Nazis only tried to kill white people

Nazis were the ultimate anti-white cucks, and I'll tell you why: they only wanted to kill whites, but loved blacks and asians. Think about it: Nazis tried to exterminate Slavs, Jews, Meds, and anyone with brow hair and eyes in Europe, while they were recruiting chinks and niggers everywhere else. How can you worship a man who tried to exterminate the white races?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Nazis tried to exterminate anyone with brow hair and eyes in Europe


No, they killed all the people in power. There we so many that it ended up being 6gorillion counting the close families.

Everyone in Europe who survived it.

Can you provide a reference for that?

I don't need to.

mfw this is unironically the saddest picture ever when you read into it

Of course, how could I be so clueless? Thanks OP

Traitors get it first.

Yeah, propaganda is real sad. Here they are placing her around her sister's body. She didn't actually see her sister get shot like they say.

He did want to exterminate Slavs. It's why I don't really like Hitler besides his anti-semitism.

>He did want to exterminate Slavs

Still falling for soviet propaganda. There was no plan to exterminate slavs in fact hitler wanted to germanise and integrate the poles which I guess sucks if you like polish culture but it is not extermination

The fact that German soldiers were exterminating Russian civilians in the cities they occupied.

Dunno if those orders came from Hitler himself or just Germans being unruly, but it was a big "wtf r u doing m8"

Something like 10 million Russian civilians were killed when Germans occupied their cities.

>German soldiers were exterminating Russian civilians in the cities they occupied

the biggest redpill is that , because of hitler , we now have all these SJW and can t say anything wrong about kikes . well only cuause he lost obviously .

>exterminate everyone with brown hair and brown eyes

you can't be this retarded please be a shill

>Civilian deaths due to military activity
>Soviet Union: 10 million

>Nazis tried to exterminate Slavs, Jews, Meds

>they only wanted to kill whites

Interesting, so Hitler didn't right about the extermination of Americans because they weren't considered white then? He wrote about the extermination of Slavs and how tens of millions would perish, because hey it's war. Did he right that about the French for example? Oh yeah, he did not.

>Think about it: Nazis tried to exterminate Slavs, Jews, Meds, and anyone with brow hair and eyes in Europe

No one pushes this notion that they did retard except you because you got severely assblasted here >Everyone in Europe who survived it.

Can you give me a couple minutes to give you some people who survived the war who did in fact witness nazi/german brutalities? I can bring the Ukrainian Insurgent Army into the discussion too and how they ambushed and massacred Germans for German crimes against the civilian population in western Ukraine. But you'll probably label it as "anecdotal evidence." Hehe.

Who say's that? What's wrong with that particular propaganda shot? It's no secret the brutes in the Luftwaffe purposefully strafed civilians, yet Germans including the SS cry about the Americans strafing civilians and bombing their cities, why didn't they cry about Europeans who were being killed by the Luftwaffe? Oh wait, because they didn't mind it, it seems. After all Poles were been as subhumans.

So incredibly assblasted.

Still falling for (((their))) propaganda. Germany had Latvians and many other Europeans in their army.

SU killed their own peasants

A Mischling, Hitler's doctor Morrel destroyed the war effort by hooking Hitler on hard drugs and telling him they were "vitamins".

>because of hitler
Not because of the good goys who fought to defeat him on behalf of Jewish masters? Retarded argument, kys.

Why did so many Slavs fight for the Waffen SS?


You understand that there was not a single point in time until the 70's and beyond when the USSR wasn't butchering its own people?

You think those Asiatic savages from the reaches of the USSR who committed such atrocities in East Germany would have any pity for their own supposed "countrymen" in Western Russia? Delusion fucking retard.

8:07 If the Germans were liberators why did they massacre civilians who recently join the partisans to escape execution during reprisal operations? Why did the Germans give the civilians a corridor out of the encirclement of the partisans only TO MACHINE GUN THEM DOWN?

9:00 Why did the Germans kill children and throw them down drinking wells? That's the type of superior european enrichment Slavs needed? What the fuck?

They were killing Russians in Russian cities.

I'm slav diaspora. My dad grew up in Soviet Russia, and so did his dad. The thing about the German army slaughtering Russian civilians in the cities they occupied was true. My grandad was a tank driver for the Red Army.

