ButtFeed Roasties are angry about Chad being included in Trump's new Travel Ban


I mean, I am too desu

>The Eternal Roastie cries out in pain as you stab Chad in the back


I'm just glad we'll be protected from all those North Koreans clamoring to get here.

3rd worlder

Quality thread

The virgin whiteys fear the chad negroes.

i would ban all 3rd world countries

Damn it why did they include CHAD in the travel ban.

Any female that believes she is a princess simply for having looks and a vagina is sorely mistaken. Robot Waifus and even VR Waifu girls will eventually be so good Chad will not even care for these girls anymore.

the entire country would move here if they could get here......

god damnit Sup Forums

>chads banned from entering US
>stacies are chimping out
Beta uprising imminent??

>The Virgin visa restriction
>The Chad travel ban.

We're getting there. Little by little.




This is what happens in Chad

Why's Chad sucking Nigeria's dick

Actually, that's from /r9k/

my fucking sides have left the solar system

He even has a C.A.R! Roasties love C.A.R.S

what the fuck chad is a country?

Are you fucking retarded?

Why would I know of some shithole in africa?

worth over 10 million, I drive a old HHR chevy because I like it. I've owned porsches benzes audis and the lot of "those" cars. Always hassled, Now... No one asks me for money. No one stalks me. no one even notices me so I can continue living a nice life.
(no bills no debts 5 houses 5 states so no one suspects anything.)

>hurr durr why is trump banning muslims
>"but he's not banning muslims, see"
>bans completely random landlocked african country as proof
>hurr durr chad dindu nuffin you should only be banning muslims

I should add most importantly no GF. no wife.. couldnt be happier.

Order a pro once in a while. But I enjoy traveling more really. women are evil. Trust me on that.

its a good thing triump banned chad, now the rest of us might have a chance with women

>Why would I want to be an educated person?
Holy shit, you ARE retarded.


I'm just saying, but this is natural behavior for women. It's called nest building and she wanted him to have an income that could secure her a "nest" for her offspring.

It is kinda shitty that she broke up with him instead of talking to him about how a future with children would work, and you could blame feminism for that, but her being upset about their financial future is not a bad thing at all.

i'm actually with the roastie on this one
i can definitely understand this guy hiding his wealth as a cunt filter, but for 10 months? come on man, that's excessive af. she's only in her prime for so long.
women are biologically programmed to seek security and safety for their potential offspring. this means money and/or power in modern civilization. hence why panties drop for chad and incel needs to invent ethereum to get laid.
being the cool intellectual bum that plays guitar and roleplays living in maoist china will attract many types of women but the type that would settle down and breed with that man is subpar imo.

This is Trump dogwhistling to us that something big is coming. He knew that Chad was a meme around here. The real question is, what is his next >9kd chess maneuver? I trust it will be beautiful.

>educated person
>caring about africa

This is the only one of these things that's ever actually been genuinely funny.

I don't know if there is a legitimate reason but Including Chad in the travel ban keeps Lefties on the racism card and leveling charges of racism against Trump and his supporters.

That's Nigeria's pussy fampai.
While Niger watches.

the president has access to all sorts of top secret intel and information coming out of these countries that nobody else does. it's one thing to disagree with the travel ban, it's another thing to say he's "stupid" for acting in accordance with information that you don't personally have to crosscheck his decisions with. typical media crap.

>live modestly
>scare the gold digger whores like the pic away
the boyfriend was redpilled

All roasties love Chad

>Chad is banned
>But Niger is OK

Fucking Nigers

Trump knows his base.

It's hilarious seeing the blatant double-think presented so clearly

>The Virgin Flight
>The Chad Soar

Virgin Gorda literally means Fat Virgin


knowing != caring
Typical ameritard not knowing the meaning of the words he uses. Kys.



eagerly awaiting the stories about good boy doctor who was visiting his family and Chad and now he cant come home :(



no more chads, no more stacies, only tendies and mommies now

I remember someone posting here a long time ago that the illuminatiĀ“s secret escape rocket base was located in northern Chad.


Have a well deserved (you)

Just HOW broken is our timeline, at the moment?

Trump is such a beta.

w e w

>Not wanting a NORK wife.
user if you buy her a $2 bag of rice a day she'll worship you like a God.

nice digits

Enlighten me, why would you ever waste your time learning about africa, of all things? Somewhere where any sane human being will never go and where nothing of any worth will ever come out of.

>and incel needs to invent ethereum to get laid

top kek


I'd fuck every nigger in Chad

That /x/ tier tinfoil. But I'm in to shit like that too. Would probably need to smoke some dank weed to actually comprehend it though.


