What're some games ruined by SJWs/feminists?

Also, why tf have politics poisoned video games, isn't it kind of a bad idea mixing politics into entertainment? Sort of goes against the whole concept of "bread and circus"

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>Sort of goes against the whole concept of "bread and circus"
Vidya civil war when

It's like a "hockey stick" of the long march through the institutions.
They're programming all these culture warriors in universities but they have already captured all of the important territory so you've got situations where the freak that would like to write about social justice in the NY Times ends up working on a gaming website and he writes about... Social justice.
They've got more "man" power than they need so they're filling every space.

They have manpower but I think a lot of them are incompetent people who have never had to move beyond mediocrity.

Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale

Well that's part of it too. The guy at the two-bit gaming site is never going to make it to the NY Times even if a position opens up.
But some of these places appear to have very low entry requirements and once they get a couple of commies in the commies get their friends in.
Consider that someone actually has to write a quest in an RPG, for instance, that might not be anyone notable in the project but outsourced to a friend of a friend of a dev because it's faster, easier and cheaper.
Check out the youtube channel Diversity and Comics to see how they've infested comics in recent years.
(They were always in comics but old time comics Jews did not openly hate their customers as much.)

Lawbreakers. CliffyB is a dudebro SJW feminist chad appealing to absolutely no one, so "By legendary game designer Cliff Bleszinski!" did the game no favors, and neither did the tranny bathrooms.

all dragon age sequels

all of bioware
deus ex

>What was Gamergate for $200

literally every casual game

Games are ruined by gamers. No one normal wants to play video games because they don't want to be associated with virgin neckbeard mountain dew drinkers. You make me sick

Yes, and the notice in product quality has dropped by a large margin, they pump their heads full of nonsense and the only thing they can create resembles nearly everything else, not one original thought in their heads, I believe it's called Demoralization, just ever increasingly bad garbage that has no cultural or even intellectual value whatsever.

They are called totalitarians because they want total control. That's their nature and it will never change.

>Fat neckbeard fucks storm the streets and put thousands to the sword.
>March across the country to the chant of "Normies get out! Normies get out!"
Fucking glorious.

Roasties in Australia literally got GTA banned in several major stores because of "misogyny" (ignoring that most of the violence in the game is directed at males).

The unique thing about games is that they're mostly a product of creativity - and so women tend to be distant to these aspects, there's no such thing as a game created by women, so most of their influence comes from within major companies or from without. It's almost a universal law that any time a male endeavour becomes successful, like men create a major company - it quickly gets taken by roasties who want free and easy jobs and status. So you're going to have all the major games companies trying to pander to roasties, but there will continue to be enough smaller companies and indie developers to make sure we can just avoid the crap like Tomb Raider.

Imagine that the only thing you had going for you was the fact that you can give birth to men, what a sad existence.

That was probably a publicity thing, though.
>get it banned somewhere no one buys their games.
>everyone floods into remaining stores to get their 2hot4target vidya

>A Change.org petition calling on the retailer to withdraw the game from sale gained more than 44,000 signatures.

>The women behind the petition, named on the site as Nicole, Claire and Kat, said as survivors of sexual violence they felt the game sent a dangerous message.

>"It's a game that encourages players to murder women for entertainment. The incentive is to commit sexual violence against women, then abuse or kill them to proceed or get 'health' points – and now Target are stocking it and promoting it for your Xmas stocking," the petition said.

It's true that people could just end up buying it elsewhere, but this was a real feminist thing and they would ban it entirely if they could get enough women on board.

Everything that has a woman on it.

Tee ball

>What're some games ruined by SJWs/feminists?

Take every game produced in the last decade, divide them into two categories: Playable and Shit.
Those are the games ruined by social justice. Not either category, both, i.e. all games.

Every single game has been corrupted by social justice infiltration and pandering. Every. Single. One.
Sure, there are many that are playable, but NONE are what they could have been without SocJus inference.

dont talk shit about mountain dew faggot

Civilization 6

Just look at the associate producer

The team who got the license to the Baldur's Gate franchise released an "enhanced edition" with fanfic tier quirky girl and tranny character inserts plus gamergate references. And to spit in your face even more, they removed sale of the original editions from GoG.

"Jaheira was a whiny housewife type, that's not realistic!" uhhhh wat????
I still picked her romance for the Harper Pin, that shit was dope

The urge to shit on nerds killing the bread and circus is the biggest irony in the US's fall from grace.

In future centuries, it will be noted that nerd shaming/bashing brought down the American Empire

yes, nerd persecutions got to end.



90% of gaming is garbage now. Bioware and Bethesda used to run the gaming industry now CDPR and Larian run the show.

Best way to fight this shit is not to buy it. It's a shame that series like Mass Effect, Call of Duty, Wolfenstein, etc have been ruined by SJWs.

>Baldur's Gate

You are, I take it, referring to Mizhena. The transexual priestess of Helm. Who doesn't tell you she's transexual unless you specifically ask her about it. And who has no role in the game other than to be your main Temple Store, providing healing and potions.

Yes. Truly, Baldur's Gate has been ruined forever.

Honestly, Mizhena annoys me too, but for completely different reasons - namely, if you've held on to the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity to that point of Siege, you should be able to give or sell it to her for phat l00t and XP.

To be fair, this game was already ruined when EA decided to make a shameless moneygrab on a franchise they sank by the end of the 2nd game.