Not everything is historical revisionist bullshit, some of it is just actual history. Hitler killed more whites than anything else.

>hooking Hitler on hard drugs
Another myth. He couldn't take Pervitin more than a few times due to his diagnosis of progressive heart failure, his heart would have exploded if he took it regularly. Pervitin was an extremely weak early form of amphetamine, as strong as black coffee:
>Pervitin in 3-6mg doses were equipotent but superior to caffiene

>If the Germans were liberators why did they massacre civilians who recently join the partisans
Because partisans kill Germans, and they're illegal. "Partisan" is a word for "terrorist" back then. Here are Belarussian Waffen SS killing Russian partisans.

>thinks Wikipedia is a credible source

>Russian SS were killing Russian Communist partisans in Russian cities.

Believe what you want I suppose. You need to maintain your myth that Hitler was some sort of infallible god.

>Believe what you want
I believe what I can prove, as you've seen. You believe what you want, not what you can prove, as you've shown.

>Hitler killed more whites than anything else.
Hitler considered our people as second class citizens who needed Germanic rulership because he thought we were subhumans.

The foundation of St. Petersburg by Peter the Great was a fatal event in the history of Europe; and St. Petersburg must therefore disappear utterly from the earth's surface. Moscow,
too. Then the Russians will retire into Siberia.

It is not by taking over the miserable Russian hovels that we shall establish ourselves as masters in the East. The German colonies must be organised on an altogether higher plane.

We have never before driven forward into empty spaces. The German people have absorbed both northern and southern Austria, and the original inhabitants are still there; but they were Sorb-Wends, members of basic European stock, with nothing in common with the Slavs.

As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best of them to the shape that suits us, and we will isolate the rest of them in their own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local inhabitant and civilising him, goes straight off into a concentration camp !

Page 617 of HITLER'S TABLE TALK, 1941-1944 His Private Conversations Translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens.

>Wikipedia is the only source for the 10 million figure.
>Wikipedia doesn't cite its own compilation of sources of where the 10 million figure pops up in.

We must take care to prevent a military power from ever again establishing itself on this side of the Urals, for our neighbours to the West would always be allied with our neighbours to
the East. That's how the French once made common cause with the Turks, and now the English are behaving in the same fashion with the Soviets. When I say, on this side of the Urals,
I mean a line running two or three hundred kilometres east of the Urals. It should be possible for us to control this region to the East with two hundred and fifty thousand men plus a cadre Of good administrators. Let's learn from the English, who, with two hundred and fifty thousand men in all, including fifty thousand soldiers, govern four hundred million Indians. This space in Russia must always be dominated by Germans.

Nothing would be a worse mistake on our part than to seek to educate the masses there. It is to our interest that the people should know just enough to recognise the signs on the roads. At present they can't read, and they ought to stay like that.


Hitlers best buddy was Mussolini and his other buddy was Francisco Franco, he actually admired Meds.

In setting up the educational system, the same principles apply to both Eastern territories and any other colonies. We do not want any of this enlightenment nonsense propagated by an advance guard of parsons ! What is the use of talking about progress to people like that? Jodl is quite right when he
says that notices in the Ukrainian language "Beware of the Trains" are superfluous; what on earth does it matter if one or two more locals get run over by the trains?

I am in favour of teaching a little German in the schools simply because this will facilitate our administration. Other- wise every time some German instruction is disobeyed, the local inhabitant will come along with the excuse that he "didn't understand". For the same reason, the Russian script must be replaced by the Latin. The greatest possible mistake we could make would be to take the local population too much under the wing of the State ; and to avoid all danger of our own people becoming too soft-hearted and too humane towards them, we must keep the German colonies strictly separated from the local inhabitants.

Germans will in no circumstances live in a Ukrainian town. If essential, it will be better to put Germans in barracks outside a town than to allow them to live inside it. Otherwise, sooner or later, the process of cleaning up and improving the town will inevitably start; and Russian and Ukrainian towns are not in any circumstances to be improved or made more habitable. It is not our mission to lead the local inhabitants to a higher standard of life; and our ultimate object must be to build towns and villages exclusively for Germans and absolutely separate from Russian or Ukrainian towns. The houses to be constructed for the Germans must in no respect resemble those of the Russians, and lime-plaster and thatched roofs will not be used.


