So this is Okada's amazing message? You can feel empathy without this stupid, pointless system that everyone except autistic mc and friends have been doing since forever?
>create a study that fucks up a lot of kids and drains a lot of money
>In the end, the study is just to have humans do what humans already do every day
Still better than study about dolphin language that ended up with woman jerking off dolphin to make connection.
>look it up
>it's an actual thing
Why would someone do that?
Hey, you get government funding you need to deliver something.
It's a wonder this shit even got funded. I mean the show.
Is there are reason you can't understand the difference between messages for the viewer and messages for the characters?
This is the dumbest line of the whole series. I'd like to make the excuse that they just forgot what empathy felt like due to the Kizna system but even that's too retarded,
It's a shit message either way.
> Everyday on Sup Forums appears Kiznaiver thread
> Sometimes threads even reach the limit.
> user asks why this show got funded
Given that Sup Forums (among others) has over the past 7 years convinced me that empathy is much, much rarer among my fellow man than my previously idealistic self had believed, I think that's pretty fair.
The point was to see if these kids would end up feeling empathy for each other despite the fact they're not friends and don't really care much for the other because of that. That's why they chose them in the first place. The Kizuna program was to see if universal empathy would be possible because if it is, then there would be no conflict.
But all they really fucking did was just force them to become friends and they ended up caring for each other. the Kizuna program didn't fucking do anything substantially.
No one convinced you of that nonsense. Empathy is inheirant in everyone and is common place wherever you go. Just because most of these faggots want to act like edgy little idiots for attention doesn't mean your fellow man rarely has it.
Okada's message in this show is utterly disappointing and had a huge missed opportunity. How she gets these gigs in the first place is beyond me with crap like this.
>and thus, MC and friends discovered that water was wet
>autists on Sup Forums are any indicator of the popularity of the show in Japan
the irony in this thread is in people complaining that empathy is in everyone but can't empathize with the characters in the show
That isn't ironic you idiot.
I'm sorry I can't empathize with badly-written drivel.
Is this really going to be twelve episodes?
Well fuck you Sup Forums. If you can't empathize with the semi-realistic characters in Kiznaiver then what can you fags empathize with?
God damn socially disconnected neckbeards.
>empathize with ultra shitty writing and emo melodrama
>Empathy is inheirant in everyone and is common place wherever you go.
>commony place wherever you go
not for people you barely know. The word you're looking for is sympathy. If an user posted about how his dad died yesterday and his last conversation with him was an argument and he's filled with regret for that, other people probably wouldn't give much of a shit. Either that or just reply saying "wow man, bummer" but not really have the same kind of sadness this user is experiencing.
To understand his sadness in this way is sympathy. You're sympathizing with this user. If you actually start crying because you read this user's dad died yesterday and he's really sad then you're empathizing with him.
Empathy is harder to display towards those not close to you than sympathy is. Humans sympathize more often than empathize.
Sympathy and empathy are not synonymous. Feeling sympathy can lead to eventually feeling empathetic, however.
The kiznaiver autistics are in full order. Maybe if they made this 26 episodes and gave the characters proper development, I might give a damn but as of now, nope.
This show was better when it was just SOL hijinks with Nico and Tenga.
>Kiznaiver characters
Maybe if you live in DramaQueenland
Is it government-funded? Sounds realistic then.
The point was most likely empathy between people who shouldn't gibe a shit about each other and normally wouldn't interact. The whole seven sins silliness.
Like linking slavers and their slaves except more half-assed.
>pick seven people
>each has his own annoying trait that the rest of them don't have
>"these are now the new seven sins"
This was retarded.
It does work for some though.
Kacchon is Sloth.
Chidori is Envy
Tenga is Wrath.
Hisomu is either Lust or Gluttony.
Yuta is Pride.
No idea for Maki and Nico. none of these work.
Gallons of dolphin semen count for things like that?
>never brought up again
>clearly making up shit as they go
>can't even call it an incoherent mess because nothing even happened
>2nd last episode, nothing's happened
>uh oh need a plot device!
>tang time
They don't work, but even if they did, they don't add anything to the characters other than shitty, beginner-level symbolism.
I'm actually really curious about why anons enjoy this anime.
I'm not saying it's shit, it's pretty okay and I like it, but some scenes are incredibly cringe worthy. What exactly is the purpose of all this drama? They had a damn group spasm on the ground because they wanted to be friends? They're treating this subject like it's some kind of agonizing, abstract and philosophical problem. It's pretty much a bunch of kids trying to make friends. That Chidori is acting like a damn Vietnam veteran that's having terrible traumas and cries everyday because her crush doesn't like her back. I find it horribly exaggerated.
