Can we get a redpill thread going? I need to build up my collection

Can we get a redpill thread going? I need to build up my collection

Other urls found in this thread:–Piven_strategy


worth the read


well thats a bunch a fuckin racist bullshit lmao








>never seen a black anorexic


Nigga do you not know where you are?


Life is a balance between two polarities - order and chaos, male and female, Yin and Yang. Our current political system in the US is constructed to overfeed the population on one element or the other. The left can be easily manipulated through emotion and blind idealism, they have far too much Yin. The right can be easily manipulated through aggressive hatred and fear of the other, they have far too much Yang. The truth lies in being able to integrate both sides. You don't have to be a Nazi or fascist to recognize that Zionism is a problem, or that not all tradition and authority should be viewed with contempt. You don't have to be a commie or a SJW to recognize that our current economic system fucks over the many in favor of the corrupt few, or that people should be allowed to be judged on individual merit rather than the demographic trends of their entire race.

You can be anti-Zionist and still recognize the wisdom and benefits of noncorrupted Judaism. You can be "red-pilled" and understand the dynamics between the sexes without holding contempt for all women and refusing to recognize their merits, both as a group and as individuals.

Back to Yin and Yang, both the eternal Jew and the eternal woman represent the chaotic Yin element. They are subversive and chaotic in their very nature, and if this chaos element becomes too powerful and unchallenged, you get shit like Zionism and modern feminism. But not everything subversive is bad, sometimes it is the necessary element that opens up space for continuing dialogue and evolution. Likewise, there is plenty of room to respect our heritage and reward self-reliance without overdosing on Yang and devolving into a hateful fascist tyranny that chokes out all compassion and human decency that makes a humane society, or stifles the dynamic chaos that makes life exciting and worth living.

TL;DR - the red pills you find on Sup Forums can be good medicine, but make sure you don't overdose


The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth, and is resisted by the worldly powers of organized religion and the state. Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ. Though of course they can never succeed - to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.

Christ shows us that self-giving sacrificial love is the true power in the universe, not the top-down tyrannical brute strength of Caesar. Christ's earliest followers proclaimed "Jesus is Lord!", rather than "Caesar is Lord!" which regions conquered by the empire were required to say. The implied subversive question - who is making a better Kingdom? Caesar who puts people on crosses, or Christ who bears the cross in love for all? Caesar who dominates and kills all who oppose with brute strength, or God who raised Christ from the dead?

Why is self-giving sacrifice the ultimate power? Picture water. In some senses, the most submissive substance imaginable. It will flow through your fingers, fit any container you put it in. Yet nothing can compete with it for domination of the planet - it covers 70% of Earth's surface. It uses its power not to dominate like a tyrant, but to quietly nourish each and every thing that lives. This is built into Creation as a prefiguration of Christ. The blood of Christ is spiritual water, and those who drink of it will never thirst again.

The last movie he made was about escaping a Gulag, and Hollywood just happened to release a nothing instant comedy with near-exactly the same title at the same time.






proof is in the pudding, no?

>lol, that's too much thinking for my brain to handle
really makes you do brain worky stuff


All women are big babies and should stay in diapers for their entire lives.








Islam is the true religion.


>writes a long-winded racist dissertation because some black guy broke a promise


Not a pic, but something everyone of European descent should watch.

Master and Commander: European greatness and spirit worldwide. Fighting each other with everything you got but keeping your honor.
Gallipoli: pointless European war

The ultimate red pill: Conservatives are right about everything, but they're too big of pussies to do anything about it. Even when they're the ones in power.
John McCain, please die of brain cancer.

Wow. That's some miraculous shit right there.

dumb sand nigger. The mathematicians you are thinking of were not Islamic.

that's pretty entry level.

just because you can forcibly steal the holy land doesnt mean your religion is true.

in africa, black people literally fuck babies because they believe it will cure them of AIDs. this has the effect of infecting more babies with AIDs
slavery was legal in parts of africa until 2007
over 1 million white christian slaves were held in africa during the same time as the atlantic slave trade
slavery has a rich tradition in africa, dating back far before whites or colonists ever arived on their shores. it only ever ended there (officially) because of white western pressure. it continues to be a serious (unofficial) problem there to this day. often practiced out in the open, and in larger numbers than anywhere else in the world.
Slavery was rampant among native Americans. Small white children of settlers were routinely kidnapped and forced into lives of slavery. Often feet were cut off of the native’s slaves in order to prevent them from escaping
The Cloward Piven Strategy is plan developed in the 60s to bankrupt the united states through entitlement programs, intentionally plunging it into civil war and social unrest, for the sake of abolishing the nation, restructuring it, and rebranding it without your constitution or your bill of rights
Hillary Clinton is secretly a communist. She wrote her senior thesis on Saul Alinsky, the noted far-left wing radical and author of the infamous left-wing bible “Rules For Radicals”. She interviewed him for the thesis and he found her views to be so compatible with his own that he actually offered her a job. The thesis was buried by the political establishment for many years.



its fake. Just like all Abrahamic religious propaganda.

This ones good against Commies.

pick your poison

except the middle east had mathematicians before it had Muslims. How would you write a book if you wanted it to be convincing as hell?

Shills hate this one. This is probably one of the best explanations for why africa is so fucking backwards.

Lil wayne is red pilled as heck, watch a few interviews

per capita, blacks commit vastly disproportionate numbers of hate crimes, including hate crimes against whites, despite vast underreporting of hate crimes perpetrated BY blacks AGAINST other groups

this is a redpill
also pic relateD

donald trump would be the best sex you've ever had

The chromosomes thing was pretty neat. I wonder if they had that in mind when they were concocting this retarded book in 600AD.
Mohammad confirmed for autistic/rain man.


the MSM is in collusion with the DNC and tooks its marching orders from hillary clinton during the 2016 election, despite the fact that she is on television all of the time now saying that "the media did not help her" during the campaign.

note: Jeff Zucker is the CEO of CNN. why would he even be invited to a meeting with which the purpose is for hillary clinton to tell them how to run their news coverage??

thread theme


john podesta, hillary clinton and the entire DNC is engaged in organized pedophilia and the media has been covering it up for them.

no he's not nigger. He's a controlled kike pedo. Go fuck your hand idiot.


note: this is also from the podesta wikileaks email dumps from october 2016


The red pill always leads to the black pill. The black pill sucks more. You have been warned....

still more from wikileaks. the DNC had chief justice antonin scalia assassinated. there simply is no other definition of meaning of the term "wet works" other than "political assassination". props to milo yiannopoulos for being the only person in the entire media to ever report on this one.

Source please? (Or larger reupload)

Quite a good post have a (you)

This is fake right?

Since this is the official red pill thread of the night,
I thought I'd update this Jew Picture!

i know that's not fake bro because i read that article when it first came out. quite a long time ago now, a few years, if im not mistaken, but it was most certainly real.

honestly plus the MSM is publishing shit like this all of the time. why would this even be surprising or make you think it's "fake"? why "make up" an article like this when there are hundreds upon hundreds of real ones being published all of the time that you could choose from :(

Sorry, im super tired,whats different?

No, but if you try to find it now it's been removed. I believe it can still be accessed through the way back machine.

Just like they like it,
where you don't see them!

i leave this here


Do you have these any bigger anywhere?

Someone needs to be properly enriched. And I don't mean a university club for minorities, I mean a literal trip to the ghetto.



I have 300 pictures in my redpill folder. Should i post them all?








Cute, you put the snarling kike in the background of the NYT. I love you user, no homo.