Want me to post a video of a Belarusian war veteran who lived to witnessed a pregnant woman and teenager get killed in what is now Belarus for being in the wrong place at the wrong time during the first months of war? Why should we Slavs let our kin be brutally killed? You expected them to do nothing? So you wanted the Germans do get their living space in part exterminated of Slavs without Slavs fighting back?

>he thought we were subhumans.

>Everything I don't like in history, I consider un-credible and unprovable.
>Everything I like, I consider credible and proven.

Cry harder that he supposedly changed his mind about the Slavs residing in the Soviet Union in "Hitler's Table Talks."

During one of his famous “table talks,” Hitler decreed that “there's only one duty: to Germanize this country [Russia] by the immigration of Germans and to look upon the natives as Redskins.”

The drive to clear the East of inferior populations in preparation for German colonization led to intensive planning for the mass starvation of over 30 million people there. Policy guidelines issued before the invasion of the Soviet Union stated unequivocally that “many tens of millions of people in this territory will become superfluous and will have to die or migrate to Siberia… With regard to this, absolute clarity must reign.” Known as the Generalplan Ost, this set of economic and demographic plans placed the necessity for Lebensraum and the colonization of the East at the center of the invasion.


>Hitler considered our people as second class citizens who needed Germanic rulership because he thought we were subhumans
"Rulership" -- I thought he wanted to "exterminate" you, now you say he wanted to "rule over" you?

Commies aren't the only group with useful idiots.

Every post I've made included a source to prove what I claimed. Not true for your posts. Now you pretend our roles are reversed.

'Lebensraum' is often intentionally exaggerated by those wanting to push the fractal "Hitler planned to exterminate all races" meme. The actual meaning of Lebensraum referred to the security of the German borders, and the need to provide living space so that Germans aren't threatened by outside forces. To claim that "living space" meant solely "to exterminate and re-populate more land than there would have been Germans to inhabit, for several generations after the war" is absurd, and contradicts the policies of "Germanization" that were ACTUALLY PRACTICED by the Germ must own
1. There is absolutely no proof of Generalplan Ost ever existing.
2. Hitler would have been fine with a path through the Polish Corridor. If Poland had agreed to the terms then there would have been no war.
3. Germany did not massively blob into Eastern Europe like wiki suggests, they had very clear borders. The eventual goal was to set up puppet states, not wipe out the populace.
4. If the plan was to exterminate Slavs, then why were there no camps for that purpose? The deaths in Eastern Europe are from starvation and warfare, not extermination.
5. Plenty of Slavs fought alongside Germans in the Russian Liberation Army, SS Galician, and others.

>The foundation of St. Petersburg by Peter the Great was a fatal event in the history of Europe; and St. Petersburg must therefore disappear utterly from the earth's surface.

>Hitler wanted to destroy this.

For all the bullshit in his ideology, the man was probably the most destructive singular force to white identity and to Europe in general.

Did you just unironically cite the United States Holocaust Museum as a source? Because they definitely don't have a stake in this propaganda war right? And again with this meme Generalplan Ost. Of the six versions 'supposedly' recovered only two actually have any documentation behind them and both these two versions of the dubious plan were never confirmed to have even been seen by either Himmler or Hitler let alone approved. but simply marked 'to be seen'. Hence this stupid Generalplan Ost remains a fucking meme.

>germanise the poles
That meaning killing all of them and replacing them with germans

Exterminating a large bunch and letting the rest rot in poverty and perhaps starvation as all the best would go to the German settlers under armed protected.


German troops feeding scraps to soviet prisoners

"If we had won the war against the Soviet Union none of this, not even the crimes would have mattered..."

Why does a German veteran agree that the """crimes""" wouldn’t have mattered? What crimes?

'War of The Century' - in the Ukraine

"""Liberators””” gave Ukrainian children bags of shit instead of some food. Soviets didn’t do that type of thing in Berlin which rightfully was theirs in ‘45. Why? Because we Slavs are more civilized.

