Honest thoughts on Fate Zero?

Honest thoughts on Fate Zero?

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Great first half, followed by a disappointing and utterly unfulfilling second half. Even though there were two major fights for the ending, neither were well done nor interesting.

Amazing considering you know how the story basically has to unfold. Picture how much Episodes 1-3 of the Star Wars series sucked because it lacked any suspense. Prequels are tough to pull off.

Third movie had no reason to exist

Best memes.

Nose dives hard after the banquet


Kiritsugu x Kirei
Maiya x Iri x Saber
Rider x Velvet-kun

Not enough swords.

The lack of any good fights in the second half hurts it considerably.

We could have had:

Lancer vs. Berserker
Lancer vs. Rider
Rider vs. Berserker
Gil vs. Saber
Gil vs. Lancer

and a proper Saber vs. Berserker that isn't just one side pounding on the other endlessly because Saber's completely morally devastated by the fact that her friend wants to kill her, followed by him admitting he doesn't actually want to kill her (thanks for almost doing so anyways Prancelot).

Instead we got jack and shit.


Rider vs Archer, Saber vs Berserker, and Kirei vs Kiritsugu occur at the same time.

Kinda crap but still better than UBW.


Why are they fighting in Batman's lair?

I seriously don't consider Saber vs. Berserker an actual fight. Not only because it got zero screentime, but because it was just Berserker wailing on Saber for eons while she just sat there and took it.

Leave HFkino to me

Having two fights going on in two different burning rooms could have been confusing.


Back to

The only remotely interesting fight we got post banquet was Rider vs. Gil and that was just him leading a suicide charge to his own death.

Every other fight was either interrupted, terrible, or both terrible and interrupted.

"The Grail... belongs to me!"

Saber’s low voice was filled with hatred. The insane obsession caused her once clear jade eyes to fill with a murky yellow-brown.

Saber going Alter at a point that wasn't moments from her own death could have been really fucking cool to see.

Rider VS Gilgamesh was awesome but i won't blame you for not counting that as a "fight". Gil stompped hard.

Gil gonna Gil.

Gil la Gil

Garbage. Accomplishes nothing thematically

I watched fate/stay night two weeks ago and I enjoyed it. Should I pick this up too?

Ambitious, brilliant, heartbreaking and masterfully crafted narrative, complex characters with powerful ideals, visually stunning, gorgeous score.

the original or ubw?

It's the anime version of the typical Hollywood tent pole/blockbuster action movie.

And a real multifocused conflict with characters from all spectrums of morality. I loved the factions in the 4th Grail War. More entertaining and interesting than the collection of fetishes that where the ones on the 5th.

Pretty entertaining, rather stupid, but everything to do with fate that tries to be serious is like that.

Isn't Ryuunosuke and Gilles the definition of a "fetish collection"? FSN had more nuanced factions, like Medea and Kuzuki.

>rather stupid

>Isn't Ryuunosuke and Gilles the definition of a "fetish collection"?
Yes, all the fetishism was concentrated on a single semi-relevant team that was plowed by everyone else. Which allowed the other teams to shine in other aspects. A brilliant move.

FSN vs FZ? Again?

It's good that they were taken out early, but I would have appreciated if they had a little more to them.


Pokemon battle.


Young Kirei reminds me of Seto Kaiba

Too bad the scene wasn't portrayed like that in the anime. It could have been nice to see Saber visually tainted.

S2 was rushed in many ways

Best times. Especially if you wanted adaptation since 2007.Too bad you can't discuss it anymore because of new generation and their subculture wars.
>Zerofags kek hue

I'm not a kid

It starts really good but it gets shitty pretty fast with the caster plot and then the second cour is just bland as fuck.

Shallow characters too so it doesn't make you feel anything either

Honestly shit. Every major fight was boring, every reveal wasn't interesting except for the ending.
Boring almost the entire way is how I felt about it. Which sucks because of how much money was put into this. The problem is that all the fight scenes are so anticlimactic.

