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so is that reddit's V2K deck legit?
I feel like I don't get the DOJG anki deck, specifically how you review. I just press Easy on everything because I felt like I understood it on the first see. And the reviews the next day are super boring because it just shows me stuff I already know. I just want to do new cards without reviews, but I think this kind of defeats the purpose. Maybe it's because the beginning is so easy since I did TK.
Am I doing something wrong?
Man some of the pictures being used for these threads are great, I for one am glad that we decided to let people change them up
I was a way for a long time. I wonder which autist started this stupid shit with OP pictures. One picture was a good way to prevent double threads. There was also one reason less for people to shitpost and a little bit less metaposting. Are you proud of what you did, faggot?
Except no one here complains but you.
grammar structures are pretty tough to forget
if you really want to keep looking at them with minimal context then you might be better off just reading the dojg books or leafing through the cards on your own time instead of using anki to review them
honestly though the deck and book are kind of superfluous
I haven't found a single use for them, looking up grammar on google or is just always more efficient for me
Just press easy a few times and they'll go away
I've seen a good few complaining people over the last few threads.
>complains about metaposting in his own shitty metapost
Yeah, the irony is not lost on me.
There's always gotta be a few autists who wake up on the wrong side of the bed and decides to make a big deal about something that doesn't matter in the slightest, while 99.9% of the other people just glances at it, thinks "oh hey nice pic", and then move on with discussing ontopic shit
no you didnt
The DoJG Anki deck is one of the worst things ever made.
Grammar should never be done through Anki - unlike vocab, it's too complex and context-reliant to be squeezed onto flashcards, so you either have these enormous cards which are awful for the quick recollection that Anki is designed for, or cards which miss a lot of the depth and subtlety required to actually understand the grammar point in the wild. Consulting DoJG is good and useful, but you should learn grammar from reading. Attempting to do it through Anki will only cripple your progress.
Nice copypaste.
>have a grammar textbook with a lot of example sentences
>"Yes, this is good."
>paste it page for page into anki losing literally nothing in the process
>"wow this is trash"
>squeezed onto flashcards
But flashcards on anki have more space than you could ever need
What are you trying to convey with your buzz words?
Why isn't there a Japanese language guide that's this compelling
>grammar dictionary
>come across a grammar construct you're not familiar with while reading Japanese texts (something you guys probably don't do much of) and quickly look it up, before heading straight back to reading
Yes, they're really comparable.
I mean you can put all the random information you like onto a flash card, but the purpose is to memorise things, and smaller flashcards are easier to memorise. Obviously.
>Am I doing something wrong?
Yes, you're using the DOJG in a way it was never intended to be, and in a format completely unsuited to it.
I don't read the whole card, just the example sentence and the mini card on top. I only read the entirety when I don't get it. So it is pretty quick and easy to do.
So... I recogize kanji I have learned on the Anki flash cards instantly, but the moment I see them somewhere else (like on here) I often struggle. Do you think it is because of the size of the kanji? Can you think of any other reason?
a critical lack of cute girls to guide us, even ani tore ex on nico is getting tubby neets to move some sludge around their hardened arteries
You do realize that the grammar deck has a bunch of example sentences? It let's you understand it just as well as encountering it while reading.
And what's wrong with learning grammar before you need it? By your logic vocab decks are useless as well.
>(something you guys probably don't do much of)
>youre studying differently from me so clearly youre an inferior japanese learner that never reads native material
When you're this insecure in your own opinion there's really no need to bother proving you wrong.
>come across a grammar construct you're not familiar with while reading Japanese texts
>wonder if you actually know it but don't understand the sentence
>wonder which dictionary you need
>finally indentify it
>read on the subject
>could have finished the chapter in the meantime
It's purpose isn't hammering every single detail about every grammatical point in your head. You just familiarize yourself with the grammar. It's a tiny deck. It doesn't put any additional strain on you if you don't go full retard doing 200 cards a day. What's the drawback?
Learn vocab.
What a Wonderful World.
I don't particularly support learning vocab before you encounter it in the wild either, you should do Core to get a foundation but after that all my words are mined when I encounter them.
