How can you be racist when there is massive amounts of injustice going on in ya own damn country?

How can you be racist when there is massive amounts of injustice going on in ya own damn country?


Why do niggers have it do easy?
Take off the chains and they are useless.

until we execute convicted pedos all the other "injustices" are moot.

>be black
>commit a crime

Why is the sky blue?

Woah maybe there are more blacks in jail because they commit more crimes?

*are* massive amounts, nigger.

Niggers are retarded, savage apes and the injustice is that we have to fund their existence.

Ever heard of institutional racism? It's real and it affects people of color.

Have you ever heard of Institutional stupidly? It's real and affects people of leftism.

You would know. Democrats have been building the institutions that maintain and profit from it for hundreds of years.

Why are niggers so fucking stupid that they keep getting caught?

I have my doubts, you need more proof a fancy image from Tumblr. Besides, there are many factors that make up any trial. That regards a lawyer, reason of crime, court location, etc. Can we at least come to agreement that black individuals (especially in low income inner-cites) have a much greater chance of committing a crime.

There is no "institutional racism", in the eyes of the law in almost all scenarios.

Especially Asians in regards to college admissions.

Ayo hold up
*robs liquor store*
You finna be sayin
*jacks old white bitch*
That them wypipo
*raps a diddy*
Thinkin bout dems
*sips 40*
Finna be holdin up dems
*chimps out in public*
Instant tushonalyzed racisms n sheeit?

>implying that the niggers don't deserve to be in jail
Even if I except that there are some who really don't deserve to be there, you really expect me to believe that ever single black man arrested is a innocent? Maybe if niggers stopped breaking the law, they'd stop going to jail.

I like how these charts always talk about blacks in prison and not you know, the cause.


Look at this injustice! A tiny minority group is committing massive amounts of murder and crime!

>Institutionalized racism
>can not point to a single institution that lists racism as it's objective
Nice try, leftard. Nice try.

Your baits are shit.

> doesn't simply ask why blacks commit disproportionately more crime, especially related to drug distribution


Posting this in every nigger bait thread from now on