Assassin gets defeated at the beginning, but not really, and does nothing the entire story.
Caster is COOOOL but is pretty boring. He gets too big, has to be defeated by Saber in a one shot kill and that's boring.
Rider is interesting but then gets defeated in a one shot earthquake.
Berserker has that one cool scene (the one where he grabs a sword to cut a spear) and gets defeated boringly. Cut to something, then back to Saber blocking, back to another scene, back to Saber still blocking wondering what she did to make him this angry, back to another scene, and back to Saber stabbing Berserker in the back.
That's boring shit.

It really feels like those old anime slides of a person shouting but with a lot more budget to make it flashier. It's not interesting.
I didn't give a fuck about that kid that was with Rider, I didn't care about that iconic talk of kings part. I just didn't care about anything.
Amazing animation and music is not enough to make something great.

The threads were hilarious as fuck though.

I like Fate/Zero magnitudes more than I like any other Butcher franchise, as well as any other Type/Moon anime. Kerry's backstory was kind of shitty but aside from that it was solid.

It was better than UBW

I just remember
>Rider death episode was released in 10-11 june
>Alexander died 10-11 june
>Natalia death episode
>Mother's day
>Kiri in the grail episode
>Father's day

A fine example of a 10/10 series. It hit all the right points and then some. Shitposters can fuck off.

Heaven's Feel > Zero > UBW >= Fate

This. Everyone loves to hail Madoka and Saya no Uta as Butcher's best, but I personally believe that Fate/Zero was his best.

My honest thoughts? I wish that f/z was not related to the fate franchise. I dislike stay night (both anime versions and the VN) but f/z is so different and good that it blew me away. It's kinda sad that such a good show is dragged down by such a mediocre franchise. F/z was a good action show, with good characters, nice battles and even some good ol' philosophy. If it was it's own show, then it would be among my top 5 favorite anime (right now it's among top 15)

Kariya should have gotten more screentime.

One more. The final episode of Fate/Zero aired on National UFO Day, a pun on Ufotable's name.

>good characters, nice battles and even some good ol' philosophy
Stay Night is better in all of these.

I fucking loved it. Maybe I licked it so much because i watched it before stay night but nit only that zero had incredible fights

I like it, but largely because I played the VN beforehand. Something about Urobuchi's writing bothers me, his characters aren't actual characters. They're just pieces used to illustrate a larger point. I also felt the first half was a bit dry with all the monologues. An entertaining show nonetheless, with good production values. And the ending scene is perfect.

Batcave Brawl > Temple Turmoil

>Something about Urobuchi's writing bothers me, his characters aren't actual characters. They're just pieces used to illustrate a larger point.
That's what I like about his writing.

And a better ending.
>good ending

I genuinely liked how they fought in the Bat bunker.

I thought Natalia was truly boner-inducing and there still isn't enough fap material out there nor any doujins of her getting it on with the little Kerry.

The only good series to come out of the Fate franchise.

I want to fuck Gilgamesh.

>Didn't care about the Feast of Kings
>Didn't care about Walker
>Was bored by amazing over the top action
I think you might be dead inside, user. Do you like anything?


Fuck off you cancerous fa/tv/irgin and kill yourself.

Garbage, easily one of the worst Fate spin-offs. But that's to be expected with Urobutcher

Typical Urobuchi non-characters. Nasu should have written this work.

Fuck. Can you dump more zero memes?

But Heaven's Feel is pretty much the truest sequel to Fate/Zero not just in story and characters, but tone and atmosphere. I can understand not liking Fate and UBW as much as Zero, but you gotta love Heaven's Feel if you loved Zero.
Kill yourself.

>I can understand not liking Fate and UBW as much as Zero, but you gotta love Heaven's Feel if you loved Zero.
This. Wasn't Zero even written in mind specifically to match the tone and writing of Heaven's Feel?

Hell it practically ties up the main threads leftover from Zero far more than any of the other routes:
>Shirou rejects his heroic ideal and thereby moving past Kerry's
>Saber's chivalrous streak utterly crumbles and she becomes Saber Alter
>Zouken is dealt with
>Sakura finally addressed and given proper ending with Rin
>Ilya follows the same fate as Iri
>Shirou has his final showdown with Kirei, the former arch-nemesis of his foster dad

Fucking censored shit.