Some guy who doesn't actually watch anime thought that combining a studio with good art but retarded stories with literally the worst high profile writer would somehow make a profitable show.
>That Chidori is acting like a damn Vietnam veteran that's having terrible traumas and cries everyday because her crush doesn't like her back.
So basically, every teenager ever? Go out once in a while.
Empathy is actually just being able to relate to someone's feelings (whereas sympathy is feeling bad for them). It's not like a more extreme version of sympathy or anything. You can feel either one or both at the same time regarding whatever event another person experienced.
If you seriously think this is how the average teenager acts then you're definitely the one who needs to go out more. Fuck. You don't even need to go out to know how stupid this shit is.
>teenagers don't cry and act like the world is ending when their crush doesn't reciprocate their feelings
??? Holy shit, you're a literal autist. Stop trying to act like a normal human being.
I can't believe I followed this shitfest to the end. I don't like being negative about shows that haven't finished their course, so I was still hopeful that something would happen. But nothing did.
I wouldn't even have minded if it was a comfy SoL or the battle shounen it was intended to be but it turned out so fucking bad.
>Teenagers are all super emo and over the top and dramatic about literally everything
Not him, but I fucking love this meme. Just because you were an emo faggot in high school doesn't mean everyone else was.
What kind of teenager do think this happens to? Do you regularly interact with the mentally ill or something?
So, worst Trigger work?
Definitely, it was fucking irredeemable. Anime writers need to learn how normal people act and think instead of just lazily coughing up 7 shitty archetypes and calling it a day.
>Stop trying to act like a normal human being.
I believe the characters in this show need that advice more than I do.
>t. people who never had a social interaction in their life and got regularly shoved up into lockers
Hahahah, Sup Forums used to be for non-autists too in the past.
How would you even know? You have never and will never have a meaningful relationship with a woman :^)
Stop replying to yourself kiddo
That's the not the case, you get people who only ever spoke with their mom in their life talking about human interaction like they know shit about it.
>Haha, I'll just shitpost and pretend that my faggot behavior was normal and they were all just losers who didn't talk to people
You have your 5 friends were the kids who shopped at hot topic and cut your wrists, weren't you?
Shit man, I've had quite a lot of encounters with teenage girls, and this extreme behavior is typical to a 13-14 years old girl. If you're going through such a severe pain and you're 16 and over, you have a problem. Obviously, as you said, SOME girls do that, not all, but that doesn't mean they're normal. It means they're drama queens that suffer of hypersensitivity and have trouble controlling emotions.
My point was that this anime is exaggerated and adds a lot of drama on a rather common problem. We've all been rejected or had trouble making friends at some point, but we didn't violently shake in mud while screaming because the pain of being edgy is unbearable.
The posts were made within less than a minute of each other, senpai.
Uh, no
>praise the show for being a good soap box melodrama
>get mad when people call the characters unrealistic
Are you people stupid or something? Melodrama thrives on exaggerated characters and absurdly stupid scenarios for the sake of character drama. If anything, calling the characters unrealistic is high praise for this show since it's obviously trying to be melodramatic as all fuck.
Not everyone can feel empathy you know. It's far more common than you think for people to be unemphatic
Just stop, like this user said talking to your mom about how they're treating you badly because they don't understand your genius during your whole adoscelence doesn't make you an expert on human interaction, autismo.
>some threads even reach the limit
congrats ur almost as popular as arc-v
I won't.
You realize that melodrama is bad, right?
Keep going, emofag.
Man Japan is really socially stunted as a society or at least the late night anime watching otaku this is aimed at are. This is probably like a huge breakthrough in interpersonal relations for them.
There's no need to be upset Billy, someday someone will recognize your intelligence and wicked sense of humor.
I know. But people have openly admitted to liking this because they like to stupid melodramatic tropes it plays with so I'm here wondering why they're suddenly getting mad over characters being called unrealistic. It's like liking fastfood but getting mad at somebody when they call it unhealthy.
2013 called, they want their reaction images back.
You understand that the "wicked sense of humor" crowd that likes shit like Yahari is more likely to be an angsty awkward teen who overreacts to everything, right?