Why would we want to allow travel from African shitholes?

It's a shout out to us. based trump with his 99 lap pool 3d speed chess without a board!!!!!!!

retard posts a literal cuck...
captcha:chad avenid

If I was loaded, I wouldn't be looking to settle down anytime soon. Especially not with a dumb, lazy hypocrite who demands you provide for her.

Why can't they seek financial security on their own? I have a girlfriend of 12 years, I tried breaking up with her several times a couple of years ago because I just couldn't seem to get my career to take off and I was afraid I couldn't provide her with a very good future. She said fuck that thought and that she could fend for herself and me. She's been my ideal woman since.

This actually made me belly laugh.

E.g. to learn something from their mistakes, inabilities and general shittyness? Why would anyone actively decide to not learn and instead stay ignorant?
Considering you guys never had a real coloy, it doesn't surprise me that you aren't interested in the place despite a large part of your population being from there. But that you are able to grow up and never know the names of a nation, strikes me as odd. Ever studied a world map?


my veydar picked it up as Greenberg

Not broken enough.

sounds like a an alpha jew

i bet his name was Chaim

>memes won't stop being real

>Especially not with a dumb, lazy hypocrite who demands you provide for her.
enjoy never settling down
she's cheating in you

How much does your wife charge?

I mean, so be it. I don't really care for marriage anyway. I'd rather just have a steady strong of flings.

Maybe you should stop arguing about words with people on the internet and start convincing people to stop flooding your countries with mudslimes.

Chad is a muslim african nation you retard

Missing out on some high quality people from Chad lol

Now you are missing all those polite, well educated african engineers.
Thanks for your biggotry america.

Haven't you heard? Women are independent feminists now. Enjoy being a beta money bank.

Bisexuals like me have it best. Fuck women, settle down with a man. Don't have to put up with the whining, emotional blackmail. Ah it feels good being the bisexual master race. Get to enjoy traps unironically too and admit that they are fucking gay.

To some degree I agree. There's nothing wrong with hiding extraneous wealth, but this dude made it seem like he was some listless, unambitious loser with no hope for the future

To flip the tables, for a Sup Forumsack it'd be like dating a secretly super fertile aryan woman who dyed her hair black, wore brown contacts, and everytime the idea of having children came up she just went 'hurrrumpf I dont really like kids'

as a romanian, i'm glad Trump respects our flag and bans these niggers.

Make them change their shitty stolen tricolor

>enjoy never settling down
enjoy settling for some room temp IQ slut who fucked her way through a sociology degree
my fiance is religious and intelligent and understands perfectly well the balance a relationship needs. In 7 years has never once relied on me for money.

I guess that doesn't happen in the 3rd world though.

Those aren't even remotely similar, fucking leaf. Having money doesn't mean you have to spend it, and it's not deliberately misleading someone.

pretty much the failure of the white race case-in-point
there's this level of romantic grandiosity in men, i see it in myself and nearly all my mates, that the women should just love you for being you. well my friend women need certain conditions met for raising children. it requires a strong, working partnership to be successful. romantic notions will run out of gas and leave both of you full of resentment for the other.
do not take my words as condoning the state of modern women. they are not. but we as white western men are going to have reconcile with the true nature of women. there's no point hating them for enacting their genetic programming. sure, hate the feminist/leftist institutional frameworks that have filled their minds with rot. but the ideas rolling around the head of stacey are simply placeholders for those of the strong provider.
now that strong provider can either be you or the welfare state.
sort yourself out.

He wanted a girl that would like him for his personality, as many promise.

We wouldn't commit to a girl as you describe.

can you add "recursive" to this

good kek

If she was really serious about it she would have talked to him instead of just breaking up with him.

His 'personality' was an ambitionless schmuck who dresses and acts like shit

Really does the fact that he inherited some wealth make him any less of a NEET? How does a guy like that even have friends?

My sides. The memes are real.

Well played user, well played

I never said he had to spend it, carpetbagger. My issue is with ambition and will to power. Who wants to mate or pair up with a loser?

Anyone who, in any regard, believes in the ubermensche, will to power, self betterment, NatSoc, etc would think sittinf around playing vidya all day sucking off the teet of inherited wealth was no way to live the proper life

She very may well have, someone doesn't end up in the dark for over ten months by accident. I am with the roastie as well - women lose value the older they are, and this guy was lowering his market value and/or wasn't that serious to begin with her in terms of starting a family, which all women have a biological imperative to do.