Who are the best black anime characters?
Who are the best black anime characters?
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That guys isn't black, read the manga.
Who are dead
I'm shocked to see such open racism. For goodness sake, it's 2016.
That's a jap you nigger.
Maybe you should try posting an actual black character next time.
>shaman King will never get an updated anime because of him
Looks like Sup Forums got to this thread too quickly
This nigga.
Why would you make such a thread ?
You are just calling normalcucks and /polfags/
You have summoned Sup Forums you have doomed us all.
But he's unironically white.
>muh Sup Forums
Nice boogeyman
doot doot
One of Ippo's nicest opponents.
Sorry we don't like listening to a bunch of degenerates trying to project their fragile sense of superiority into a medium that has nothing to do with them.
He's black from the waist down.
>into a medium that has nothing to do with them
Neither does niggers.
By saying what black anime characters are best? How is that projection.
Also Dutch
>Also Dutch
The most powerful character too.
I havent seen that picture in years
I don't think he's black, user
He is, well half black
this nigga loyal, plus he a sickass Russian accent too
This random nigga.
she's,hot user
black people are not hot hentai neko kawaii :3
Where is this man from?
Half these people aren't blacks.
Best black right here
literally the best
''anime'' character.
He doesn't even show up in the movie.
Does Loran count as black?
>degenerates trying to project their fragile sense of superiority into a medium that has nothing to do with them
You literally just described blacks in America.
You're wrong.
>somebody else remembers this show
Holy fuck. It was surprisingly okay for what it was. Creative concept as well.
Speaking of Bob's
Based Mashengo
these girls want the bbc
He's Mulatto right? Wasn't his dad black atleast?
Or was that Weather's dad?
I hate how he sinks into the background. I wish the ceiling was a brighter color so he'd stand out more.
Hol up
I can't believe how hard hair down Iris is making my dick right now.
Mostly super tan.
He's got a big sexy ass like a black chick.
>girl sweating while guy just lays there comfortably
this is not how sex works
And he won the race.
So what Latino?
Small towns too racist for that. Maybe mulatto somewhere in the lineage.
This flaming faggot.
She's a poo in the loo.
I'm not surprised by half the characters being posted in this thread. When will you understand that dark skin does not equal black? Especially brown or tanned girls.
He's Italian
Doesn't look very white to me
It is for blacks
I'd tell you to read the manga but it stops being good after a while so whatever
That's just porn, m8
was going to say it
Most southern Italians are dark as fuck.
Green dick is better than blue dick
I don't have a pic, but the nigga from Bimbougamiga.
>Literally becomes god
>Wins the loli fox girl