6. "Dokument 1880' is a letter from Himmler to Hitler discussing Himmler's "Germaneizerung" (Germanization) Plan for occupied peoples of the East. The objective was to forcibly assimilate them in the shortest amount of time, mostly by importing foreign children to Germany and "Germanizing" them with new German names, and German educations. This was also the basis of the "Lebensborn Kidnapping Trials", so the assertion that Germany meant to "exterminate" slavs contradicts the other myth, that Germany "kidnapped" slavic children to "erase their identities". (See Page 147 of )
Generalplan Ost refuted: (pgs. 236-243) (pgs. 168-192)

Myth of massive Polish death toll:
>Nearly all the wartime documentation on Generalplan Ost was deliberately destroyed shortly before Germany's defeat in May 1945.
>Thus, no copies of the plan have ever been found after the war among the documents in German archives. Apart from Ehlich's testimony, there are several documents which refer to this plan or are supplements to it. Although no copies of the actual document have survived, most of the plan's essential elements have been reconstructed from related memos, abstracts and other ancillary documents.

You posted videos of Latvians joining Nazi ranks, and some Russian groups turning traitor and joining the Nazis.

None of that disproves German soldiers slaughtering Russian civilians in the cities they occupied. You're a retard, mate.

Uh no. If the statement was to Germanize Poland then yes that might imply killing all the Poles or driving them somewhere else. If you say, Germanize the Poles themselves that means turning Poles into Germans which there were actually guidelines and a plan to do for certain Poles.

>'Lebensraum' is often intentionally exaggerated by those wanting to push the fractal "Hitler planned to exterminate all races" meme.

LOL you literally just brought that up AS IF I actually or the other guy were saying such things which we were NOT!

>The actual meaning of Lebensraum referred to the security of the German borders, and the need to provide living space so that Germans aren't threatened by outside forces. To claim that "living space" meant solely "to exterminate and re-populate more land than there would have been Germans to inhabit, for several generations after the war" is absurd, and contradicts the policies of "Germanization" that were ACTUALLY PRACTICED by the Germ

Okay, so then answer this. Why would Belarusians like "Germanization" if the new leadership didn't give a shit that their soldiers massacred approximately 1/3 of the population? You think people are to forgot and live happily thinking then they are inferior and that the superior mighty Germans actually liberated them?

>1. There is absolutely no proof of Generalplan Ost ever existing.

Didn't really search any validity of such documents but in any case actions speak louder than words.

>3. Germany did not massively blob into Eastern Europe like wiki suggests, they had very clear borders. The eventual goal was to set up puppet states, not wipe out the populace.

Okay then read what I wrote.

>You posted videos of Latvians joining Nazi ranks
Latvians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians, and Estonians. I can also show you other ethnicites too, Slavs, Balts, Finns, Croats, Slovaks, Serbs, Bosniaks and maybe 50 other races and ethnicities. So, why did so many Slavs join Hitler -- was it help him exterminate them???

No, they just raped all the women, sent the war heroes to Siberia before the threatened 'Uncle' Joe's' power, went back to starving millions of Ukrainians while committing scorched earth, raping Jews from concentration camps as well as their own nurses, sending millions of their own POW's to Gulags 'because the USSR doesn't have POW's, only traitors' according to Papa Stalin, sending Zhukov to Siberia before the upstarts Great Leader, enslaving Eastern and Central Europe under a communist system and just in general being a shitty terrible place to live. Oh no, you Slavs are certainly more civilized than the Germans.

>4. If the plan was to exterminate Slavs, then why were there no camps for that purpose? The deaths in Eastern Europe are from starvation and warfare, not extermination.

Why were sick Russians killed by gas vans? Why did your beloved bastards killed women and children?

5:01 All sick patients in the hospital were to be eliminated. "When I went into the courtyard I saw a horrifying scene. Near the women’s section there was a large gray truck into which were lead undressed women. At first they didn't understand what was happening. Soon they realized and there arouse a horrific wailing and screaming. Later the sick were continued to be lead into the truck.

5:57 The nazi went through…. then the kids were loaded. Many kids didn’t want to crawl into the scary van. One girl cried and pleaded that she be left.

>5. Plenty of Slavs fought alongside Germans in the Russian Liberation Army, SS Galician, and others.

Explained here.

lol this was you? People should read the whoe thread, where you spammed for 101 posts about "muh slavic genocide". Probably just a JIDF kike shill.

>Germany invaded the Soviet Union with elaborate colonization plans. Thirty million Soviet citizens were to starve, and tens of millions more were to be shot, deported, enslaved, or assimilated.