The deck has a sum count of the total amount of hours you've spent in it, right? Post it.
Not the guy you're replying to.
>And what's wrong with learning grammar before you need it? By your logic vocab decks are useless as well.
They are. Spending 3+ months reviewing flashcards before ever touching genuine native material is a horrible idea. I don't understand how it ever took root.
It strikes me as a sort of malignant perfectionism ("I can't start reading until I've memorized every last detail about the language! I can't allow myself to make mistakes! I have to be perfect before I start reading!").
Am I supposed to hate Kaufmann? I like him.
>I don't understand how it ever took root.
Because it hasn't. Every time people ask when to start reading the answer is as soon as you want, with the "the sooner you start the more you need to look up" warning thrown in.
Stop fucking whining about things that don't happen, are you the same guy that complained about how /djt/ was too rude towards people posting their handwriting when that happened in literally one thread out of like 100?
Not him but here's mine. When it's grammar I already know I either suspend it right away or click easy when I'm not sure I can recall it at any moment. I also suspend all the repeat cards you get the next day.
I look at the grammar's basic introduction, try to translate the 10ish sentences it gives me, look at the proposed translation, think about the differences and then move on. I'm pretty confident this is worth my time.
That doesn't even make sense.
should you learn vocab before grammar or the reverse?
There is: Namasensei
You should start by watching 10000 hours of anime
Did anyone ever compile cute anime images for core 2k?
You should learn both in parallel.
In fact anything else is impossible, because you're never done with either.
Shame he only covers kana and the most basic or the basic grammar
Fuck off troll.
but anime is for nerds
You can learn Japanese only if you are a nerd
>I don't particularly support learning vocab before you encounter it in the wild either, you should do Core to get a foundation but after that all my words are mined when I encounter them.
And what makes you think there's a difference between finding vocab through reading then adding it to a vocab deck and encountering a vocab for the first time in core itself instead? In core you have the example sentence, when mining you have the context. Both slip into irrelevance after like 3 lapses, or do you know even half your mined vocabs' origins?
Whether you learn grammar before or after seeing it in native material and whether you learn vocab before or after first encountering it while reading doesn't matter. It's not something you can't understand without "true" Japanese as your context, in the end everything grammatically right works as context.
Stop preaching your own learning method so hard, it makes it really obvious that you're just trying to convince yourself you're not doing anything wrong, which is already a pointless worry in itself.
Time to try again, surely this time I wont give up, right?
What fine high literature are my fellow gentleman of /djt/ reading?
Is there any point after which you might as well start anew with a fresh deck?
Some user in one the last threads I think had a good point about font size in anki correlating to recognition.
Sometimes I would be reading and have to stop at a kanji to look at it more closely. I knew the kanji, but I had to take a double take. Lowering the font size in my decks has improved my reading speed.
Maybe it's just because I'm still shit, but lower the font if you're having this problem.
>it's a 佐田 does not go to Monaco in the end episode
Nice OP
You can, you know, just swap out your browser/OS font for the Japanese one, or just make it bigger with ctrl+mouse wheel.
>50 minutes per day on average for 15 months
>less than 1k words learned
Someone help me interpret anki stats, this can't be right
I read somewhere that generally it's always better to power through piled up reviews than to start anew.
Hey, I can read that!
I restarted the deck like twice, still a slowpoke though.
>I read somewhere that generally it's always better to power through piled up reviews than to start anew.
Do you remember the reasoning for it? It seems to be the conventional wisdom around here, but personally I find it so much harder to study vocabulary from so long ago that I remember nothing about the context.
>go 4 days with only reps and no compelling material
>77.5% rate
daily reminder to always read your shit alongside with anki
Not him but you can't learn Japanese. You failed once so you don't have the willpower. Give up now and watch some Animu with subs
Is 黒の騎士団 an order of knights that are black or a black order of knights?
I remember when I also relied on the failure of others to boost my own motivation. Kinda lame in retrospect.
It's core, the context is on the card bro. The most time efficient thing you can do now is suck it up and power through.
Impossible to tell without further context.
