>Good things the Boomers did

Let's hear it.

You :3

Thailand and the Vietnam war
Anti communist sentiments
Actually cashing the war bonds before they were worthless

Okay, not much.

Now tell me a single thing gen x did right and I'll tell you how they were singularly responsible for the ideological subversion of today. They were the ones who drank the koolaid, just because the media is telling them young people are worse doesn't mean anything besides that the media wants them to feel their behavior is relativistically justified.

boomers protested vietnam and marched for equal voting rights for blacks. millenials don't even know the truth about libya/syria (even though it's easily accessible on the internet which boomers didn't even have) to protest them because they're marching for injustices/struggles that don't exist. i can't even begin to imagine a generation that's worse than us. you know it's bad because instead of finding the same flaws in the next generation we're seeing a generation of increasingly red-pilled teens. it's humiliating.

They worked in mining and then gave us lectures on environmentalism and how capitalism has failed. If the housing market crashes or super annuation goes down they'll all be broke af. Like uni days in the 80s

I'm not saying they're perfect, but all the diversity and actual implementation of anti white male shit is coming from gen x.

Even millennial women think feminazis are gross and won't call themselves feminists anymore for the same reason they're not signing up to STEM, it'll give them an icky gross association.

Gen x are the worst generation, boomers are fine. Millennials are simply cowards and gen z is too young to be held accountable for anything. Gen x, especially if they're single women, are pure evil.

they were good at ruining immigration policy

Every one of them that has died has done something right.

nuked japan

My grandfather was a democrat senator that protested vietnam. Was he right in that respect?

Each other

I thought McCarthy was right, though.

Let us live in their basements

That was the Greatest Generation of WWII, Boomers came after the war.

jack shit, they should be gassed

Look how many degenerate media personnel are Gen X. Seth MacFarlane, Most of CNN's anchors, many big time nigger musicians, etc.


Took the most prosperous time ever recorded in human history, squandered it and pissed it away.
Pretty good job, usually it takes more than one generation to do that!

legalize home brewing in the US
it had been illegal for over 40 years before Jimmy Carter lifted the ban

The ones that weren't sucked into the jew bullshit are some of the loudest voices against it

Overall shit generation but it did spawn some pretty good individuals

Yeah, they watched the wall fall and then thought OMG ITS TOTALLY TIME TO BECOME FAGGOTS! And whatever Marxist groups were left were like, sweet. It's time. Let's create some madness.

If we fired all unmarried women that are older than 35 I can almost promise you that our problems would be solved overnight.

Working hard so their millennial kids can spend their entire youth sitting on iPhones and bitching about capitalism without having to work a day in their life.

>implying protesting the Vietnam war had a positive effect on society
>implying blacks should be allowed to vote
>implying it somehow benefits society if the know-nothing plebs are allowed to know why the government makes war