Honestly, you can just google "Nazis killing Russian civilians" and find endless articles about it.

I myself have first-hand proof as well from my family. My grandad was in the Red Army himself.

For you, it will all be "un-credible sources" or just "part of the mass-conspiracy" because Papa Hitler was an infallible god.

Mate, it doesn't fucking matter. Some slavs going rogue and joining Hitler's ranks doesn't mean they weren't killing defenseless Russian citizens. Like, holy fucking shit, that is retarded thinking.

The SS only allowed slavs and other trash to join because they were starting to lose the war, these inferior subhumans were expendable cannon fodder.

>Mate, it doesn't fucking matter.
It's proof your claim was nonsense, because you're saying Slavs were exterminating slavs for being slavs; if it doesn't matter, then your "Slavic genocide" claims are non-falsifiable, literally mythology-tier.

>We now know that the Hitler regime killed more than the Stalin regime
Fucking bullshit. Instantly dropped. Anyone who can say with a straight face that Hitler killed more people than Stalin is fucking idiot who should never be taken seriously.

slavs didn't know hitler was going to exterminate them, the extermination hadn't even began it was a long term policy

Nazis also made propaganda that the Ukrainian Insurgent Army were communist partisans or something when they fought them and both sides didn't take any prisoners. Watch a documentary made about them to learn more, I'm pretty sure it was mentioned there.

Anyways point is it isn't surprising you're calling me a Jew for speaking the truth.

You told him that because you don't care to find the truth. You're a mental prostitute, in other words an intellectually dishonest Slav hater. Hate us all you want, come and kill us and you'll get killed. You haters with your hatred call all of our grandparents liars because they were alive and witnessed harsh nazi brutalities. Sorry now, eastern europe = for eastern europeans NOT for German Nazism.

>slavs didn't know hitler was going to exterminate them
How could they "not know" since they were the ones supposedly "exterminating Slavs in their villages" for Hitler?

Some Russians finding an opportunity to change sides and join Hitler's ranks doesn't, at all, disprove the claim that Germans were killing unarmed Russian civilians in the Russian territories they occupied.

Anyone with an iota of common sense can apply this.

You should keep reading, because that's not at all what it says. Stalin killed more over his reign, but in comparison to the Red Army killing 1.5 million German civilians, and the Nazi Army killing 10 million Russian civilians, we can see which one was more barbaric.

>The deaths in Eastern Europe are from starvation and warfare, not extermination

During occupation Nazi killed 25-30% of population of Belorussia, they was burn people with entire villages.

In USSR only 4 millions civilians died because of increased hunger or diseases but 7 millions was killed by germans and german supporters. And 2 millions eastern workers died during forced work in Europe.

>Some Russians
Some Russians Ukrainians, Belarussian, Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, etc, etc. "Some", "some traitors", "just a few" -- now your strategy is to try to minimize it. It wasn't minimal.

10 million civilians died during the war. That does not translate to the Germans killing all 10 million. How many civilians in Leningrad died during the siege because the Soviet officials hoarded all the food and supplies for themselves? How many died in the Ukraine and Belarus because the Soviets completely destroyed what little infrastructure there actually was leaving the Germans to fix it all which they tried to do at great cost to their own economy. How many Soviet soldiers died because of the 'Not one step back' order either being killed by their 'own' Jewish political commissars or just being sent wave after wave without guns into German machine gun fire. How many civilians died because Stalin was STILL purging people even up to Stalingrad. The greatest killer of the Russian people has always been their own leaders.

>People cannot learn things after the fact.
>Everything has to be prior knowledge.

>How did you not know that guy was going to stab you as you walked by him?
>I mean, he's stabbing you.
>How could you not know he was going to stab you?

"Nazis only tried to kill white people" LOL funny. Those non germans: Leon Degrelle, Otto Skorzeny and the Ukranian SS have some explaining to do. This 'Generalplan Ost' alleged plan to exterminate slavs is nothing but allied propaganda.

no one is saying there were no nazi war crimes.
We're saying there were no slavic extermination plans.
That's like saying that the russians that killed and raped german civilians were also planning to exterminate germans,

I wish Hitler exterminated russoniggers for being led by Jewish kikes since Lenin. Should've developed and dropped the nuke on Moscow.