I know, I know, you want to tell the Kiznaiver defenders to shut up. You want to point out their disingenous arguments and scream about how Okada is a hack
But you don't NEED to! You see, Kiznaiver flopped! The first BD sold less than 1.3k copies, and that was with an event ticket!
The series is NEVER getting a new season. Trigger is going to LOSE money on it.
So just chill, and leave the thread. Don't engage with the Okadashitters. Just let them die in the wild, like they were always meant to.
You sound like the typical Yaharifag though.
There are a small number of people on Sup Forums who like eating shit. That's why some people pretend Okada is a good writer and teenage love polygons are a good plot device.
The rest of the posters will always call them retards and tell them they have shit taste.
Saving this for pasta reasons, good job shitposter-kun.
No, that would be the guy saying "You don't understand how teenagers are. I TRULY understand how they think and act, and it's like this. Anyone who disagrees isn't smart enough!"
You idiot.
>There are a small number of people on Sup Forums who like eating shit.
>t. Nasufag
How do I stop laughing?
Are you retarded?
Confirmed for retarded buttblasted Yaharifag, who would have guessed, right?
Stop replying to yourself kiddo
You sound like a mongoloid tool so the only logical conclusion is that you're a Nasu shiteater, and I know I'm not wrong, mongoloid-kun.
Kill yourself you autistic piece of shit.
>user says that Yaharifags are retards
>"Ha! I knew you liked Yahari!"
>Don't have any shitpost fuel
>Call user a Nasufag
Could the shitposters at least try? This is pathetic.
>user says that Yaharifags are retards
>"Ha! I knew you liked Yahari!"
Wow you just proved why I think you're a Yaharifag with your own fucking post, this is beyond "special kid" level, you're a new brand of retard.
Like I said, I know this is a Trigger/Okada show thread, but you really need to put more effort into shitposting than this.
>this other retard in the thread is a nasu shiteater too
The rule about Nasu shiteaters being retards never fails, you just know.
>gets btfo
>b-but you're just a shitposter, muh okada thread
Hahahahah, kill yourself kiddo.
This is pretty pathetic. You must be Canadian.
I enjoy this show.
>tries to weasel his way out from the BTFOing he's receiving by scapegoating with A FUCKING LEAF
Not so fast, Charlie.
You understand that saying "HAHAHA BTOF!" by yourself over and over again isn't good shitposting, right?
Fucking leaves.
I don't feel any empathy for kids ITT.
Neither is you existing good shitposting from your parents but everyone in your life and on this board already dealt with it.
Now go back to your canadian pancakes and get the fuck out, Charlie.
The show is good, there's nothing wrong with liking it. Good production value, writing feels a little forced at times but still at a reasonable level or at least, logical in hindsight.
I'm sorry, you're just not good at this.
I agree with you.
Now THIS is shitposting.
Just subtle enough to be believable, but still completely wrong and guaranteed to get people to respond.
I can't say it's shit either, but I can't say I like it. It's somewhere in the middle. I don't know why I keep watching it, I don't like this genre, but it's charming in its own way. At least the sakuga is good.
>m-maybe if I'll give him le ironic rating he'll leave me alone
>MOM they're being mean to me on the internet again
You're not escaping this, fuccboi.
I hope this director gets more work in the future and it'd be just lovely if Okada got less.
>there's nothing wrong with liking it
You will trigger kids and oher newfags without anime minimum who like Okada epic maymays tho
Well maybe it's because that's what I fucking think. Believe it or not, there are actual human being who like this anime for what it is, if you have a problem with that then spit it out instead of randomly shitposting while putting forward nothing of worth into the discussion.
Why do you even torture yourself by watching an anime you don't like? It's a rhetorical question in case you can't catch that.
At least nobody is taking Okada shitposters seriously anymore instead of wasting their time trying to reason with retards.
Oops, sorry user.
That's what I'm talking about, quality shitposting. It actually feels like you're a retard who's seen all of 20 whole animes and thinks that anything Okada writes isn't melodramatic trash of the worst kind.
This plot would make a lot more sense if the purpose of the kiznaiver experiment was to conditioned them to take empathy more seriously even after they're disconnected from the system, instead it's.
>Oh wow, you could feel empathy on your own. Man I wish we didn't blow billions of yen and years of research on the kiznaiver system.
Seriously, I'm surprised this is the first full length series he's directed. A bit sad he's handling a poorly written story but I guess it's a testament at how talented a guy is if he can make me forget even for a second how shitty the writing is because of how vivid the direction is.