Considering Shirou's whole ideal wasn't much of a thread in Zero, that just leaves Saber's whole deal.
So yeah, pretty much.

CG Lancelot and tentacle monster really brought down the show quite a few pegs. The shitty edgy MC brought down another, Saber interacting with no one but the wife is another punch, and too many side characters were utterly useless, now we are at the bottom.

2/10, I liked the priest and his fight.

Well what I mean is how Kerry's influence and final words served to lead up to Shirou's heroic ideals which was still hinted at in Zero (though only in the barest minimum).

good times

It's bad. None of the characters are interesting.

Beginning was solid and Kayneth fight was great. But after that it just keeps getting worse.


Nope, not even close. I like saber and gil from zero, more than their sn counterparts. The other servants and masters were also better in zero (tho I did like archer from sn, and assassin from zero is the weakest character). Also, tell me where in stay night is the battle where 6 servants meet, and exchange blows and dialogue? In terms of action, f/z is on another level. The first group meeting between servants, giant caster vs archer, saber and rider, while gil and berserker are having a dogfight, kirei vs kiritsugu, kayneth vs kiritsugu, Gil vs rider ect. In the vn.

That's not kikokugai

Hmm, heaven's feel sounds good. I kinda want to read it now. Is there any way to skip ubw? I dropped the vn because i could not go trough ubw again. Also, the fact that this is a sakura route really bothers me. I really dislike sakura, but if the story is good then i think i can ignore her.

this, I think HF is a good story dragged down by a shitty "heroine" which is why I've never progressed past ubw

F/Z Gil is superior to F/SN Gil

Why do you people try always to separate the routes?
HF isn't more of a sequel to Zero than Fate for example, Fate deals with Gil and Saber while HF deals with the Matou stuff and Kirei.

Zero was done to cover everything from the VN in the 4th war.

Saber is more similar to Kerry than Zero makes it out to be, especially with the whole "muh " chivalry thing" which is not consistent with Saber at all.

Saber and Gil, 2 of the main character from Zero, don't get a proper conclusion in HF.

>Also, tell me where in stay night is the battle where 6 servants meet, and exchange blows and dialogue?
No where, and that doesn't happen in Zero either. Unless you count Assassin spying as exchanging blows and dialogue. And the 1st forest skirmish in HF is better than the first encounter in Zero, mainly because in Zero it happens early on amounts to almost nothing. Everyone comes out the same way they went in, except for Saber with a cut.

>except for Saber with a cut.

Always debuffing Saber at the start, fucking boring.

How? Kirei is a sociopath, Kaiba's just a dick.

Pretty good but far too many people only like it or give too much praise beucause of the "maturity".

Nope. Just power through UBW and read Heaven's Feel. You will appreciate HF MUCH more after watching Zero and reading Fate and UBW.

>You will appreciate HF MUCH more after watching Zero

I'm referring to his case in particular you niggerfaggot.

Fate/stay night was better

>Nasu: Usually if I drew a dark hero like Kariya, he'd lose almost everything only to have all his hard work pay off in the end. But of course, Urobuchi-san goes and has characters like Kariya die without any sort of retribution.

He would "appreciate HF MUCH more after watching Zero" as opposed to what? That is his only option, you retard.

Kotomine and Gilgamesh made it worth watching.

Definitely my least favorite Fate/Anything though.

Kaiba is also a sociopath.

I preferred Stay night. Gil and Kirei were the only ones who felt like the real protagonists to me. Kerry was an unlikable MC and his only redeeming points were saving Shirou, and his holy grail of a wife and daughter. Saber was just there to argue with him and that suit is her best outfit. I felt like that characters who appeared in sn were the only important ones and the rest were just there to be killed off or played like a chess piece .

Sure but Kirei doesn't have the douchebag vibe Kaiba does. Kotomine's efficient and no bullshit, Kaiba fucks around a lot