Spamming Jewllywood exaggerations of german crimes won't help you.
Whats next? nazis threw baby jews to be chewed by dogs?

>People cannot simultaneously BE EXTERMINATING SLAVS and NOT KNOW THEY ARE EXTERMINATING SLAVS especially while THEY ARE SLAVS "exterminating" their in their own countries
FTFY, stop moving goalposts

Thank you for the links :)

>How many civilians in Leningrad died during the siege because the Soviet officials hoarded all the food and supplies for themselves

Germans blockaded the Leningrad and made city starve. This is the reason why people died not because your imaginary bunch of official stole all the food.

>10 million civilians died during the war. That does not translate to the Germans killing all 10 million. How many civilians in Leningrad died during the siege because the Soviet officials hoarded all the food and supplies for themselves?

Oh really? Explain and give EVIDENCE that you're correct and not just assuming BULLSHIT.


Pop at start. 2,544,00; total deaths 1,500,000

Where would they grow food if the surrounding areas were the front lines? During the winter is when truck conveys would bring help across ice and Luftwaffe being the noble european fighters they are bombed the truck conveys sending help.

None of this disproves Germans killing unarmed Russian citizens.

>The greatest killer of the Russian people has always been their own leaders.

Overall history, yes, this is probably true. But not for WW2.

Also, that's like saying, the greatest killer of American people were always American leaders because of the civil war. That statement probably holds true for many nations that have gone through civil wars and times of civil unrest.

None of this works as proof that Germans weren't killing unarmed Russian citizens. You have to understand this. Just because some ended up joining the ranks of the Nazis isn't proof against the fact. And lol, it is "some." That is the correct word for it.

>I wish Hitler exterminated russoniggers for being led by Jewish kikes since Lenin. Should've developed and dropped the nuke on Moscow.

How would it be any better if we were lead by supposedly "dark" looking Germanics who considered us subhumans? Lol.

even though I never did any such thing lol.

Yes when an invading, occupying force has plans to starve you out and slowly thin your numbers, it takes some reasonable amount of time to realize you are deliberately being killed off.

Stalin killed the bolsheviks.

People today still aren't sure if Hitler was a Rothschild puppet all along.

In WW2, no top elite Jews from Germany (the multi-millionaires) died. They all had an opportunity to leave Germany in time, and they did.

Here's a pastebin including multiple nazi quotes about what they thought about us. Honestly I think the nazis might have had a subconscious inferiority complex in regards to us that fueled a false superiority complex at the top.

you wouldn't starve to death or be shot by commissar (((Ludovich))) for not sharing/being dedicated enough to the great equal Soviet Union.

Face it, communism killed way more ruskies than big bad Adolfie ever did.

Youn think a fascist Russia wouldn't outshine modern post communist Russia ?

I'm sure ex-KGB Putin is putting white slavs first and not banning right wing parties, right? (kek)
I'm sure you can draw Mohamed ri-

Stalin has turned backwards agrarian hellhole into nuclear armed industrial powerhouse controlling everything between Elbe and Manchuria. The Bavarian corporal has destroyed Europe, ruined his nation and discredited his ideology to the point only closeted permavirgin larpers subscribe to it 75 years after the manlet has killed himself.

>Rothschild puppet

Yeah, that's why he jailed a Rothschild and kicked the kike bankers out?
This is leddit meme.
Read pic related to end all of "le hitler was a jewish puppet"

>Face it, communism killed way more ruskies than big bad Adolfie ever did.

Did the "(((bolshevik jews)))" as you people refer to them in mutliple brackets think that they planned on completely exterminating eastern Slavs? The Soviets (Stalin era) only really hated the Ukrainians. Much much more Belarusians died at the hands of the nazis than at the hands of Stalin.

>Youn think a fascist Russia wouldn't outshine modern post communist Russia ?

True. Also fascist nations can clash with each other. Russia should become fascist actually and if ever threatened again level any country be it in the heart of Europe to the ground with hundreds of nuclear warheads. Also nazi Germany was fascist but how come when you read SS/Wehrmacht memoirs some of them refer to themselves as socialists since nazi Germany wasn't a true socialist state?

