Thanks Trigger
Thanks Trigger
Other urls found in this thread:
First little girls, now little boys? You pedophiles get more disgusting every fucking time.
b-b-but muh cultural relativism
I love space autism omega
>little boys
You forget BNP or other anime that have lewd shota before?
Where are the nipples??
Don't ask stupid questions.
Trigger finds a GAY
Boys don't have nipples
Nipples are a sign of lewdness. Boys are too pure to have them.
And you would know because?
Did his appearance even change? Suddenly he just became CUTE.
Well he lost his shirt.
But he was always cute, his eyes are a little less soulless now so I guess that helps.
It's the V
Is Japan trying to trick me into being gay?
>first little girls
>little girls
There never were any little girls sexualized by Trigger, idiot.
Pretty sure you already are
He's talking about Sup Forums, not Trigger
Thanks Trigger
this is a show for preteen girls
it's a fucking disney channel cartoon
Why are you complaining? We're all little girls here.
Not edgy enough for you?
At least they practice equality unlike feminism.
Thanks Trigger
This had me all giddy.
I want to FUCK Nova
>he's not a pure boy
Fuck off.
There is nothing wrong with equality.
Trigger delivered.
>No more Luluco after next week
>implying its not going to be a long running show that airs for the next 3 years
Don't worry, Imaishi is a hack.
He'll continue to make derivatives of SPL and TTGL.
I want to lick his back.
Is this a male version of a magical girl show?
>He screenshotted it during the dark frames
Same here.
As soon as she popped onto the ship I knew what was going to happen but the Gunbuster pose still got me.
What if his name was never actually Alpha Omega Nova but just Noba Ao
And everything was just some weird chuunibyo fantasi inside her head?
The reason the cops were skellingtons are because she fears people with authority
her mom is a pirate because she uses pirated software
Midori is an alien because she's just a nerd
>people defend Luluco after he raped Nova's mind.
Wew , rape is cool because "muh schoolgirl luv"
>She's stroking OVERJUSTICE's shaft to dispense JUSTICE
Imaishi is going to announce his new anime the moment Luluco is over.
Get hyped
Rape is okay as long as the girl is the one initiating it.
It's fine because he doesn't care either way.
Why is Trigger trying to make me gay
Sup Forums should've made you gay a long time ago
got a problem with #equality, user?
well you fucking shouldn't.
I'm seriously thinking Luluco will be the best anime in this season, maybe even Trigger's best.
Maybe next time you'll hit the correct board link.
T-they wouldn't do this, right?
There's going to be an episode next week, right?
>TTGL 2.0
Sure, can't wait.
I really wonder how he's going to go about the new mecha series.
I'm expecting a really unique setting like he always goes.
Is it going to be related to Luluco?
It's Trigger Girls
I'm still upset the cameo arc didn't feature a turning girls episode.
I hope not.
Great show about overcoming nihilism.
they're trying to help you
Turning Girls is shit
Your taste is shit
both of those are good things
But next trigger anime will be about magic boys and girls piloting mechas.
I'm surprised LuLuco actually ended up rapping a real heart into Nova.
I'm so anxious for the femdom doujins.
You don't know what autism is.
It's the best contender, if not the only one, for AOTS rights now.
>tfw when you know it won't be PSG season 2
>Can't wait for the OST to come out
>They looped the gun morphing song like 3 times this episode
Not even mad to be quite honest kazoku
>implying this will get any doujins
>he sees your dick
So the "next season" will be a single episode?
Calm down Luluco
He's a male version of that sex doll (Secchan) with less emotions, No one cares.
It seems like nothing gets doujins unless its boat shit/mobage these days. That or being a loud enough FotM like Prison School
I want at least one cute vanilla doujin of Nova and Luluco's first time
>visible male vagina bones
I feel conflicted
>vagina bones
Because it only means one thing.
>its not PSG S2
What's the point?
Panty became a man?
Getting betrayed hit her hard, she had to completely leave her old life behind.
That's her and Brief's son.
Adonis Belt
A group of muscles that turn your torso sideways
You usually cannot see this on males unless they are either fit or skinny
>fit or skinny
Why must food be so delicious? Why must chairs be so easy to sit in?
I've had those all my life.
I never knew people fetishized them.
Spoiler for mild blogshit.
Do you know where you are? You're on a board that can have a legitimate thread discussing best boy in Boku no Pico. It's Pico fite me
Yes Pico is best boy, but the first OVA is shit
Chico > Pico > Mokkun >>>>>> Coco
2>1>>Natsuyasumi still the GOAT
>Disliking Coco
Just mad as fuck that Pico couldn't be with only one shota.
The correct order is
Coco > Pico > Chico >>>>> Mokkun
3 = 2 > 1
What the fuck? Coco is best boy.
Mon: 2-7 Tues: 11-4:30 Wed: 11-4:30 Thurs: 10-4 Sun: 12-5
>worlds best steroids
Nice thread.
Short hair Pico > Chico > Pico >>>> Coco
2 > 1 > 3
Only right answer.
I can understand liking Pico but thinking 1 is the best?
It's boring as fuck.
>1 above 3
Nigga Mokkun a shit and the first OVA is also shit
Short hair Pico is the best boy in the series and his exclusive presence in 1 instantly elevates it above the shitshow in OVA 3.
I see he's got the signature "Brad Pitt V'' going on.