The withdrawal is getting pretty bad, guys

The withdrawal is getting pretty bad, guys.
I need these witch butts in my veins.

this show is barely even that good

Fucking this. I literally feel asleep 2 episodes.

>plebs being plebian

Here's a cure: Go towards your nearest toilet and inject its contents into your veins to complement the tumours growing there.

What happened to flying witch? Why is there a delay?

it's just the autists from shitposting general, every time a show gets a higher rank than their show on their e-peen list they just go around shitposting out of frustration

CG whale confirmed

Does liking Flying Witch mean I have good taste in anime?

it means you're a hipster

No reason given. Wouldn't be surprised if it's JC Staff being incompetent. They are working on 4 shows next season and the one show they are doing this season is mediocre in all aspects.

taste can't be good or bad. People here are too autistic to understand that though.

Or they just legitimately thought it was boring? just because a lot of people like something doesn't mean if someone says they don't it must be shitposting

What happened to yesterday's episode?

It never happened. That's what happened.

What about Unicorn? Never happened yesterday as well?

Probably. I don't watch it but I checked and new episode is scheduled for next Saturday.

No taste: the shitter

Ahhh thansk user!

still waiting for those smelly witch farts

I don't go around bitching about shows I don't like, especially not at week 11, seriously who gives a fuck what anyone thinks at this point, the only other purpose is straight up shitposting

>what narutards actually believe

I don't give a fuck about you.

You should understand that arguing about taste in anime is the same as arguing about taste of shit. It lacks meaning, as everyone who watches anime is already a degenerate and can't have 'good' taste by default.

no episode 11 today? I haven't read the last threads, so I don't know what happened

I hate self-deprecating fags like you. If no one else loves you, shouldn't you at least love yourself? Am I just a selfish piece of shit for thinking like that?

already miss the witches

Just watched the first episode.
That guitar track is so good

I just want a bunch of Chinatsu doujin in the next Comiket. Is that too much to ask?