i'll start:
I'll start:
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm just guessing those three shows are the only shows you watched this season.
Boku no Hero is fine, but the rest is pretty much just trash, especially Habanero
Big Kinorder and Kinoiga are the only serious AOTS candidates tbqfwy
Thread is off to a good start.
Macross and Tanaka-kun. Okay, now go home and take your shitty bait with you.
Flying Witch and Anne Happy.
That's about it.
Macross Delta
It's a (You) thread everybody.
Time to post the most stupid shit you can think off and collect those free (You)s.
Space Patrol Luluco for best short this season.
Kyoukai no Rinne
Joker Game
Not counting JoJo because it is in an entirely different league from all the other shows
Re:Zero is the next best
Mayoiga, hands down. Post-ironic satire done right.
Sansha Sanyou
>Space Patrol Luluco for best series this season.
Honestly before this season started I thought it was going to be great, but it's worse than winter's purely because there isn't anything as good as Rakugo or Akagami no Shirayuki-hime. Instead of a few really good shows and a few watchable shows, we get a decent number of watchable shows and nothing really at the top. AOTS for me is either Macross Delta, or Re:Zero.
Fuck you if you didn't like this piece of animated perfection
Last ep was FUCKING HYPE
Worst Anime of the season thread?
Either Mayoiga or Kabaneri
AOTS: What I like
WAOTS: What you like
I thought this was an AOTS thread. Not WAOTS.
mayoiga is a 1000% better than snk-light
what should I expect in Luluco?
Is it a healing anime? Or a max fun one?
Bungou Stray Dogs
Jesus, what a letdown.
Come on guys, it's Big Order
Wrong, nigger, it's Endride, and it's ONLY HALF OVER.
Meme anime
I assume anyone that doesn't answer Big Order is ignorant of its existence or at least how bad it got.
In that respect, I envy such people.
Almost all new shows this season are worse compared to sequels/remakes (excluding Asterisk)
While is bad, it's not packed with nearly as much plot holes and sheer stupidity as BO.
Kiznaiver obviously. It's the most hated show this season and we all know the more Sup Forums hates a shot the more likely that it's AOTS.
What was most hated last season?
Is Mayoiga the Tokyo Story of anime?
Mal tier thread embarrassing. Why not make a thread about an anime you like then toss around pointless rhetoric about shit no sane person would care about
Which anime were airing last season anyway?
Naruto must be GOAT then. Kiznaiverfags everybody, literally contrarian hipsters.
Reddit is two blocks down.
Thank for the directions but I don't even need to go anywhere. I already feel right at home in this shit thread.
Just how bad is Big Order?
I'd rather not watch it myself to find out
Suits yourself.
Joker Game
Thread saved. Everybody go home.
Use google
What did he post?
Terrible. MC is complete shit like even despite that he fucked his sister
*like Yukiteru despite
The same shit that gets posted in every Sup Forums thread.
Super Lovers
He did? I dropped this after like three episodes. Which episode?
>he fucked his sister
are they related by blood? I might give it a go if they are, just for that alone
Tanaka kun
Lots of them were shitty
B-but what if I like the same show you like too, onee-sama?
This. Winter was fantastic this year, nothing from Spring was even close.
For overall AOTS I'd pick Flying Witch. Kiznaiver was the best drama but mediocre overall, Mayoiga best show for shitposting on Sup Forums about, Sakamoto best comedy with Kumamiko a close second, Tonkatsu DJ best short. Joker Game was the biggest disappointment because it was consistently good, but never achieved greatness. Things could change since there a few eps left for most shows, but I'm not expecting much.
Maybe Kiznaiver
In the middle of series there was showed that he undressed her and took somewhere. It was ambious till reveal in last episode
Don't waste your time
WAOTS thread?
add bunghole gay dogs
Then you have good taste.
Expect trigger nonsense humor as usual
>moeshit all around
I guess that anime was a mistake
1st - Kabaneri
2nd - Luluco
3rd - Boku no hero academia
>le saying gay is funny
Hello underage faggot.
>using le
Found the hipster
Ushio To Tora
Flying Witch
If you think otherwise i'm afraid you have shitsaste.
Kiznaiver, easily, most other anime of this season are trash or just decent at best.
I wish I was joking
this season has been mostly absolute garbage
i really picked a good year to start watching animu again
>mfw this kisama scene will actually happen in the next episode.
In a soundless webm, that really does like retarded
Concrete Revolutio and Joker Game
Kiznaiver, Luluco or Re;Zero.
>most other anime of this season are trash or just decent at best
>but Kiznaiver totally isn't melodramatic drivel that fails to understand what the pursuit of happiness is guys, really
yes, this is the only answer
>not being able to hear it even without sound
>not macross delta
>no anime law and order spy edition joker game
Stay mad, nobody is forcing you to not watch your favorite trash anime, just be silent about it or don't bother other people with your shitaste.
>someone else actually watched both of these
Well shit