>I'm sure ex-KGB Putin is putting white slavs first and not banning right wing parties, right? (kek)

There's many idiots, some are prostitutes who would be okay with living as slaves under one dictatorship that removed the previous one, other right wingers can be skinhead cock suckers who are know as "roosters" in Russian prisons. It's good that they face persecution.

They'll never stop lying, that's just what kikes do.

>Nazis only tried to kill white people
[citation needed]

There simply were no chinks or niggers in Germany to kill. American OP retarded as ever thinks every country is like his own.

>Slavs, Jews, Meds

I accurately said that there's some debate about it. I, myself, am not sure. I know all the multi-billionaire Jews got out of Germany in time and it was basically the low-level Jews that were left to fry, but that could be for a myriad reasons, so I won't speculate.

Stalin did kill the bolsheviks, however.

They still managed to ship supplies over from Lake Ladoga when it was frozen. Don't lie. They hoarded those resources and left their own people to starve.

>It's good that they face persecution.
Lmao, if you think Putin is not kiked just becasue he kicked Rothshchild and Soros out, you're in for a big treat.

The 20 million muslims are more precious than white russians, illegal to draw Mohammed in Russia(but itough Russia is killing the sandniggers?!)
No free speech(you'd be jailed if you spout what's on here in public Russia), holocaust denial laws(kek), white nationalist/right wing parties banned for "racial hatred"("b-but Russia doesn't have hate speech laws!") no memorial to communist victims, Holodomor is largely ignored etc
Putin is centre left at best, he's no savior of the white race.

You Putin dicksuckers are cute.

>le National Socialism was (((socialist)))

Those were the strasserism nazi's (left wing nazism that was kiked) and Hitler killed those guys. Nat soc has nothing to do with marxist-regular socialism. It's like i'm talknig to an Ancap here.

And im' not talking about just Stalin, but before and after him. You think Lenin spared any russian that didn't want to be anally sodomized by his communism? (and just so you know, even during Stalin's reign, thee were laws that prohibited anti-semitism. So no, Stalin killing Trotsky doesn't mean he de-kiked Russia, he jsut outlawed Lenin's gay degeneracy, that's it)

Reminder using the "muh poa" doesn't disprove any of the things which I said.


>holocaust denial laws(kek)

It's well documented.

>white nationalist/right wing parties banned for "racial hatred"("b-but Russia doesn't have hate speech laws!")

What would you do? Hope for a 3rd Chechen war or kinda pander to their feelings and have everything be peaceful and have them serve in your army?

>Putin is centre left at best, he's no savior of the white race.

Well we Slavs aren't "white" hence even hypothetically if Putin was a savior of the "white race" he wouldn't be a savior of Slavic peoples.

>>le National Socialism was (((socialist)))

No, you misunderstood. I know it was fascist.

If Putin is indeed working with kike oligarchs in Russia, then it would seem that Putin is working in concert with them rather than being controlled by them, unlike here in America, where the kikes literally control everything and tell our politicians what to do and say, or else.

Until Jews are actually exterminated or kept on a tight leash somehow, it seems like Jewish oligarchs are a reality of life. I still applaud Putin because it seems as though he's not a puppet to them. Best case scenario, it seems like he's molded his Jewish oligarchs into the shape he prefers rather than the other way around, otherwise Russia would be pro-LGBT and pro-immigration just like modern day kikemerica and the Euro-kike Union.

This is either slavic delusion or just australian shitposting.

Putin isn't the saviour of the slavic race. You have russians getting jailed for defending themselves against russian muslims. And again, hate speech laws (but not if minorities hate russian slavs)

Not gonna bother with the kikeocaust(well documented my ass) but sure as hell there are more memorials dedicated to jews than slavs.
You even have Lenin as a mummy in his own mausoleum. lmao spending money on that kike.

This is some good shitposting, but if you're serious, then why are you living in America, but not in the "glorious" Russia ?

>anyone with brow hair and eyes in Europe

Most of ethnic Russians have light hair and blue eyes, yet nazis wanted to eradicate our nation completely for no reason.

>ukraine occupation
>Russian civilians

Ukrainian nazi collaborators aren't "russian civilians".

There were no "Russian Waffen SS".

These are by far the weakest arguments I have came across when regarding debating against NS. I thought you ashkeNAZIs are supposed to be high iq?