are literally Nazis
are basically Nazis
are the same as Nazis
are worse than Nazis
are reborn Nazis
are reborn AfD Nazis

would you just fuck off? Americans and not Germans are killing it

Show your country flag faggot

show your native German skills and the record confirming your full German ancestry

I rely on native German speakers to do proper translations
>mfw I can hold my own in a Kreuzberg Kneipe conversation with the best of them

Good morning and Heil Höcke
Frauke and Marcus an die Wand

why not reclaim the 87% figure somehow?
87 werecucked, uncorageous, complicit with a decaying status quo, blind to the early warning signs of a devastating future?
led on by propaganda of the cheapest build?

go away with your cringe memes. we don't need that shit here

>why not reclaim the 87% figure somehow?
First, the 87% number includes right-wing groups like the NPD and the Republicans who likely agree with parts of the AfD program. Therefore, it's disingenuous for the Left to lump them in to the 87%.
Second, it's easier to convey round numbers to people. 80-20 is much easier to grok than 87-13. In business, people talk about the "80-20 Rule" all the time.
Third, at 20% you can easily translate this to: "1 in 5". So now you can say things like:
>"Does the media really expect me to believe that 1 in 5 of my friends and family members are literal Nazis?"

then show us your better ideas, antifa user.


no, the 87% figure is now established and well recognizable.
hop on it, take its momentum and take it back i'd say


One current problem with the AFD in my opinion is that they don't have someone who completely destroy people in arguments and shut them down.
Imagin if the AFD had someone like Kurz in their ranks.
Gauland and Weidel can seem at times somewhat "weak" when they have to explain the meaning of something they once said.


post erection, aids on the rise
sugar mommy effect?

Merkel is immune to argumemts.
Even Trump got shut down.
You need to go lower.

AfD is a good case study in how you can subvert a cuckservative/libertarian party into nationalism

You are cucked and not white anymore lmao

87% may be "established" but the number I care about is the other one.
20% is a lot easier to sell than 13%
1 in 5 (20%) is more saleable than 1 in 6 (16%) or 1 in 7 (14%)

is it true that the adf got 6million vote and 88 seats ?

Trump is not really a rethorical heavy weight. So saying "even he got shut down" doesn't mean much.
And you don't need to attack Merkel directly if you can attack her party.
You don't need to get lower. You have the fact on your side, you just have to be on point and form arguments around them even while you're attacked from all sides.

>antifa wants non-Germans out

Hantz, gib mir ze saltzstreuer!

isten spergs,
don't let this slid..slip
it is almost i expected that, but not that fast after the election

lol i life in germany

>tfw I now remember that cunt on Facebook who told the AfD she would make lots of mulattos with a nigger


from the comments
everysperg who doesn't get the explosiveness should go back to lurch mode

is it authentic though?

>and nobody made a new one
Almost like this all is just a propaganda operation paid for by an unknown donor.

They got 94 seats in the end.

yes, the aluminium industry, so you keep on folding hats


there is a poosible play on import/export, along the following line:
we swalloed everything, just for the gubbernment to claim export meisters, yet look at what we got imported in return

That kid become a mass shooter. /ourkid/ confirmed.

Basic Program:

>more direct democracy
>direct election of the president
>referendum on the Euro
>make NATO defense-only
>give money to families with children

Is AfD retarded? Literally has no plan or recourse to remove the millions of immigrants already here, yet thinks direct democracy is a good idea.

Wants to give more money to families with children, yet native birth rates are incredibly low, this would only finance the mass production of the millions of immigrants already here, who have much higher birthrates.

Making NATO defense only would basically cut the balls off any hardpower options the EU/Germany has

Removal of the Euro would fuck the economy

how can german men even compete?

Just woke up from a dream were Goebbels came back like in 'er ist wieder da'. Drove him around current Germany.

I was born there, let me explain.
Münster is basically removed from the rest of the country according to the people living there.
Whatever problems Germany may face, Münster doesn't have them, and they don't care.
Münsteraner themselves call it their own "Insel der Glückseligkeit".
It's a mix of them really not having as much problems as the rest of the country and especially NRW because it actually is a pretty nice city, and them refusing to acknowledge the problems they already have or will soon have.

Almost like they were sent to fuck your country.

he's a "leninist" in the sense that he wants to completely destroy the current system and replace it with one of his own design. he's said that himself


Here's a variation of some new OC I just finished


Friendly nighttime bamp

>tfw survived the Arbeitsamt

>Concerned looking CDU/CSU or SPD voter - probably a hipster millennial in black and white
thats not your average CDU/CSU or SPD voter

Just watched:

Man, the FPÖ could get much more votes if it wasn't for Strache.
His debating style is just bad, all he does is whine and whine.
Hofer was so much better in that regard.

Also that NEOS dude seems redpilled as fuck.

>thats not your average CDU/CSU or SPD voter
So I used some poetic license in the meme. I'm open to other suggestions for different photos and/or different text. Mostly posting to spur on conversation about this topic.
>mfw my memes never make it out of Kraut/pol/ anyway.
Here's a shorter version of the meme

Why her husband tho? I get Petry, since she is a house mama now.

They are good but since they are part of the CDU it's useless to vote for them.


We need someone like Trump tbqh. Someone who is so charismatic, he'll turn (((their))) attacks against themselves

You maybe should provide some timecodes as that video is pretty long.

Have only watched the beginning:
Strache was pretty aggressive but did pretty well
>Kern on Gay marriage:
>literally it's 2017 meme

also: that election show gives me that "who wants to be a millionaire" vibe.


>literally it's 2017 meme
Yeah that was funny.

Strache did well in the beginning, but later on he keeps doing the same thing, whining and blaming others which costs him so much speaking time.

Take it Kamerad


Ok, that really doesn't sound so good. Any newer (((Polls)))?

Direct democracy will give a higher mandate for removing the immigrants, like in switzerland. More people are against immigration than there are pro-AfD, because comes with a certain stigma attached to it by the media. However, in a referendum, you're only representing yourself and your approval of an idea, not your approval of a political party, so people are free to vote as they really feel and legitimise kicking the immigrants out.

There, now you know, Mr. Concern-Troll.

Trump is a joke and a cuck.

ÖVP is clearly in the lead, SPÖ and FPÖ battle for second.
Others are virtually irrelevant.

Thanks. I hope that Kurz will maintain his stance on immigration and FPÖ will (at least) take the second place Good luck alpine bro!

Also there seem to be 'plakatgenerators' again.
Are there any others then this one: ?

no and no

ÖVP + FPÖ coalition is almost guaranteed to happen. They'll make sure Kurz keeps his word.

I didn't even know this one existed.

Lucky you