You don't need context for vocab study. You should be able to recognize the word without context, or you will have problems if you see it in a completely different grammatical structure or context.
>a black order of knights
this one
Yeah, it's called Google image search and an hour or two of your time.
Great image, OP. I like you. Come over to my house and study Japanese with me.
A fact about Anki that for some reason is not very well-known is that it has smart intervals. Say you do 100 new cards one day, but the next day do not review them. Had you reviewed them, at default settings, the next "good" interval would have been 3 days. But you didn't - now say you leave it for another week without reviewing them, then go back and review them. Now the "good" interval will be much larger, because you actually went a week without seeing them, so there would be no point in having the interval be at 3 days when you just proved you went a whole week while remembering them.
This means that you should do your reviews instead of starting a new deck because you won't waste your time relearning things you already know.
Am I supposed to be writing new kanji down as I go through my Anki reps?
>are you the same guy that complained about how /djt/ was too rude towards people posting their handwriting when that happened in literally one thread out of like 100?
Entirely unrelated as no one says that someone should cram vocab for three months prior to reading anything but anons always sperg out when someone posts their handwriting, or any sort of production that isn't textual shitposts. I have no idea why you would even group those two together, unless you were one of the anons who found that personally offensive to have someone bring it too attention.
That's pretty dishonest, trying to sneakily add that at the end. Like a political party tacking a shitty trade agreement at the end of a bill that everyone else supports but wouldn't support on its own.
if you feel like it helps you remember kanji, sure
>Kinda lame in retrospect
Yeah because you gave up and had not even like 1000 cards. You really only came here for shitposting so you'll probably end up giving up again.
It doesn't necessarily help when doing my reps. When I see the Kanji I can read it but if I ever need to write something myself with Kanji I have a lot of trouble remembering.
If you want to learn to write then find some exercise books or do an isolated kanji deck. Anki isn't designed for output studying, you'll just make your vocab review sessions way too long.
>unless you were one of the anons who found that personally offensive to have someone bring it too attention.
I didn't find it offensive, I found it annoying how you (I'll assume it was in fact you) called out /djt/ on its predictable sperg responses or whatever you said when in the very same thread there was a handwriting post and not a single rude response.
It's fine that you're calling out unnecessary shitposts for the greater good, but stop exaggerating like that. How /djt/ sometimes shits on beginner production is rude, sure, but it's not like 100% of responses to them are that way. Not even half of them are. So the way you trashtalk /djt/ in its entirety is entirely uncalled for, it just makes it seem worse than it is and new guys will believe you and be scared into not posting production themselves. If you want to improve the climate do it by encouraging beginners rather than shitting on shitposters and in the process on the whole thread itself.
The way you acted like /djt/ tells people to do core2k and nothing else in the mean time is wrong as well. Yeah, some say it and a couple more seem to actually do it, but the more common statement is still to read ASAP. Same as above, instead of whining about what's wrong start telling beginners to start reading early on yourself.
>trying to sneakily add that at the end.
not even my final form
nigga you need to work on your poster-identity-intuition
It's not core, it's mined vocabulary.
With mined vocabulary, I only have the dictionary definition to go by, which is often too vague to really get the word, so I find it extremely helpful to remember the context, which helps explain exactly how the word is used. But I might just be overreacting, the sentence I keep at the back of the cards seem to help me enough and if I find something that I've completely forgotten and can't make sense of from the example sentence, I can always just delete that specifically.
That's a good point. I have to click again on the majority, but the few cards I do remember instantly enter mature territory.
You said it better than I could have hoped to.
>It's not core, it's mined vocabulary.
Huh, but it has 5999 cards and says core at the bottom
Not calling you out, but I'm confused
>Weekend anki
Is it better to learn Hiragana or Katakana first?
>With mined vocabulary, I only have the dictionary definition to go by
Try adding example sentences to your mined words!
You're confusing me with the other guy who fucked up, I'm .
Hiragana obviously
It amazes me how many noob questions there are in these threads a day, like are there really that many people deciding to learn Japanese every day? Or maybe it's just people subtlety trolling every time
I don't think people realized that we're two people
How do I make small versions of letters in IME